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IRC Chat with Kevin Murphy and Mary Jo Pehl
July 17, 1997
<Moderator> Welcome everybody.
<Moderator> You are now in the MST3K moderated auditorium
<Moderator> Some of you may notice that you can no longer speak.
<Moderator> That is natural.
<Moderator> Once Kevin and Mary Jo enter the room, I will post questions from all of you. They will
<Moderator> To ask a question, type "/msg Moderator" followed by your question.
<Moderator> We will begin momentarily. Really.
<Moderator> Mary Jo, can you hear me?
<MaryJo> Yes, thanks.
<Moderator> Et tu, Kevin?
<KevinMurphy> I read you
<Moderator> Ok, Good.
<KevinMurphy> veritas qualitatum
<Moderator> We're ready to begin.
<Moderator> Any opening statements?
<KevinMurphy> Let 'em at me, the scurvy brood
<KevinMurphy> a special welcome to my pal Eli
<Moderator> OK, to ask a question, type "/msg Moderator" folllowed by your question.
<MaryJo> From me? Um, yes. Be sure to internalize your kundalini
<KevinMurphy> Mary Jo is on glue.
<Moderator> <Erhardt> to <Moderator>: Good evening, Kevin and Mary Jo. Do you have any
new epsiode titles to announce this evening?
<KevinMurphy> Prince of Space, hear about that yet?
<MaryJo> Horror of Party Beach
<KevinMurphy> Last Tango in Paris.
<KevinMurphy> hee hee
<MaryJo> And Rgaing Bull
<Moderator> <Tanatoes> to <Moderator>: How tightly scripted are the host segs? Example:
Servo's "Pankakes!" at the end of the waffle song or Tom's head in the bodyguards sketch in Zombie Nightmare?
<KevinMurphy> That's Aging bull
<MaryJo> Das Boot - we'll be doing it in German
<KevinMurphy> We script tightly enough, but smart ass cracks always get in there.
<MaryJo> Somewhat - usually during shoot days the actors improvise
<Moderator> <SuperChico> to <Moderator>: Mary Jo: What do you think of Pearl's expanded
role on the show? Have you had much input on how she's been acting?
<KevinMurphy> MJ rules the set.
<MaryJo> No. Not a word of input - I come in on my days off from temping and there's the script.
<KevinMurphy> with an iron fist
<MaryJo> Actually, the writers as a team have really had fun writing for all the characters.
<Moderator> <Q> to <Moderator>: Kevin: what do you see when you take a cold, hard look
into the soul of an ape?
<MaryJo> Nothing
<KevinMurphy> A lot of mush
<KevinMurphy> a lot of love
<MaryJo> Used bananas
<KevinMurphy> an urge to scratch one's butt
<Moderator> <MrMSTy> to <Moderator>: How many people can fit in the Widowmaker?? I have
a feeling there's gonna be more people, am I right??
<KevinMurphy> 453.
<MaryJo> An urge to scratch everyone's butt.
<KevinMurphy> Lew Alcindor.
<MaryJo> Mebbe... mebbe not. We don't even know!!!
<KevinMurphy> The Beatles.
<Moderator> <servo> to <Moderator>: please ask when the action figures will be out and
will the bobo have a red butt
<KevinMurphy> Bobo will have a red butt with kung fu grip.
<MaryJo> Pearl is not an action figure - she is a reclining and reading magazines figure
<Moderator> <Ummagumma> to <Moderator>: who is better Pink Floyd or the Beatles?
<KevinMurphy> sleeping figure.
<MaryJo> THE BEATLES - puhleeeeeeeze!
<KevinMurphy> Little Feat.
<KevinMurphy> The Mothers.
<KevinMurphy> Ornette COleman
<MaryJo> I don't really care for the Pink Floyds that all the kids are listening to.
<Moderator> <invincor> to <Moderator>: There's a Minnesota Film Festival thing going on
at the Mall of America this weekend. Is MST3K represented?
<KevinMurphy> Wesley willis
<KevinMurphy> Pancakes.
<KevinMurphy> Yes it will be there.
<MaryJo> I think I heard there was going to be a snip of it - I could be mental
<KevinMurphy> Right after the Bicycole Theif
<KevinMurphy> sp
<Moderator> <Pneumat> to <Moderator>: I tried to make the Tom Servo cooking tip on the
web, I got violently sick after trying it. Is that normal?
<MaryJo> Yes.
<KevinMurphy> Don't eat the bone marrow.
<KevinMurphy> Drink the Pernod
<MaryJo> Take Lactaid in the future
<KevinMurphy> just for fun
<Moderator> <MrMSTy> to <Moderator>: I want more planets blowing up. Will we see anymore
this year??
<KevinMurphy> Well the world ends at the millenium, hell that should hold ya.
<MaryJo> We really haven't thought that far into the future yet - we'll be lucky if we get in more
<KevinMurphy> TheBeatles.
<Moderator> <HarleyQuinn> to <Moderator>: Have you heard lately from Joel or Trace? What
are they up to?
<KevinMurphy> Saw Joel earlier this year. He says hi.
<KevinMurphy> Trace is tanning.
<MaryJo> Trace was in Mpls this past weekend and we talked - he's been auditioning, talking to people
about projects, that LA sort of thing
<Moderator> <MrDuffy> to <Moderator>: Will there be a turkey day this year?
<KevinMurphy> Yes, but not for MST.
<KevinMurphy> sorry
<MaryJo> Yes, at my house, I can seat 4 people at my table
<MaryJo> Bring a dish to pass
<KevinMurphy> we do have a new season coming
<KevinMurphy> isn't that enough?
<KevinMurphy> what do we have to do?!?
<KevinMurphy> Whaaaaa!!!
<KevinMurphy> snif. sorry
<MaryJo> THere there Kevin
<KevinMurphy> The Beatles.
<Moderator> I've heard that an SFC Turkey Day marathon is coming...
<Moderator> <reddevil1> to <Moderator>: I remember reading that you guys went through
some pretty tough years before you got a fan base. Were there ever any times when you close to giving up?
<KevinMurphy> Goody!
<MaryJo> From who? What? Why? Who are you? How do you know?
<KevinMurphy> Yes, when Mary Jo was hired.
<KevinMurphy> wink
<KevinMurphy> wink
<KevinMurphy> tee hee
<MaryJo> Hardee har har that's so funny I fergot to laugh
<KevinMurphy> zing
<Moderator> <Truffles> to <Moderator>: Any possibility of doing a MST3K review of some
cheesy TV shows (for example The Six Million Dollar Man or the Incredible Hulk)?
<KevinMurphy> We'd love to do the Hulk. or a $6,000,000 man movie.
<MaryJo> We did look at some Incredible Hulk TV movies but the Sci-Fi channel stills shows them in
their normal state so we couldn't get the rights!
<Moderator> <SolarWind> to <Moderator>: Servo, Lawgiver----what all will be covered in
"The Making of MST3K"?
<MaryJo> ME
<MaryJo> My makeup tips.
<KevinMurphy> our sexual preferences
<KevinMurphy> and a lot of little details
<MaryJo> Our wacky hijinks
<KevinMurphy> we shot some of it ourselves
<KevinMurphy> on 8mm video
<MaryJo> Paul and I fighting - him begging me to wrestle
<Moderator> <Servo3000> to <Moderator>: You haven't done any shorts this season, will
you be doing them in the future?
<KevinMurphy> I am wearing mine.
<KevinMurphy> ha.
<KevinMurphy> ha
<KevinMurphy> ha
<KevinMurphy> Um, no plans yet, sorry.
<Moderator> <Aerol> to <Moderator>: is it difficult getting rights to movies?
<KevinMurphy> Yes, it is, but we have a hero at Sci Fi!
<MaryJo> It always seems the most hard for the ones we want the most.
<KevinMurphy> His name is Tom.
<KevinMurphy> He is a champ and a movie monster
<MaryJo> We have been getting a lot of great screeners from Sci Fi channel - bless 'em
<Moderator> <JaneMolly> to <Moderator>: Are there any deep secrets buried in either of
your pasts?
<KevinMurphy> I am a Basset Hound.
<KevinMurphy> A gay Basset Hound.
<MaryJo> I won a twist contest once. Once I put a bad word in a memo I had to type when I was a secretary.
Got fired.
<KevinMurphy> imaine how hard that is.
<KevinMurphy> sp
<Moderator> <Shellback> to <Moderator>: Kevin, just how uncomfortable is the Bobo costume??
<KevinMurphy> V-E-R-Y.
<MaryJo> Well, its very uncomfortable for the rest of us on the set
<KevinMurphy> lots of snot and drool collect..
<KevinMurphy> mingle with the sweat...
<KevinMurphy> and head for my mouth.
<Moderator> <reddevil1> to <Moderator>: How do you fit into that tiny puppet? Seems like
a tight squeeze...
<KevinMurphy> ycch.
<MaryJo> He smells like a monkey too
<MaryJo> Try taking direction from a monkey
<KevinMurphy> Funny, stick to moderating.
<MaryJo> Har dee har har
<Moderator> <Leminkainen> to <Moderator>: Did either of you pick up on hidden communist
propaganda in Jack Frost? (ex: False Cripple = the greedy ones that mooch off everyone else)
<KevinMurphy> And the girl is the western Infidel.
<Moderator> <link> to <Moderator>: Can we get Mike and Bridget in a love scene?
<MaryJo> Sure. I also thought the ugly daughter equals selfish and unappealing was funny. Attractive
equals good.
<MaryJo> We already have many times at work. Its really upsetting.
<MaryJo> Kevin is reconnecting please stand by
<Moderator> <Yog-Sothoth> to <Moderator>: What is the worst movie you ever saw?
<Moderator> Mary Jo, care to take some questions on alone?
<MaryJo> That's gonna take a minute... um, I hate Q&A, I hate the Cook the Theif, etc.
<MaryJo> Yes, but I'm scared
<Moderator> <JohnnyLongtorso> to <Moderator>: Everyone asks you about the worst movies.
What's the best movie you've done?
<MaryJo> My favorites have been two of the Coleman Francis trilogy and Manos and I really liked another
one who's name escapes me. They all run together after a while
<MaryJo> Kevin is coming - hang on
<Moderator> <Pacosport> to <Moderator>: Do you ever get tired of making fun of movies?
<MaryJo> The process itself can be tiring. Some movies just sit on your head and smother you. But
the actual job? No.
<Moderator> Remember, to ask a question, type "/msg Moderator" followed by your question.
<MaryJo> I mean really, what's to hate?
<Moderator> <Q> to <Moderator>: Any chance you guys could drag Barb Tebbins, Jim Mallon
or Beez McKeever in front of the camera more often?
<Moderator> ...don't forget Paul Chaplin either...
<MaryJo> We did write a sketch with Barb and our accountant guy Tim, but that was our backup sketch
in case the first didn't work. The first worked though.
<Moderator> <Ronin> to <Moderator>: what happened to +kevinmurphy, is he an AOL customer?
<MaryJo> It wasn't me, says he, across the desk, trying desperately to reconnect.
<Moderator> Send him our best...
<Moderator> <HarleyQuinn> to <Moderator>: I recently moved to an area that doesn't have
Sci-Fi and I can't afford satellite yet..what do I do for MST3K withdrawals?
<MaryJo> He'll be back. He's working feverishly
<Moderator> <zymosan> to <Moderator>: Are there MST Support Groups?
<MaryJo> I've heard of some, but they involve invoking the words 'feelings' 'issues' and 'processing'
<Moderator> <BotMakr> to <Moderator>: MJ- any pets at home? (and any that can take on
Kev's dog?)
<MaryJo> I have wanted a dog for years, as everyone here at Best Brains will tell you - however, I
live in an apartment and I'm rarely home so I don't think it would be fair to bring a dog into the world at this
<Moderator> <Chopper> to <Moderator>: What is Mike's deal with the whole Adam Duritz hatred
<shred> I've got Kevin on the phone.
<MaryJo> He hates Adam Duritz, thinks he's a poseur. Mike doesn't like Hanson either so consider the
<shred> I'm typing for Kevin unitl he gets back...
<shred> Kevin: Well, doesn't everybody deal with that?
<shred> Kevin: Plus, he hates hair extensions.
<Moderator> <mactyler> to <Moderator>: what are Servo and Pearl's political persuasions?
<shred> Kevin: Servo is a member of the Green Party, but he's thinking of converting to Judaism.
<MaryJo> Pearl is a radical leftist militant Republican Libertarian feminist
<Moderator> <Dimon> to <Moderator>: Hi! Greets from sunny Russia.Um..Jack Frost just called
on his cellular and asked if you were planning on riffing some more russian (finnish) movies in Season 9?
<shred> Kevin: And a great dancer.
<shred> Kevin: We would love to, but I think we've done them all.
<MaryJo> We're hoping - those are always really fun to do - they are so queer!
<Moderator> <DStalker> to <Moderator>: Who would win, Torgo or Ortega? Oh, any chance
of Torgo popping up?
<MaryJo> Torgo. Its possible.
<shred> Kevin: Ortega will CRAWL you, but Torgo has the KNEES!
<Moderator> <Hovergirl> to <Moderator>: Have you ever thought of moving the show out of
Minnesota to a warmer clime?
<shred> Kevin is on his way to try another PC...
<MaryJo> No. We like it here. We hate the winters, sure, but its our duty as Minnesotans. We really
would hate to be a part of the show biz scene in LA.
<MaryJo> I would consider Jamaica, however
<Moderator> <plauge1> to <Moderator>: try one of mike pcs
<Moderator> <Wonko> to <Moderator>: 5 Do you guys have any deep rooted agressions against
Comedy Central?
<MaryJo> No, we'ver worked them out in therapy. We used those fake padded bats and pretended a pillow
was Comedy Central. No, wait, we pretended Paul was Comedy Central.
<KevinMurphy> let me back in, folks.
<MaryJo> HI!!!!
<KevinMurphy> how do
<Moderator> <reddevil1> to <Moderator>: What did you guys do before you watched bad movies
for a living?
<KevinMurphy> read bad books.
<Moderator> You're back, Kevin, no problem.
<MaryJo> I was a temp - Employee of the Month, March 1990 and I got fired from 7-10 jobs.
<Moderator> <pbsmith> to <Moderator>: I have a theory that Servo represents the young,
brash Kevin Murphy and Bobo represents a cranky, middle-aged Kevin Murphy. Your thoughts?
<KevinMurphy> i'm getting flooded
<MaryJo> I wish I had air conditioning
<Moderator> Sorry Kevin, better now?
<KevinMurphy> I think I represent a feline, French Kevin Murphy, and Bobo represents a nunnish Kevin
<KevinMurphy> yes sean.
<KevinMurphy> thanks,
<Moderator> <Crow14> to <Moderator>: Kevin, how was the whole MST3K concept made up??
<KevinMurphy> In one of Joel's brain lobes.
<KevinMurphy> it blew up..
<KevinMurphy> and out came MST
<KevinMurphy> ta daaa!
<Moderator> <Strat14> to <Moderator>: Will there be more than 5 videos released of the
old MST episodes?
<KevinMurphy> <g>
<KevinMurphy> Maybe, if we can clear them.
<KevinMurphy> and if you're nice.
<KevinMurphy> <g>
<Moderator> <Shellback> to <Moderator>: How do you and Jim differ in your directing styles?
<KevinMurphy> I try to direct like me, and he doesn't.
<MaryJo> Kevin is usually an ape when he directs. Jim has the courtesy to be human
<KevinMurphy> I am more confused, but hide it better.
<KevinMurphy> and I yell like a drunk.
<Moderator> <SuperChico> to <Moderator>: Kevin, a friend of mine almost literally worships
Tom Servo. Do you see anything wrong with that?
<KevinMurphy> PEHL! get your ass in gear!" like that.
<MaryJo> Kevin's rarely on the set when he directs so its usually a more laid back atmosphere
<MaryJo> I do, if that counts for anything.
<KevinMurphy> Worship Tom Servo, but do it at the church of your choise.
<Moderator> <invincor> to <Moderator>: Kevin, I see you've lost the "Associate"
title off your Producer role recently. Have you enjoyed this promotion, or is it just a placebo like when Sam gave
Woody a title on Cheers?
<KevinMurphy> "c"
<Moderator> <MrMSTy> to <Moderator>: Mary Jo and Kevin: Do you think the Moderator is
<KevinMurphy> I gave me a surge of power and glory, but actually it turned out to be gas.
<KevinMurphy> I am better now.
<MaryJo> I don't know - everything seems biased to me.
<KevinMurphy> The Moderator, or "putz" is very biased, and cranky.
<KevinMurphy> Kidding.
<KevinMurphy> putz.
<KevinMurphy> kidding again.
<Moderator> <Q> to <Moderator>: How did you guys talk Mike Nelson into taking his shirt
off for that Xuxa sketch? *shudder*
<MaryJo> Wait, he works for Sci fi right? NO, HE IS NOT BIASED
<KevinMurphy> We never have to talk mike into nudity of any kind.
<MaryJo> No talking him into it - he volunteer... all too quickly
<KevinMurphy> Mike is generally nude.
<MaryJo> Its casual day every day for him
<KevinMurphy> we have to talk him into putting clothes on.
<Moderator> <reddevil1> to <Moderator>: Have you guys ever said something in the heat
of the moment on the show you later had to edit out?
<MaryJo> Yes. I think we said 'pants' once - oh, and 'car'
<KevinMurphy> Bill said about Jim stafford, "f**ling Cracker."
<KevinMurphy> That's "f**king cracker."
<Moderator> <dylord> to <Moderator>: MaryJo: Are those picts of you posted in alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.puppets
for =REAL=??
<KevinMurphy> I thought Picts were from Scotland.
<MaryJo> Hey, hey hey hey! Um, if I look like Courteney Cox, yes, that's me
<KevinMurphy> "picts," get it?
<KevinMurphy> hmm?
<Moderator> <Pneumat> to <Moderator>: I have voices in my head. One of them sounds like
Mary. Is it really you?
<KevinMurphy> ...see, you wrote "picts"...
<KevinMurphy> What do you think, Mar?
<MaryJo> MARY!!!!!! It's Mary Joseph, mister!
<KevinMurphy> Does the other voice sound like Jo?
<MaryJo> Then that's me!
<KevinMurphy> in stereo
<Moderator> <DarkHelmet> to <Moderator>: how many more seasons are you going for
<MaryJo> 87
<KevinMurphy> Bridget wants us to hit ten
<Moderator> <invincor> to <Moderator>: why did you wait until 12 episodes into the season
to make the show in stereo?
<KevinMurphy> Because my Sansui was at the shop.
<MaryJo> We finally got a decent record player from Wards
<Moderator> <jcp9j> to <Moderator>: What is Professor Bobo's degree in?
<KevinMurphy> Ph.D: Pile it higher and deeper.
<KevinMurphy> ha
<KevinMurphy> ha
<KevinMurphy> ha
<KevinMurphy> ha
<KevinMurphy> ooohhhh....
<Moderator> <Q> to <Moderator>: Why haven't any of the female writers directed an episode
<KevinMurphy> Mike is.
<MaryJo> Good question - Kevin?!?!?!?
<KevinMurphy> We'll see about this
<KevinMurphy> I'll ask the producer.
<KevinMurphy> I ask me, and turned me down.
<MaryJo> Actually, we're too delicate and fragile. We get easily overwhelmed and are usually shopping
or talking about boys.\
<KevinMurphy> I yelled at me.
<KevinMurphy> I just fired myself.
<Moderator> <Hegal> to <Moderator>: Has the fan population, mail, and so on increased
since you joined Scifi?
<MaryJo> I think so, yes. We're getting upwards of three letters a week now
<KevinMurphy> Oh heck yes! The web site brings in scads of new members
<KevinMurphy> And that web site address, moderator?
<Moderator> good old : http://www.scifi.com/mst3000/
<Moderator> also try www.mst3k.com
<KevinMurphy> suburbs call collect.
<Moderator> and have a whack at www.mst3000.com
<KevinMurphy> and try basic nudes.
<Moderator> <DStalker> to <Moderator>: Any chance of you reading mail on the show again?
<KevinMurphy> we might, but we've had too many good sketch ideas.
<KevinMurphy> we used to do that when we ranout.
<MaryJo> We kind of let that slip, didn't we? We had so much to cover with the beginning of this season
that we let it go and no-one really misses it
<Moderator> <Yog-Sothoth> to <Moderator>: Any chance that the Nanites could appear more
frequently in the future?
<MaryJo> We try to use them sparingly.
<KevinMurphy> The answer is yes.
<KevinMurphy> i mean no.
<MaryJo> Okay, yes
<MaryJo> Sorry no
<KevinMurphy> Okay yes,
<KevinMurphy> um, no.
<Moderator> <DuncunIdaho> to <Moderator>: Will magic voice be making anymore apearances
on the show?
<KevinMurphy> MAYBE
<MaryJo> I mean of course
<MaryJo> Sure
<Moderator> <agentj> to <Moderator>: Kevin and Mary Jo: Have you been noticing a lot of
these questions are coming from the same people? Do you think some other people should be giving it a try?
<KevinMurphy> Magic voice will be around.
<MaryJo> Yes, although there is a new magic voice
<MaryJo> Sorry, I haven't noticed, its all I can do to keep my typewriter on line
<KevinMurphy> agent j, go get em!
<Moderator> <SolarWind> to <Moderator>: Do you guys ever make fun of movies at the theatre,
even to yourself?
<KevinMurphy> I made fun of Batman to myself, inside me. It hurt too much.
<MaryJo> Yes, unfortunately. Sometimes a movie makes me so mad or irritated I can't even go along
for the ride.
<KevinMurphy> I screamed at the end of Billy Madison.
<MaryJo> I wept after Batman and Robin
<Moderator> <Hovergirl> to <Moderator>: Could you bring back the button? Push the button
<MaryJo> Sure, just for you
<KevinMurphy> How 'bout "push the butt, Bobo." HA!
<KevinMurphy> sorry.
<MaryJo> I don't know who'd do the honors not me
<Moderator> <BuckFifty> to <Moderator>: Any chance we'll see some more Rubbersuit monster
movies like Gamera?
<MaryJo> PLEASE NO!!!!!! These movies make me die a little
<KevinMurphy> Well, small ones.
<KevinMurphy> in the Horror at Party Beach.
<KevinMurphy> We have Prince of SPace, just as bad.
<Moderator> <EvilErnie> to <Moderator>: In the future do you plan on changing the current
characters and are you planning on adding new characters?
<KevinMurphy> We will Kill MJ as soon as possible.
<KevinMurphy> but we'll keep pearl stuffed in the corner.
<MaryJo> Then I will come back as Kathryn Harrold
<KevinMurphy> whooo!
<Moderator> <MST3kCommander> to <Moderator>: Will Mike ever blow up another planet?
<KevinMurphy> You first.
<MaryJo> How many planets do you want blown up? You are insatiable!
<Moderator> <MrFizz> to <Moderator>: I represent the Spider Council Of America (SCOA),
and I would like to commend you for having the courage to mock 'The Giant Spider Invasion'. If you'll give me your
adress, I'll send you a reward of assorted spiders in
a box.
<MaryJo> Here's Kevin's address - 12784 Pine Ridge Road, Eden Pines, MN
<KevinMurphy> Give me you address, and I'll send you some monkey scat in return.
<KevinMurphy> zip is 55555
<Moderator> <Bullseye> to <Moderator>: Will we ever see Bobo, Brain Guy, or Mrs. F in
the theater?
<KevinMurphy> 5
<KevinMurphy> Yes.
<KevinMurphy> there.
<MaryJo> Ahhh, funny you should ask... stay tuned
<KevinMurphy> satisfied?
<Moderator> <slartibartfast> to <Moderator>: What kind of books do you guys read?
<KevinMurphy> paperbacks and hard covers.
<KevinMurphy> you?
<MaryJo> I've lately been reading books about documentaries and a book of poems by Rainer Maria Rilke
and the Screwtape Letters.
<KevinMurphy> I'm reading an obscure fFinnish cookbook now.
<MaryJo> Oh, and THe RUles
<KevinMurphy> whooo!
<Moderator> <TDecius> to <Moderator>: Is Servo planning any solo ventures for the future?
TV commercials, books, pornos?
<KevinMurphy> Servo will do a one man show called...
<MaryJo> He's gonna be pimping medical schools in Barbados
<KevinMurphy> Mark Trail tonight!
<Moderator> <BuckFifty> to <Moderator>: Mary Jo, any special feelings towards Bobo or
the Brain Guy we should know about?
<KevinMurphy> nausea?
<MaryJo> Other than hatred?\
<KevinMurphy> gas?
<MaryJo> hunger
<KevinMurphy> cramps?
<KevinMurphy> puffiness?
<MaryJo> stuffy nose?
<Moderator> <MrCrowT> to <Moderator>: Any new songs on upcoming episodes
<KevinMurphy> yes.
<KevinMurphy> next?
<Moderator> <dylord> to <Moderator>: is the Brain_Guy's brain made from blue jello?
<MaryJo> I don't know until it happens
<KevinMurphy> No, but it tastes like it.
<MaryJo> Its a secret family recipe - hold the marshmellows
<Moderator> <Gypsy42> to <Moderator>: are there any plans for getting some other girls
on the satellite? (so gypsy can girl talk)
<KevinMurphy> Miracle WHip.
<MaryJo> We have no girls on the ship.
<KevinMurphy> Just grrls.
<MaryJo> riot grrrrrrrrls!
<Moderator> <SirDude> to <Moderator>: What is Pearl's ship name?
<KevinMurphy> oh, and womyn
<MaryJo> The Widow-Maker
<KevinMurphy> Or Spankwagon.
<Moderator> <Gordo> to <Moderator>: Your show has such a cult following, I wondered if
you've ever had any celebrities express an interest in appearing on the show?
<KevinMurphy> Um,...
<KevinMurphy> thinking...
<KevinMurphy> ...not yet.
<MaryJo> Besides ourselves, you mean? I kid.
<KevinMurphy> they like us, but are afraid of us.
<Moderator> <BotMakr> to <Moderator>: Kev- Are the bots anatomically correct?
<KevinMurphy> Yes, as sexless robots, yes.
<KevinMurphy> pervo.
<Moderator> Ok, we're wrapping things up now...
<Moderator> I'm going to send through one or two final questions.
<KevinMurphy> I'll have a burrito.
<Moderator> <SuperChico> to <Moderator>: Kevin, do you ever have dreams/nightmares about
Servo or Bobo?
<MaryJo> I do, does that count?
<KevinMurphy> Just Servo and Bobo together.
<MaryJo> Nightmares.
<KevinMurphy> wow.
<KevinMurphy> imagine.
<KevinMurphy> in the biblical sense.
<Moderator> <DuncunIdaho> to <Moderator>: In season four crow said he ran on unix. Have
you upgraded the bots software since then?
<MaryJo> Yes, they're on batteries now
<KevinMurphy> he is now C- -
<Moderator> and finally...
<Moderator> <JanInAPan> to <Moderator>: Are you all happy at the turn out of people who
break their necks to get to these chats? :)
<KevinMurphy> We love you! you nuts!
<KevinMurphy> It's a lot of fun.
<MaryJo> Yes! Its really fun! Thanks, all those who attended. There are bars and punch in the fellowship
<KevinMurphy> But MJ whines about it.
<KevinMurphy> kidding.
<MaryJo> LIAR!!!!!!!!
<Moderator> Thanks again for dropping by KM and MJ!
<MaryJo> THank you!
<Moderator> In order for us all to share our love,
<Moderator> we will now be going unmoderated.
<KevinMurphy> Watch our Summer Special in September!
This room is no longer moderated.
<KevinMurphy> Thanks!
Reprinted with permission of The Sci-Fi Channel.