Are you missing an episode from one of MST3K's ten seasons? Here are some people willing to help!
Note: This list is being provided as a service to our readers. We do not make any warranties or guarantees
in regards to any of the claims made below, nor should inclusion of any person in the below list be taken as an
endorsement by the maintainers of this list. Let the trader beware.
Also note: None of the persons listed below will trade episodes currently available from Rhino Home Video
or the MST3K Info Club. They will also not trade MST3K: The Movie.
Also also note: This list is not endorsed by Best Brains, Inc., Rhino Home Video, or the Sci-Fi
Channel. It is a purely fan-run list.
Please let us know if you experience problems with dealing with anyone on this list. And if you'd like to add a
listing of your own to the Tape Tradin' Post, please read the Tradin' Post Rules
for all the details.

bryonsmedley@hotmail.com (Last updated on February 4, 2007)
I am interested in tape trading. I have converted ALL my episodes to
DVD but unfortunately lost some in a move from an older residence.
The episodes I have are:
All of Season 2 (except #207, #208, #213)
All of Season 3 (except #302, #303, #309, #321, #323, #324)
All of Season 4 (except #417, #421, #422, #423)
The only Season 5 show I have is #513
All of Season 8 (except #803)
All of Season 9
All of Season 10 except (#1005, #1006)
Plus, I have on DVD (from the original tape transfers):
The Making of MST3K (hosted by Penn Gillette) (30mins)
This is MST3K (30 mins)
Play MST for Me (musical numbers purchased from Best Brains) (30
If you would like DVD copies of these (all commercials edited out
and front menus added) please let me know.
If your episodes are on tape and you would like to trade for DVD
versions (all excellent quality) that would help me complete my
Thanks for your time and attention.
Bryon Smedley
Jonesborough, TN

From: ctr9999@msn.com (Last updated on February 4, 2007)
I am interested in the "Mike Nelson as Jack Perkins" host segments
that were a part of the MST3K hour syndication series that aired in
the mid 1990s.
Although some of these movies have been released by Rhino, the
Perkins segments aired before and after the program and, to the best
of my knowledge, have not been a part of any Rhino release.
I have a 4 minute clip taken from three of these Perkins segments.
All Rhino material has been edited out.
IF interested in this clip, or if you have some of your own, please
contact me at
I have a goodly amt of movies, MST, and others to offer in trade.

lpayne@digitalpla.net (Last updated on February 25, 2007)
These are the eps I have; I can dub them either VHS or DVD (I'm
still workin' out how to do chapters, though).
102: Robot Vs. the Aztec Mummy
105: The Corpse Vanishes
201: Rocketship X-M
203: Jungle Goddess (missing the end of the last host segment)
204: Catalina Caper (broadcast version, complete with ads)
205: Rocket Attack USA
208: Lost Continent
211: First Spaceship on Venus
212: Godzilla vs. Megalon (Jet Jaguar!) (broadcast version)
213: Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster
302: Gamera
304: Gamera vs. Barugon
305: Stranded in Space
306: Time of the Apes
307: Daddy-O
308: Gamera vs. Gaos
310: Fugitive Alien
312: Gamera vs. Guiron
313: Earth vs. the Spider
314: Mighty Jack
315: Teenage Caveman
316: Gamera vs.Zigra
317: Viking Women vs. The Sea Serpent
318: Star Force - Fugitive Alien II
319: War of the Colossal Beast
322: Master Ninja
323: Castle of Fu-Manchu
324: Master Ninja II
401: Space Travelers
402: Giant Gila Monster
403: City Limits
405: Being From Another Planet
409: The Indestructible Man
411: The Magic Sword
412: Hercules and the Captive Women
413: Manhunt in Space
414: Tormented
415: Beatniks
416: Fire Maidens of Outer Space
417: Crash of the Moons
418: Attack of the the Eye Creatures
419: Rebel Set
420: Human Duplicators
422: The Day the Earth Froze
423: Bride of the Monster
More updates coming soon: I have most of the CC eps except for
Season One, and more than half of the Sci-Fi eps.

manderson1255@yahoo.com (Last updated on February 4, 2007)
All of the DVDs in my collection are from broadcast and I obtained
them from the DAP web site. No DVD listed is from Image
Entertainment, Universal Home Video, Rhino, or from the Info Club
versions. I have the following?
Lost Continent
Godzilla Vs. Megalon
Godzilla Vs. The Sea Monster
Fugitive Alien
Gamera Vs. Zigra
Star Force (Fugitive Alien 2)
War Of The Colossal Beast
Master Ninja I
Master Ninja II
The City Limits
The Magic Sword
Manhunt In Space
The Beatniks
Fire Maidens Of Outer Space
Crash Of The Moons
Attack Of The Eye Creatures
The Human Duplicators
The Day The Earth Froze
Bride Of The Monster
Warrior Of The Lost World
Secret Agent Super Dragon
Magic Voyage Of Sinbad
Girl In Lovers Lane
Santa Claus
Girls Town
Zombie Nightmare
Code Name: Diamond Head
The Starfighters
Kitten With A Whip
Night Of The Blood Beast
Deathstalker And The Warriors From Hell
The Incredible Melting Man
Escape 2000
Revenge Of The Creature
The Leech Woman
The Mole People
The Deadly Mantis
The Thing That Couldn't Die
The Undead
Terror From The Year 5000
The She Creature
I Was A Teenage Werewolf
The Giant Spider Invasion
Parts: The Clonus Horror
Jack Frost
Riding With Death
Agent For H.A.R.M.
Horror Of Party Beach
Devil Doll
Invasion Of The Neptune Men
The Projected Man
Puma Man
The Deadly Bees
The Space Children
The Final Sacrifice
Devil Fish
The Screaming Skull
Quest Of The Delta Knights
Future War
Blood Waters Of Dr. Z
Track Of The Moon Beast
Final Justice
It Lives By Night
Horrors Of Spider Island
Looking to trade for :
M. Anderson

From: mike@kelleytown.com (Last updated on February 4, 2007)
I have all episodes of seasons 1-10 on DVD, including the broadcast
versions of #810 Giant Spider Invasion. Unlike many, I'm not interested
in "selling" DVDs, and in fact many of my DVDs are of a far higher
quality (direct from satellite onto DVD -- I used to make commercial
DVDs for a living) than those that are offered for sale by third party
folks (not the commercial DVDs).
However, I'm still trying to upgrade my collection and need in
particular any episode from season 7, or episodes 602, 604, 608,610,
617, 618, 620, 621 623 and 624, as long as what you have *is an
original* and not a second or third generation copy. IOW, I already
have all the second and third generation copies of all MST3K episodes I
need, and what I'm trying to do now is get my entire collection either
A+ or at least B+ quality.
I'm willing to trade a DVD, and DVD only, to anyone with a first
generation VHS tape of any of the above mentioned episodes. Indeed, if
you'll send me your first generation tape I'll not only trade you any
DVD (according to the MST3K Club rules, natch) you want, but I'll give
you back both your original tape and a DVD of it as well. My DVD will
have Dolby sound and be professionally put together and should play on
just about any machine out there.
But please -- if you didn't record this yourself, or if you recorded it
in something other than SP and your signal wasn't good, don't bother
contacting me and wasting both our time. My goal is to get as good a
collection as is possible (and I've been greatly disappointed by buying
some DVDs from some of the folks who claimed to have the best copies of
these episodes out there -- as I said, my own are quite good to
excellent for the most part).

mistermayfire@gmail.com (Last updated on February 25, 2007)
*Fanfare* RobertHMayfire's MST3K DVD Trading List *Fanfare*
0107 - Robot Monster (DAP DVD)
0208 - Lost Continent (DAP DVD)
0213 - Godzilla Vs. The Sea Monster (DAP DVD)
0307 - Daddy-O (DAP DVD)
0310 - Fugitive Alien (DAP DVD)
0318 - Star Force (Fugitive Alien 2) (DAP DVD)
0322 - Master Ninja I (DAP DVD)
0324 - Master Ninja II (DAP DVD)
0403 - City Limits (DAP DVD)
0414 - Tormented (DAP DVD)
0415 - The Beatniks (DAP DVD)
0418 - Attack Of The Eye Creatures (DAP DVD)
0422 - The Day the Earth Froze (DAP DVD)
0505 - The Magic Voyage of Sinbad (DAP DVD)
0521 - Santa Claus (DAP DVD)
0702 - The Brute Man (DAP DVD)
0704 - The Incredible Melting Man (DAP DVD)
0803 - The Mole People (DAP DVD)
0805 - The Thing That Couldn't Die (DAP DVD)
0813 - Jack Frost (DAP DVD)
0903 - Puma Man (DAP DVD)
0904 - Werewolf (DAP DVD)
1013 - Diabolik (DAP DVD)
Special Notes: I am only looking for good fan made DVD versions of
MST3K (Like DAP's MST3K DVDs). I do not have any VHS copies and I do
not wish to trade for VHS copies. I will not convert DVD to VHS.
Sorry. But, I will make DVD copies of what I have with-in the
trading rules. I will even trade more than 1 episode for just 1
episode. So I do trade big.

From: Trfesok@aol.com (Last updated
on February 4, 2007)
Hi, all,
I'm still looking for DVD-R's of these episodes:
109 Project Moonbase
111 Moon Zero Two
305 Stranded in Space
308 Gamera Vs. Gaos
602 Invasion USA
These are what I'd like to trade:
322 Master Ninja I
324 Master Ninja II
413 Manhunt in Space
414 Tormented
422 The Day the Earth Froze
604 Zombie Nightmare
605 Colossus and the Headhunters
608 Code Name: Diamond Head
610 The Violent Years
611 Last of the Wild Horses
612 The Starfighters
615 Kitten With a Whip
616 Racket Girls
617 The Sword and the Dragon
618 High School Big Shot
620 Danger!! Death Ray!
621 The Beast of Yucca Flats
623 The Amazing Transparent Man
624 Samson vs. The Vampire Women
702 The Brute Man
703 Deathstalker
803 The Mole People
804 The Deadly Mantis
805 The Thing That Couldn’t Die
806 The Undead
807 Terror from the Year 5000
813 Jack Frost
903 The Projected Man
I'm willing to trade multiple discs, four or five for one, let's
say. If you'd like to trade, please e-mail me at
Trfesok@aol.com. Thanks for
