(1962; NR; 76m)
originally co-billed with 106-THE CRAWLING HAND
Shown with Short:
102S-Radar Men from the Moon
Chapter 6: Hills of Death
"Up from the Bowels of the Earth Come...The Slime People"
Plot: L.A. is evacuated as reptilian creatures
rise from the depths and envelop stranded folk with dense fog.
Prod: Joseph F. Robertson*
Assoc Prod: Edward Finch Abrams (106)
Assoc Prod: Donald J. Hansen (106)
Dir: Robert Hutton (also star)
Asst Dir: Herb Willis (The Model Shop)
Scr: Vance Skarstedt (Man or Gun)
Cin: William Troiano
(515-Wild, Wild World of Batwoman; Horror of the Blood Monsters)
Ed: Lew Quinn (Invasion of the Star Creatures)
Ed: Donald Henderson, possibly a.k.a. Tom Laughlin
(dir/*908-Touch of Satan)
SFX: Charles Duncan (106;
902-The Phantom Planet; Cosmic Man)
Cos: Tom Holland
Sound Mixer: Rod Sutton
(K19-Hangar 18; 210-King Dinosaur; 1010-It Lives By Night)
Score: Lou Froman
Tom Gregory / Robert Hutton (Hollywood Canteen; The Vulture)
Prof. Galbraith / Robert Burton (I Was A Teenage Frankenstein)
Norman Tolliver / Les Tremayne*
Cal Johnson / William Boyce
Lisa Galbraith / Susan Hart (Ghost in the Invisible Bikini)
Bonnie Galbraith / Judee Morton (The Explosive Generation)
na / John Close (517-Beginning of the End; 804-The Deadly Mantis)
thug in theater / Edward Finch Abrams
thug in theater / Joseph F. Robertson (106)
Dr. Timothy Brough / Dr. Tracy J. Putnam
Mrs. Steele / Blair Robertson (scr/815-Agent for H.A.R.M.)
slime person / Bob Herron
(803-Mole People; Klingon/Star Trek's Savage Curtain episode)
slime person / Jock Putnam (106)
slime person / Bob Miles (stuntman/TV's Wild Wild West)
Trivia: In the late 1960's, JOSEPH F.
ROBERTSON produced several soft-core movies scripted by
and featuring ED WOOD (see 423-BRIDE
OF THE MONSTER), most notably Love Feast and
The Sensuous Wife. His other MSTed productions were
Born in 1913, character actor LES TREMAYNE has the
hilarious role as the goat-toting Norman Tolliver in this
movie. His other films include: 1952-Francis Goes to West
Point; 1953-War of the Worlds; 1958-Monster of
Piedras Blancas; 1959-North by Northwest
(directed by Hitchcock); 1960-The Angry Red Planet;
and 1966-The Fortune Cookie.
Last Updated: 6/20/1999
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