(1981 video; 1967 episodes; England; NR; 91m)
a.k.a. REVENGE OF THE MYSTERIANS (Best Brains typo)
a.k.a. CAPTAIN SCARLET (TV series)
not a.k.a. THUNDERBIRD 6
CAPTAIN SCARLET episodes shown in this order:
Episode 12: "SHADOW OF FEAR"
Episode 15: "LUNARVILLE 7"
Episode 21: "CRATER 101"
ITC Exec: Lord Lew Grade (K01-Invaders from the Deep; K10?)
Exec: Gerry Anderson (*K01; K10-Cosmic Princess)
Exec: Sylvia Anderson (also actress; *K01)
Prod: Reg Hill (Thunderbirds)
Assoc Prod: John Read (cin/TV's Thunderbirds)
Sup Dir: Desmond Saunders (K01; TV's Thunderbirds; Terrahawks)
Dir: Brian Burgess (Thunderbirds in Outer Space)
Dir: Ken Turner (The Love Pill)
Dir: Robert Lynn (Invitation to Murder; Coast of Skeletons)
Scr: unknown
Sup Ed: Len Walter (Thunderbird 6)
Ed: Bob Dearberg (The Darwin Adventure; Frightmare)
Ed: John Beaton
Sup SFX Dir: Derek Meddings
(K01; won special Oscar/Superman; nom/Moonraker)
Vis FX Dir: Shaun Whittaker-Cooke
Vis FX Dir: Peter Wragg
Vis FX: Derek Black
Puppetry Sup: Christine Glanville (K01)
Cos: Iris Richens (Nelly's Version)
PDes: Keith Wilson (K10; International Velvet); and John Lague
ADir: Bob Bell (K01; Thunderbirds Are Go; aprod/TV's Terrahawks)
ADir: Grenville Nott
Score: Barry Gray (K01/K10; Dr. Who and the Daleks)
voice of Captain Scarlet / Francis Matthews
(The Revenge of Frankenstein; Murder Ahoy)
voices of Colonel White and Mysteron / Donald Gray
(Murder on the Campus)
voices of Captain Grey and World President / Paul Maxwell (Thunderbirds Are Go)
voice of Captain Blue / Ed Bishop (2001: A Space Odyssey)
voice of Captain Ochre / Jeremy Wilkin (Thunderbird 6)
voice of Captain Magenta / Gary Files (Thunderbird 6)
voice of Lt. Green / Cy Grant (At the Earth's Core; Shaft in Africa)
voice of Dr. Fawn / Charles "Bud" Tingwell (Thunderbirds Are Go)
voice of Symphony Angel / Janna Hill
voice of Melody Angel / Sylvia Anderson (also producer)
voices of Rhapsody Angel and Destiny Angel / Liz Morgan
voice of Harmony Angel / Lian-Shin
supporting voices / David Healy (Patton; Diamonds Are Forever)
supporting voices / Martin King
Trivia: The voice of Captain Scarlet is basically an adequate
impersonation of the legendary actor Cary Grant.
The Plot for Episode 12: "SHADOW OF FEAR"
An observatory is going to receive pictures via satellite from the
Martian moon Phobos. Captains Scarlet and Blue are assigned to protect
the observatory from the Mysterons, who are determined to destroy it.
The Plot for Episode 15: "LUNARVILLE 7"
The commander of Earth's lunar colony announces that he has signed a
truce with the Mysterons and that the colony is now independent. Colonel
White is suspicious and sends Captain Scarlet with Blue and Green to
The Plot for Episode 21: "CRATER 101"
The three captains go back to the moon to destroy the Mysteron base being
built in a crater.
The Plot for Episode 22: "DANGEROUS RENDEZVOUS"
Alone and unarmed, Captain Scarlet is sent to negotiate with the
Mysterons, who are threatening to destroy Cloudbase.
Last Updated: 6/14/1999
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