(early 1950's; 20m)
Shown with Movie: 702-The Brute Man
Short Type: Industrial
Plot: The many aspects of the modern chicken farming industry are shown.
Prod: Audio Productions Inc.
(510S-Body Care and Grooming;
Sniffles and Sneezes)
PSup: Sales Promotion Division
of The Texas Company
narrator / unknown
auctioneer / unknown
plus many poultry farmers
Classic Line: "Good chicks come from good eggs."
Classic Line: "Look at that drumstick!"
Trivia: There are slightly more chickens than humans in the
United States.
Opening Dedication from The Texas Company:
"This picture is dedicated to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and to
all those earnest men and women on farms and in the hatcheries, whose
untiring efforts in breeding better poultry eventually will give us
the chicken of tomorrow."
Last Updated: 3/28/1999
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