(1950; 14m)

Shown with Movie: 616-Racket Girls

Short Type: Educational

Plot: A high school senior wants to get married right after she graduates.

Prod: Coronet Instructional Films
(*320S2-Appreciating Your Parents; 503S-What To Do on a Date)
Dir: Gil Altschul (More Dates for Kay; Dating: Do's and Don't's)
Scr: Harriette Smith (Dating: Do's and Don't's)
Scr: Chuck Probst
Cin: Bruce Colling (More Dates for Kay; Dating: Do's and Don't's)
Ed: George Wilbern
(More Dates for Kay; Dating: Do's and Don't's; Are You Popular?)
Ed Coll: *Reuben Hill, Ph.D.

Sue / unknown actress (503S; More Dates for Kay)
Larry / John Galvarro
marriage advisor Mr. Hall / Reuben Hill?

Other Characters (actors unknown):
Larry's pal Phil, Sue's parents, Larry's parents

Classic Line: "I had a chum in college, who had "the real thing" with eight successive girls."

Classic Line: "Now, do you think we have anything more than BOINNGGG?!"

Trivia: REUBEN HILL was a research professor in Family Life at the University of North Carolina. He was also involved in the making of the shorts Dating: Do's and Don't's and 320S2-APPRECIATING YOUR PARENTS.

This short film was an unsuccessful attempt to stem the tide of young marriages flooding the nation after World War II.

And don't forget Cupid's Checklist:
1. Similar Background
2. Real Friends
3. Understand Marriage

Last Updated: 3/28/1999

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