Upcoming Cinematic Titanic shows:
• Feb. 2–One show at Sketchfest in San Francisco they’ll riff “Danger on Tiki Island” at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.) at The Castro Theater. $25. Get tickets here.
• Feb 19–Two shows at the Royal Oak Music Theater in Royal Oak, Michigan (near Detroit). Two different movies: 7pm: “War of the Insects”, 11pm: “Samson and the 7 Miracles.” Doors open at 6 and 10 p.m. Reserved seating! Tickets are $35; $50 to stay for both shows. Get tickets here.
• Feb. 20–Two shows at Milwaukee’s at the Turner Hall Ballroom. Update: The 7 p.m. show is sold out. Tickets still available for the 10:30 p.m. show at $24. General admission. 7pm: “War of the Insects”, 10:30pm: “Samson and the 7 Miracles.”
• April 16–One show (“War of the Insects”) at the McCarter Theater in Princeton, NJ. at 8 p.m. Reserved seating! Tickets are $25 & $30.
• April 17–Cinematic Titanic hits Broadway at the Nokia Theater Times Square, 7 p.m. Tickets are $45-$35. Buy tickets here. They’ll be riffing “”Danger on Tiki Island.” Pre-sale begins at noon Thursday, Jan. 13. The pre-sale code is “MST3K.”
It’s interesting to note that on the same night as the Milwaukee show (Feb 20th), Patton Oswalt has a show as well about four blocks away. I wonder if Patton, being the long time Mistie that he is, will trek over to Turner Hall to catch the 10:30 show :)
Well then, good thing I got around to ordering a couple of 2-show passes a few days ago, since 7pm is now sold out. After years of driving to Minneapolis for live shows, Conventio-Cons and the like, it’ll be nice to have them come to Milwaukee.
( Sampo: Thursday is January 14th, not 13th )
OK, I clicked on the link and paid about a quintzillion dollars for a ticket.
CT in NY, it should be interesting.
Got my NYC tix as well! My first CT show, and the 12 year old in me is hoping for the chance to finally say “thanks” in person after the show. :smile:
Woohoo, scored 3rd row tix for CT in NYC!
:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
We shall see. I have not been a big fan of CT on DVD. But I have heard great things about their live shows, and I attended the rifftrax plan 9 simulcast and that was phenomenal. so we shall see….
What a PITA! I could not get the internet presale window to appear, just the Amex one. Fortunately, my friend was able to get on and grab tickets. I think it was close to half an hour after it started before I could access the internet presale window. Saw them in Austin last year – should be a hoot and a half!
I’m not a medium — have you seen the latest CT DVD, East Meets Watts? Recorded live, and much funnier than all the previous CTs. Something about the energy of a live show makes all the difference.
Gummo@9: I must admit that I gave up on the CT DVDs after the first 3. But who knows, maybe this event will bring me back into the church.
I bought 3 tickets for me and two friends for the NYC show in April!! Floor seating Orchestra section– not too close, not too far….
I am very happy boy today! Me and CT– LIVE!! :-)
Start selling more DVDsssss
I actually liked the Live East Meets Watts dvd and would buy more of live shows. I don’t care, I just want content. They’ll never be coming to Amarillo Texas, so the only way I can enjoy their brilliance is on dvd.
Last year is over, release more dvds!!!
Whoa!!! I live in se MN and was already thinkin bout driving to Milwauke for the show anyways and now that I know Patton is there the same night that’s awesome!
And I can prolly catch both too cos cine titanic has a 1030!!
Got Center Orchestra seating for the Titans’ NY show. But dayum, almost $65 for ONE ticket? :shock: No wonder I’ve only been to one Broadway show in the 14 years I’ve been living here. Since this will be the first (and likely last) time I get to see these guys live and in person I figure it’s worth it. Sticker shock hasn’t gone away though! :???:
Count me in for Center Orchestra in NYC! But what the heck was that “convenience fee” for? To make it more convenient for TicketMaster to get my money? (Rim-shot!)
But seriously, I’m hoping for a meet ‘n’ greet afterwards, so that I can go all fanboy on the cast and present them with my own tribute to the show. (Look for the doughy guy trying to foist copies of his “Complete and Utter History of MST3K in Haiku Form” on an unsuspecting Joel & Co., won’t you?) :mrgreen:
This is an excellent way of putting it. Hopefully future episodes will have a more relaxed feel and stronger characters. And yes, this is just a review of Cinematic Titanic episode #1. So there’s plenty of room for improvement as they iron out wrinkles and work to make the show better.