Song: Whispering Christmas WarriorEpisode 521- Santa ClausTranscribed by Toolmaster Jef Zehnder[SOL] (Canned stadium audience cheering can be heard. A banner with KISS-like lettering that reads "Santa Klaws" is above movie sign. Mike is wearing a rather ugly jacket and both him and the bots have guitars. Music is heard playing under Mike.) Mike: Good evening, Buffalo! We are Santa Klaws, and we have just one question for you. Are you ready to be merry?? [Deep 13] Frank: Yessss! [SOL] Mike: I said, ARE YOU READY TO BE MERRY!?! [Deep 13] Dr. F and Frank (Enthused): YESSSSS!!!! [SOL] Mike: Then stuff this in your stocking. 1, 2, 3, 4... (Melody starts) Mike (singing): I have slain the grinch Crow and Tom (chanting): Christmas time, Mike: The warrior of Christmas Crow and Tom (singing falsetto): Silver bells fall from your nose Mike: Vixen lets explore Tom (singing, under Mike): Owwwwwwwwww!!! (Flash pots at either side of the stage go off.) (Commercial Sign) Mike (shouting, as Crow and Tom shout "Thank you!" numerous times): Thank you, Buffalo! We love you! (cut) |