Song: A DANGER TO OURSELF AND OTHERS Episode: 406- ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES Tom: I think what our bright your friend is trying to say, here, is: The reason we three goofuses are asked to to do these hazardous tasks outisde the perimeter of society's normal rationale, is WE'RE A DANGER TO OURSELF AND OTHERS! (singing): Oh, I'm a danger to myself and others! My cousins are as close as brothers! I stay out in the rain all the time! Crow: He's a danger to himself and others! Sorta' likes shows with Sally Struthers! I can't even think of a word that rhymes! Joel: How dumb are you Uncle-Dad? Tom: Well, pretty dumb that's for sure! Crow: How dumb are you Uncle-Dad? Tom: Well, this pipe's filled with manure! All: We're a danger to ourself and others! Rape the earth and steal our mothers! Leave us in the woods and we're just fine! We're a danger to ourself and others! (Joel lights dynomite...) Do livestock make better lovers? Hunting leeches is what we call a good time! (Dynomite explodes.) Tom (spoken): Oh boy! I'd like to shake hands with any giant leech who could live through THAT! Crow: What? The dynomite or that crappy song?!? . |