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Now Available from RiffTrax…

Download the riff and see a sample here.

27 Replies to “Now Available from RiffTrax…”

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  1. Might be nice. I actually think THE LAST STAND is underrated, though.


  2. Casey@Rifftrax says:

    Here’s a sample:


  3. EricJ says:

    Yes, yes, we know, M&K, All Fans of Anything are pasty-faced high-school locker-room geeks…GET A NEW ACT! ;)


  4. MissT3K says:

    Finally!! I got a copy of this movie several years ago thinking that they would do a 1, 2, 3 like with HP, LotR, etc. I have been waiting for them to riff this one because I’m afraid to watch it without Mike, Kevin and Bill. :) :-D :-D


  5. ptomreeves says:

    Fantastic! Been waiting for this one too.


  6. Laura says:

    Really stupid question: Is that DVD already out or is it coming out on Tuesday which is why the Rifftrax is out that do also?


  7. MissT3K says:

    Laura –
    It’s out. It’s been out from the time they started riffing the X-Men trilogy. I think you should be able to get it cheap at Amazon. :-))


  8. SAVE FERRIS says:

    Now, Bill Corbett never struck me as a particularly shallow kind of guy, but it’s clear something is bothering him these days.

    Hmmmm………could it be he’s green with envy over Mike’s ripped physique? :shock:

    So sad really, when petty jealousies start coming between friends……. :idk:


  9. Laura says:

    Thanks for answering my question. I don’t pay much attention to the X-men franchise, but I will purchase that DVD just for Rifftrax.


  10. Sharktopus says:

    Being a big comics geek I actually bought this DVD when it first came out, despite having hated the movie with the passion only a true fanboy can muster. Earlier this year, I traded it in, thinking it unlikely that I’d ever watch it again. DOH! Time to update the ol’ Netflix Queue…

    By the way, in case anyone is masochistic enough to consider checking out the director’s commentary on this abomination, don’t waste your time. (Why’d I listen to it? Well, I wanted to get my money’s worth. Plus, Bryan Singer’s commentaries on the first two were pretty interesting – to me, anyway – but Brett Ratner, as we all know, is a talentless hack and must surely have traded his soul to Mephisto in excahnge for a filmmaking career.)

    That’s a pretty lazy poster, I have to say. Is Bill supposed to be Beast, I guess? I do like Dismebaudio’s little adamantium claws, though. He so cute.


  11. radioman970 says:

    Damn. Was hoping for some X-rated riffing on this one…


  12. Cronkite Moonshot says:

    This idiotic abomination of a movie deserves to be riffed more than almost anything else they’ve ever done, so I’m very glad to see that they finally got around to it. At this point I was thinking it would never happen. It can never be said enough how much I despise this pathetic movie.


  13. Admiral Kent says:

    #8 Love the man…but I’ve long considered Bill a bit of a curmudgeon anyways. Or, like a real-life comedic Frasier Crane (if that makes sense).


  14. Graboidz says:

    Not trolling but honestly curious, why do so many folks hate this third film? As someone who didn’t read the comics, I always felt this 3rd film was the best of the (what I thought was a) trilogy and wrapped up the series nicely?

    Of course I enjoyed “Pumaman” too, so my superhero barometer may be faulty.


  15. Sharktopus says:

    @ Graboidz,

    Without going into mind-numbing detail:

    – Characters acting out of character, not just compared to the comics, but even from how they were portrayed in the previous films. (Scott and the Professor are dead, so clearly the semi-feral, antisocial new guy who periodically lapses into a murderous rage should take charge.)

    – Mindless (not to mention confusing) action scenes far outweighing the scant plot and character development.

    – The meaningless deaths of beloved characters. (What kind of movie studio deliberately runs a multimillion dollar franchise into the ground?)

    – Wow, are the members of Magneto’s new Brotherhood lame or what? Look out! Here come Pincushion Man and Transgendero! And the most terrifying of all – PMS Girl Phoenix! (I did like Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut, though, despite the hideous costume and fake rubber abs.)

    – Plot holes and logical inconsistencies galore. (e.g. Logan rode his motorcycle from Westchester to San Francisco overnight, apparently?)

    – The macguffin the entire film hinges on – the so-called “mutant cure” – is only temporary, basically rendering everything that happens in the movie because of it pointless.

    – Kelsey Grammer was paradoxically absolutley perfect and utterly ridiculous as Beast. Maybe if the movie spent more than thirty seconds introducing him before rushing on to the next poor man’s Michael Bay action setpiece…

    Anyway, I’m very curious to see if Chris Nolan can break the third film in a superhero series curse with the next Batman movie.


  16. Trilaan says:

    Just showed this rifftrax to a friend, it was his first one ever. A new fan has been created!


  17. David says:

    @ Graboidz – I liked the movie as well. It might be flawed but I had a good time with it.


  18. MSTJon says:


    I think you’ll find as a general rule, that the more the viewer appreciates the X-Men comics, the more venomous the opinions become. This film franchise could have ran for another two or three movies probably, but this film didn’t exactly leave the door open for a sequel. I think the disappointment in the X3 comes from the actually enjoyable first two films, making this one feel even worse than it probably really is.

    As an actual movie, I don’t hate it if I forget everything I ever knew about the X-Men. In comparison to other superhero movies, I’d place it somewhere around Superman III and Spider-Man 3. Getting that second sequel to work seems to be the comic’s cinematic curse.

    In summary, everything Sharktopus said is, sadly, true. And if nothing else, the completist in me likes having riffs for the complete trilogy (I don’t even count that Wolverine cluster).


  19. EricJ says:

    @15 – – The meaningless deaths of beloved characters. (What kind of movie studio deliberately runs a multimillion dollar franchise into the ground?)

    The kind of studio that literally COULDN’T AFFORD THE CAST ANYMORE!
    (Seriously: It took them three years just to get everybody’s contracts in the right place, now that Ian McKellen, Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman were now getting A-list salaries.)

    I appreciated that switching directors finally got the Bryan Singer “gay” out of the franchise (and genericize it back to heterosexual ethnic minorities again), but the Budget Bloodbath came first, and they just didn’t have time to do anything else.
    Matthew Vaughn was originally set to direct, and had planned to do something a little more “political intrigue” closer to X-Men:First Class, but…they didn’t have time to do anything with that either.

    Do Mike or Kevin know anything about this? Hardly.
    It’s just one of those things comic-geeks know about, like Transformers and LOTR, and Renfests and Doctor Who, ‘n stuff.


  20. Graboidz says:

    Sharktopus & MSTJon – Thanks for the input, and helping me understand why so many people hated this film. I guess as an “outsider” (not familiar with the characters or comics) I always just enjoyed it as a big-budget popcorn blockbuster, which is, I guess, the only level it really works on.
    EricJ – Good point on the A-List cast getting too pricey to continue the series.


  21. Sharktopus says:

    “I always just enjoyed it as a big-budget popcorn blockbuster, which is, I guess, the only level it really works on.”

    Y’see, that’s the sad crux of it: Unlike so many popular superhero franchises that mostly focus on cut and dry good and evil fisticuffs (I’m looking at you, Superman.), the X-Men comics have always been built on a heavy (admittedly often heavy-handed) subtext of minority acceptance and appreciating people for the differences they bring to the table. (And lots and lots of soap opera. That’s Marvel’s bread and butter.) There’s nothing wrong with a healthy dose of ‘splosions in a summer blockbuster, but Brett Ratner wouldn’t know subtext if you wer to hit him in the face with a dictionary.

    @ Eric J:

    That’s certainly a valid point I had never really considered, but it’s curious that the three expensive actors you named didn’t get killed off. (I understand that James Marsden jumped ship with Bryan Singer to do the equally disappointing Superman Returns, which is why Cyclops got such short shrift in X3.) I think these X-Men movies could have solidered on happily without Halle Berry’s collection of silly looking wigs. (By the way, if taking your clothes off and letting Billy Bob Thornton wiggle all over you is enough to win an Oscar, why doesn’t Angelina Jolie have a dozen of ’em?)

    As for the first two movies’ “gayness,” I put that squarely on Ian McKellan. The X-Men have always been a metaphor for any and all minorites, and I don’t feel that Bryan Singer pushed the gay subtext in any way other than letting and/or encouraging McKellan to play Magneto as an aging queen. (Which McKellan is, yes, but he’s also a phenomenal actor so I have no doubt it was intentional.) That’s why I let Bill’s borderline offensive “Up, up, and agay!” riff in the first movie slide – Sir Ian’s Magneto is as queer a three dollar bill. (See also Magneto and Mystique’s “just us girls” whispering over Rogue’s hair in X2.)

    If only Singer had stuck around for X3 we fanboys might very well have been spared two godawful superhero movies. And I can’t help but wonder what Matthew Vaughn would’ve done with X3 if he hadn’t read the writing on the wall and ran for the hills. Can’t say I blame him, though – he got to make Stardust and First Class and let Brett Ratner earn one more tally mark in the No-Talent Hack column.


  22. losingmydignity says:

    I had no desire to see this film but after watching rifftrax’s preview I probably will. Very funny riffing and the movie looks just horrible. Gotta love that roadrunner special effect….


  23. radioman970 says:

    @20. Me the same. Put me down as one who liked all 3 X-Men films for those reason. A great time all around. Never read the comics. They’re good for what they are…


  24. EricJ says:

    @21 – Well, you’ve still got Iceman “coming out” to his parents in X2, and Senator Kelly in the first movie catching “Mutant-Angels in America” quasi-AIDS, being socially afraid to go to a doctor because of it, and our tolerant activist hero gloating over the ironic lesson… 9_9
    Ratner wasn’t the greatest superhero director to replace Singer, but I also remember the same feeling of “Ding dong, the overly self-indulgent witch is dead” that we felt when Tim Burton stopped doing 90’s Batman movies. ;)


  25. Sharktopus says:

    Ah, and we all know how that change in direction turned out for Batman – from weird to just plain stupid. An interesting parallel. But Burton was self-indulgent weirdness for the sake of being weird. At least Singer’s agenda fit with the anti-prejudice message inherent to X-Men. (And unlike Burton, I think Singer might actually have picked up a comic book or two. Bruce Wayne sleeps hanging upside down, my shiny metal ass.)


  26. Sharktopus says:

    Ah, and we all know how that change in direction turned out for Batman – from weird to just plain stupid. An interesting parallel. But Burton was self-indulgent weirdness for the sake of being weird. At least Singer’s agenda fit with the anti-prejudice message inherent to X-Men. (And unlike Burton, I think Singer might actually have picked up a comic book or two. Bruce Wayne sleeps hanging upside down, my shiny metal ass.)


  27. TraciLA says:

    Well, I gotta say. I didn’t read the comic(actually I haven’t read any comics) and I thought the 3rd movie was a total crapfest. I did think Kelsy Grammar was great as Beast. Although, I don’t know what Beast was like in the comic. But was amused watching a sophisticated beast looking dude speak so posh yet kick ass. Anyway, the OP doesn’t speak for all ‘outsiders’ that’s for sure :)


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