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Weekend Discussion Thread: MSTed Movie Character Blind Dates

Alert regular Phil asks:

Let’s Play the Dating Game!
Which two characters would you set up on a blind date? MST3K characters and portrayers included.

For me, it’s easy: Batwoman and Ator. Think of the gorgeous babies.

Who would you pick?

94 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: MSTed Movie Character Blind Dates”

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  1. Timmy says:

    I am going to say Peaches from “Racket Girls” and Rowdower. Neither of them could catch a break. Also: maybe Nastinka from “Jack Frost” and Hamlet. They are both Scandinavian.


  2. fantagor says:

    Torgo and the piano player from Red Zone Cuba who lost her husband in the war and went blind (??). Even money who’ll creep out who first.



  3. Flying Saucers Over Oz says:

    Nuvenna from that car short and Mister B. Natural. It’d be very… musical… (And since they’re both played by Bridget Jones in sketches, very creepy…)

    And I still think Pearl Forrester had a fling with Mister Krassner from THE DEAD TALK BACK. It’d explain so much about her son…


  4. Slartibartfast, maker of Fjords says:

    A few suggestions:

    Keeping with this week’s episode guide, I suggest Ann Pilgrim from #101 The Crawling Eye with Tony Farms from #903 Pumaman. Both of them can sense danger, but neither is quite certain how to handle it. Or Ann Pilgrim with Carlo Lombardi from #808 The She Creature. It would be a quiet date though, as they could read each others’ minds.

    Second would be Frank Sorrell from #604 Zombie Nightmare with Maria from #1008 Final Justice. To me they seem like they would make a nice couple and since they are both good cops and second bananas, they would probably hit it off well.

    Then there’s Johnny Randall (Robert Reed) from #607 Bloodlust with Don Pringle (Tommy Kirk) from #204 Catalina Caper. You know they want to.

    And for the younger set there is Ganius from #523 Village of the Giants with Eadie Johnson from #906 The Space Children. They would maybe need to wait a few years, but could spend a lot of time talking about sciencey stuff.


  5. Slartibartfast, maker of Fjords says:

    Oops – Genius


  6. Jamie says:

    The “I’m A Virgin” guy from Pod People going out with Mr. B-Natural!
    To A gay club!! Good?? “He’s” the best!!!


  7. H says:

    I like the Torgo-Ortega idea but someone beat me to it, so how about Mr. B and Nick from What To Do On A Date. He’s like Buzz but it’s not as creepy-pedo. I think they’d actually have a fun time, playing music and going to weenie roasts …


  8. Mr. B(ob) says:

    – Torgo with the zombie creating Fortune Teller from The Incredibly Strange Creatures…. Those two creeps deserve each other.


  9. Mikey says:

    Froggy aka Eddie Deezen from Laserblast and Babs from Horrors of Spider Island!


  10. Mitchell and Thomas Jefferson Geronimo would make a great couple.


  11. Really old Teenager from Outer Space says:

    Calgon and Nastinka, they could ride around and “park” in the golf cart or Jack Frost’s sleigh.


  12. Cornjob says:

    I’d match Hobbs from Phase 4 with the ant queen he admires so much.


  13. Really old Teenager from Outer Space says:

    Glen Manning and the girl from “Village Of The Giants” offering boob rides. That makes lots of sense to me.


  14. Kirok says:

    Fritz Krueger from The Dead Talk Back and the British chick from The Atomic Brain. They could both be arrested for their accents.


  15. fry1laurie says:

    I don’t know about anyone else, but pair me up with Melissa in “Touch of Satan.” Or Alison Hayes in nearly anything (esp. with a zipper down her back).


  16. Mr. B(ob) says:

    – Lobo from The Unearthly paired with Lobo from Bride Of The Monster. Imagine the confused look on both of their faces.


  17. noplot says:

    I’d do an exchange from “What to Do on a Date” and “Young Man’s Fancy”, matching Nick from the first one and Judy from the second, and Kay from the first with Alexander from the second. Judy might be happier with the less-studious Nick, and Kay might learn a lot from Alexander. Or they might find out they’re happier with their original dates.

    Pairing Peaches from “Racket Girls”, who’s slow in her thought processes, with a random Eye Creature, who’s slow period, would be rather interesting, if strange.


  18. Whatney from ‘Outlaw’ with Paula Perkins and her girl gang from ‘The Violent Years’. He would think its a dream come true, until they beat him into a bloody pulp. (Then again, that might be his greatest fantasy.)


  19. BIG G BURGER says:

    Mitchel and Ev from Giant Spider Invaison
    seems like they would have found each other
    in their drunken red neck heavan any way.


  20. Trilaan says:

    Baba Yaga(the witch in the forest) from Jack Frost should get together with the wind demon from The Sword and the Dragon.

    “My God, won’t someone please think of the children!!!”

    Oh and I also vote for Jan in the Pan and Gideon Drew from The Thing That Couldn’t Die.
    Imagine all the necking going on when they make out.

    And their children shall be called……The Decapi-Kids and they shall solve mysteries together with a quasi-talking hamster in a ball just like Scooby and the Gang!


  21. Steelhawk says:

    I’d pair Hercules with Babs from Spider Island. Their kids would be drafted by the NFL right out of the fifth grade.


  22. Operation Weasel-Snitch says:

    I’d love to set up Ms. Ellis from “Tormented” and John Agar, with the genuine hope that he gets horribly mauled by her seeing eye dog.


  23. CMWaters says:

    #71 Which Hercules?


  24. Fart Bargo says:

    Pearl’s male escort, Sandy, and Watney because no one, except Pearl, would go out with them. Since she is going out with Doc Kipling (porn star ski bum doctor from It Lives by Night) they decided to be ‘Wing Man’ for each other and headed down to the Purple Onion. They ran into the Outlaw from Gor and gave him several shout outs, “CABOT!”. Luckily, the lead singer (IT STINKS)the band from Pod People was getting all the chicks hotter than radiators! They bought drinks for Tanya and Leslie from Boogey Creek but woke up with Crenshaw and Stickboy?


  25. AgentMom says:

    Troy from “Final Sacrifice” and the whiney kid from “Teenage Strangler.” They could go steal bicycles together.


  26. Watch-out-for-Snakes says:

    I’m going non-human with a date between Megaweapon from Warrior of the Lost World and “Petey the Plane” from Skydivers and/or Time Chasers.



  27. Bob(NotThatBob) says:

    I’d pair up Moony from “The Beatniks” with Jody from “Kitten With a Whip.” They’d be the hippest and the coolest. They could kill fat barkeeps together and it would be creamy.


  28. Flying Saucers Over Oz says:

    Or how about Old Man Crenshaw and Hunchback Fairy?

    Or even Momar from SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTIANS and El Santo? I mean, you just know she’s getting bored with that dullard she’s married to and it does seem those two would really hit it off…


  29. Flying Saucers Over Oz says:

    Oh… Oh, wait. How’s about Doctor Forrester and TV’s Frank on a double date with Bela Lugosi and Tor?


  30. frank burns says:

    Beast of Yucca Flats and the Devil Doll. Tor could hug him and squeeze him and just love him to pieces.


  31. frank burns says:

    Brain Guy and Jan-in-the-Pan


  32. It's a sewprize! says:

    If Mike from Manos ever got a divorce from his wife, I have a feeling he’d date the manly dancer lady (I think her name was Marge) from The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed Up Zombies. The dancer lady is just as fretful as Mike’s wife.
    Another possibility: Angie from The Incredibly Strange Creatures and Dan, the disgusting farmer from Giant Spider Invasion. We never found out why Angie liked Jerry, and I can’t tell you why she’d like Dan. I just have that feeling. Both are gross. “He wouldn’t be Dan…”
    I also think Nick and J.K. from Time Chasers should have stopped fighting and kissed. You could feel the tension in their final scene together in the forest.


  33. Bob(NotThatBob) says:

    I think Tor and Eulabelle would be a cute couple.


  34. Steelhawk says:

    #73 – I’m thinking Alan Steele from 410 – Hercules Against the Moon Men. Anyone who can defeat a horde of Moon Men is man enough to handle Babs. (Off topic aside – How many Moon Men does it take to make a horde?)


  35. ck says:

    A mass blind date(s)

    The girls of Spider island with Jason’s crew of the Argo.
    (Just think of all the billing and cooing as they went ashore
    to get a drink of water-
    not to mention that by the women).


  36. Rex Dart says:

    “sexual” tension.


  37. Liggy says:

    Dangit, Crow/Kim Cattrall and Crow/Estelle Winwood have both been listed…Oh well.

    Frank and Pearl, obviously :]

    While I agree that Mr. B. Natural and Torgo are made for one another, if that didn’t work out I’d like to see her paired with Arch Hall, Jr. Just because I hate them both. xD

    Rowsdower and Mitchell. This choice should be self-explanatory.

    For non-human characters: Megaweapon and the S.O.L. Just because.


  38. It's a sewprize! says:

    Sexual tension, yes. My bad.

    If you want a mopey blind date, how about Marvin from High School Big Shot and Paula from The Violent Years? They’d either sob over dinner or rob a convenience store.
    Or what about Terry from Teen-Age Crime Wave and either Banjo or Jeeter from Wild Rebels?
    And the preacher and the waitress with the grumpy husband from Days of Our Years. He wanted her bad.


  39. Joe Klemm says:

    A few ideas of my own:

    -Mr. B Natural and Coily the Spring Sprite. A match made in Hell (you can make it a threesome if you include the Grocery Witch from that Rifftrax short).

    -Sampson and any of the female wrestlers from Racket Girls. You know that the sex will be good in that pairing.

    -Lassie (The Painted Hills) and a Killer Shrew (pretty much a collie in a bad mask).


  40. underwoc says:

    Ooo-ooo. Can’t believe we haven’t matched Valeria and Troxartus yet. Imagine that conversation…


  41. MarcusVermilion says:

    WAY back in the late 90’s someone posted a “Love Conncetion” spoof on the old Sci-Fi Channel MST3K board. She paired Daphne from “Hobgoblins” with Mitchell. Yes, baby oil was mentioned!!!


  42. Flying Saucers Over Oz says:

    Has anyone paired El Santo and Batwoman yet?


  43. Ed Henry Flynn says:

    Valaria and Sid Melton. I have no idea why, but I think it would be fun to hear them try and have a conversation.


  44. ambugaton14 says:

    Carlo Lombardi (She Creature) vs wart lady (TISCWSLABMUZ). Trying to hypnotize each other into paying the check.


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