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New Short from RiffTrax…

Or, everything you wanted to know about the bush, if you know what I mean.

See a free sample and download it here.

(And ooh and aah and the lovely new design.)

7 Replies to “New Short from RiffTrax…”

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  1. Jose Chung says:

    It’s really called “Don’t be a Bloody Idiot?” This is like the first accurate title for a short.


  2. starman15317 says:

    I like the new Rifftrax design! And this short sounds good! Wonder if this will be in the HOHH show.


  3. starman: Nope, the shorts for the show are going to be all new.


  4. EricJ says:

    (And ooh and aah and the lovely new design.)

    Wait, we don’t get to see MK&B mug Montclair-moment expressions, and “wacky”-Photoshop their heads onto movie poster bodies as if they believe that’s how normal people create comedy?…But I was looking FORWARD to that!


  5. Laura says:

    “Don’t Be A Bloody Idiot,”
    And rely on that guy to help you survive in the woods!


  6. starman15317 says:

    @Casey: Oh, I see. I knew about the new shorts thing, but since this just came out I wasn’t sure. Thanks. I’m looking forward to the show!! (I can actually go to this one, unlike with Reefer Madness)


  7. Coderjoe says:

    Doh! He was just about to go for it when the sample cut out…


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