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Cinematic Titanic Interviews

The press coverage ahead of this weekend’s Cinematic Titanic show has begun:

Update: Rob Turbovsky of the Boston Phoenix interviews Joel.

Nick Zaino of interviews Joel.

Angela Frissore of the Examiner talks to Frank and Mary Jo.

Ed Symkus of the Boston Herald interviews Joel.

6 Replies to “Cinematic Titanic Interviews”

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  1. big61al says:

    Wow….these were knida short. I guess even a little press is better than no press. It is still weird that one used the time tube photo when I have not heard any mention by anyone on the CT team in a real long time. Since they have not returned to the studio format I am guessing it’s a dead issue.
    I’ll be moving to Alabama in January so I’m hoping they will do some shows in that region that I can drive to. Please please please.


  2. Richard the Lion-footed says:

    The Boston Herald Interview was one of the most lightweight I have ever seen. I get the feeling this guy was given the job that morning and did his “research” on his iPhone on the way.

    Angela Frissore did a somewhat better job, though a very safe, basic nts and bolts, type interview. The kind you can do from a press release.


  3. “Do you think you’ll ever do a riff-off with the RiffTrax folks?

    Oh, I don’t know. We were just at DragonCon with them. We did an event, and we did a panel. So we do stuff with them. So it’s completely likely.”

    I’m holding you to this statement, Hodgson.


  4. BIG61AL says:

    Clearly there are two sides. CT and Rifftrax. IMO there appears to be no hostilities and they look like to be on at least speaking terms. Does that mean that they work can together on a project? It certainly looks possible. As I have stated previously I do not hold one group or indivisual over anyone else in regards to talent or my respect. I enjoy their work no matter what. Everyone has my deep appreciation and fondest of thanks. As long as they continue turn out the best entertainment as they are doing now I will support their efforts as much possible.


  5. JeremyR says:

    What I find depressing is the question in the TV’s Frank and MJP interview, about working on the small screen again.

    They’re open to it.

    So why isn’t anyone interested? TV is filled with 100s of channels of absolute crap. It seems like any c-list celebrity can get his own reality TV show. So why not these people? They’re actually funny, not funny in a train wreck sort of way…


  6. Travis H says:

    ” ” They’re too good for TV. Something actually funny, witty, and intelligent wouldn’t last long on today’s TV programming!


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