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Now Available from Rifftrax Presents…

X-Files’s “The X-Files: Fight the Future,” riffed by Bill Corbett and Mary Jo Pehl. Bill, Mary Jo and Kevin Murphy contributed riffs. And so did three other folks.

As Bill explains here, he has invited two regulars from the Rifftrax message boards, Josh Way and Courtney Enlow, along with Sean Thomason.

Download it here.

Free sample here.

21 Replies to “Now Available from Rifftrax Presents…”

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  1. norgavue says:

    Hmmmmm Interesting.. May have to check this one out.


  2. Well that’s nice. Is this the first Rifftracks/CI coop?


  3. …That should be Rifftrax/CT…


  4. Hersh says:

    These two were always a great team during the host segments, should be great to hear them riffing together.


  5. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    @Castle Monster – Not really, Mary Jo helped Mike take on the Mariah Carey blockbuster “Glitter” a while back. This will be the first track she’s been on since then, and since the Titans started their project.


  6. CMWaters says:

    With the mention of CT and Rifftrax, I must say this:

    I still await the day Joel and Mike do a riffing together.


  7. BenderRodriguez says:

    Whoo-hoo, more Mary Jo riffing!


  8. Excellent news! Two of my favorite riffers skewering the movie from one of my favorite television series! And I own the DVD already, so no extra hassle! It’s like my perfect storm.

    Also, they should riff The Perfect Storm. And Speed, but that’s mostly unrelated to the topic.


  9. Captain Cab says:

    Mary Jo Pehl = sold. And very cool that Josh Way helped write it (reminds me I still need to get the Batman and Robin track, only way I’d ever allow myself to it). Fun With Shorts is the best MST fan riff project out there IMHO.


  10. radioman970 says:

    *patiently waits for the sample*

    *taps foot*

    *impatiently waits for the sample*


  11. skyroniter says:

    I really look forward to hearing Mary Jo again. Her work in “Glitter” was tremendous. Very funny stuff.

    Josh has a daily comic strip that you can enjoy here:


  12. radioman970 says:

    Hey Gary.

    I can see myself sneaking in the store to buy Glitter on DVD. I’d slip it inside my pants, and while the teller wasn’t looking I’d put the money on the counter and sneak out of the store.


  13. Bill + Mary Jo + crappy X-Files Movie + Joshway helping write it = me getting this as soon as it comes out


  14. austin says:

    Am I the only one who thinks Bill looks a bit like Criswell in this photo?


  15. radioman970 says:

    I like Muldur at the bottom. Looks like he raided the Lost in Space wardrobe closet.

    Incidentally, I really like the film itself. Often very exciting, particularly the oddly chosen opening scene in the buildings. I don’t remember any episodes of the show with that kind of storyline. Still, can’t complain since the scene was very successful with starting the movie off with a bang. I hope they keep it 100% weird for the sequel.

    This RT looks like a winner already. Like others here I’m a fan of Mary Jo, especially MST3K of course. She reminds me of the funny ladies in my family.


  16. BSBrian says:

    yes, CMWaters, YES!! JOEL&MIKE!! JOEL&MIKE!!! JOEL&MIKE!!


  17. Brian says:

    I agree with someone else, the Mike / Joel hybrid riff is long overdue.


  18. radioman970 says:

    “JOEL & MIKE” has my approval. I’d buy the film and the rifftrax immediately.

    I’d like to suggest D-War (Dragon Wars), the Korean special effects extravaganza! Just watched it over the weekend and felt it would be an awesome RT. It reminded me of Soultaker (dude in cheap looking cloak travelling around), Future War (all the lizard goingson) and Merlin’s Mythical Shop of Wonders (kid being told a story) all rolled into one. Only think lacking is some Sandy Frank voice dubbing. Too bad the damn thing was made in English.


  19. radioman970 says:

    Great sample. Pearl and Brain Guy together again!


  20. Mike says:

    “Great sample. Pearl and Brain Guy together again!”

    Oh yeah… What makes you think it isn’t crow and Grandma Pearl together again hmmm?


  21. radioman970 says:

    “Oh yeah… What makes you think it isn’t crow and Grandma Pearl together again hmmm?”

    It might just be alllll that and more! :grin:


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