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Meet Dave


The first trailer for “Meet Dave”–the movie written by Bill Corbett and Rob Greenberg that was originally titled “Starship Dave”–is now streaming online at Yahoo Movies. You can also download the trailer in various formats there.

Also, the official web site for the movie is up. But right now all that’s there is a link to the trailer.

31 Replies to “Meet Dave”

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  1. Ryan S. says:

    Yeesh. I can only imagine the original script was better than this.

    Remind me again why Brian Robbins is allowed to direct?


  2. magicvoice says:

    I hope Bill was paid well for this because the movie is probably nowhere near the original script. I hope Rifftrax gives this film the treatment. Now THAT would be interesting.


  3. Diamond Joe says:

    “Meet Dave”? Why on earth go for such a blah title? “Starship Dave” was far more descriptive of the concept. Maybe they thought the word “starship” would frighten away everyone but science fiction viewers.


  4. Anita says:

    Ugh, last week our Lifestyles section of our paper printed critics’ choices for the hit, sleeper, and bomb of the Summer movie season, and Meet Dave was on a lot of Critic’s bomb lists.


  5. Crow says:

    I hope this doesn’t suck as badly as the preview does.


  6. WholeLottaMilka says:

    “Eddie Murphy in Eddie Murphy…”

    Does this mean he’s just f**king himself now? :wink:


  7. Dave-o says:

    Eddie Murphy is pretty much box office suicide these days. This just goes to show that decent writing (epecially impeccable writing) is wasted on hollywood, and its mindless drones. Putting Brian Robbins on the job, with Eddie Murphy? What is this…Daddy Daycare????


  8. PuppetWrangler says:

    I think I’ll pass on this one!

    This movie has a bad case of “DEEP HURTING”!


  9. R.A. Roth says:

    So the aliens looks exactly like us, share our language and slang, but they are “Land of the Giants” tiny.

    Is that the way Bill Corbett wrote it or what became of his script after Hollywood :cool: rubbed its fecal influence all over it?

    I’m guessing Bill might skip the premier for a good long weep.



  10. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    Kind of a sucker punch, seeing Eddie Murphy’s face just right there, looking so Eddie Murphyesque. There should be a warning at the top of the page that he’s going to be leering at us like that…I think I need a shower.


  11. I Am Kirok says:

    Looks like somebody saw the Cranium Command show at Epcot Center and wrote a movie. :idea:


  12. GersonK says:

    I’ll try to reserve judgment on the film, but I really hope “So and so IN So and So” becomes a stock riff, though it’s probably harder to get a set up for than “Switch.” “Jimmy Smits”.


  13. magicvoice says:

    The last good thing Eddie Murphy did was Bowfinger.
    He was hilarious in that movie.
    Everything else has been crrrrrap.


  14. Gorn Captain says:

    It’s the little alien controlling robot human body scene from Men In Black, meets the brain control room skit from Woody Allen’s “Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sex *But were afraid to ask” movie mash-up! :twisted:


  15. majorjoe23 says:

    So it’s not enough that Eddie Murphy plays every character in his movies, now he’s playing characters inside those characters?

    Most narcissistic actor ever.


  16. WouldntYouLikeToKnow says:

    An Eddie Murphy film written by Bill Corbett…pass…


  17. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    Coming soon: Eddie Murphy in HERMAN’S HEAD:THE MOVIE! Starring several small Eddie Murphys inside one big giant Eddie Murphy. Also it would have Eddie Murphy as some wise-cracking old lady.


  18. magicvoice says:

    Hey, at least it isn’t Martin Lawrence playing a wise-cracking old lady.


  19. Bill Corbett says:

    “An Eddie Murphy film written by Bill Corbett…pass…”

    Corbett’s a hack!!


  20. kurt says:

    Do you think we can twist Hollywood’s arm like we do every time Rhino F***s a dvd up?

    I bet if we started a petition, they’d rename it, but I think Hollywood probably embalmed Bill’s screenplay with their patented poopy juices…so ahhhh, poopie



  21. Radioman970 says:

    Oh my….another great idea bites the dust.

    I did laugh (small laugh) once. Something tells me the trailer has everything that is remotely good about the thing. For Mr. Bill’s sake I hope it makes millions.


  22. Dave-o says:

    i would really love to have seen whan the cohens or paul thomas anderson might have done with it…but alas…


  23. Farmer Iggy says:

    Sometimes you guys don’t have to say what all of you are thinking.


  24. Kalebzilla says:

    So why is this on :???:


  25. “So why is this on”

    The original script was written by Bill Corbett. You know, Crow #2…Brain Guy…

    “Eddie Murphy is pretty much box office suicide these days.”

    You can make the argument that Murphy’s recent movies haven’t been good, but they have been successful. Even the godforsaken ‘Norbit’ made $95M at the box office. Someone else knocked ‘Daddy Day Care’ ($104M). Since ‘Bowfinger’ ($66M), he’s also had ‘Nutty Professor II’ ($123M), ‘Dr. Dolittle 2’ ($112M) and ‘The Haunted Mansion’ (a solid, but not spectacular $75M). And that’s only films where he’s the main draw. Of course, there was ‘Pluto Nash’ ($4M), the way underperforming ‘I Spy’ ($33M) and the deserving of a bit better ‘Showtime’ ($38M). But overall, Murphy is still a bankable star and one who’s presence can assure a film more money than it would pull without him.

    I will withhold judgement. The preview was not promising, though. I found Murphy funnier as the ship than as the commander (who has a weird accent that’s getting in the way of his character).


  26. Somebody says:

    I think this movie has a chance to rise above simple satire and be social commentary. Give Bill the benefit of doubt.


  27. abra cadaver says:

    Man, I guess MST3K fans are snobs… I personally liked the preview. How can you nerds not be more supportive of Bill? He was the funniest of all the people involved in MST3K.

    “So the aliens looks exactly like us, share our language and slang, but they are ‘Land of the Giants’ tiny. Is that the way Bill Corbett wrote it?”

    You’d rather the aliens be purple and have tentacles? I’m pretty sure that’s the way Bill wrote it, because if you’re selling a script you can’t assume what kind of budget you’ll have for special effects, you want the film to be as easy to produce as possible. The important thing is the story, and I for one have faith in whatever Bill wrote, and will wait until I know what changes were made in the script before I pass judgment. Sheesh, you’d think fans would be more supportive.

    I’m not a huge fan of Eddie Murphy, but I:Spy was alright. I agree that Meet Dave is a mediocre title, Starship Dave was much better.


  28. Dave-o says:

    Philip Frey aka Rhindle the Red thanks for the lesson…i suppose he can put people in seats, but i suppose its more talentwise, that i just dont like him…he has no edge (though he used to) his movies these days seem to want to be copies of movies he’s already done (in the vein of sly stone, though not so overtly) with playing 8 people…i suppose its quantity over quality. And i dont think most of this is intended to be a knock at bill at all, i think its more what hollywoods done with a script from a writer we know and love…congradulations to Bill for (hopefully) getting paid well for this script, at the core, it sounds great. :grin:


  29. slappy magoo says:

    Whoever this movie is meant for, the trailer dooms it. They could’ve cut a trailer geared towards kids and families, and every weekend dad in America would’ve brought their kids to see it and it would’ve made at least 80 million before everyone else came to their senses. It’s basically what they did with the borderline-unwatchable Pink Panther remake with Steve Martin, and ALL the buzz on that was bomb-worthy. So they changed it from a PG-13 to a solid PG, tamed down any sex (except for the dropping-the-Viagra-down-the-drain bit), amped up the physical comedy, made it look as wacky as possible, and it made almost 160 million worldwide.

    Ye olde switcheroo trailer would’ve been better, make it look big and dramatic and important. Faux Jerry Goldsmith Star Trek music as the “in a world” VO guy talks about a starship unlike any other we’ve ever seen, the trailer makes it look like a man is standing in awe of that spaceship, then the camera swings around and we see it’s Eddie Murphy, then he opens his mouth and we see he IS the Starship. Drop the faux Goldsmith, cue the faux Danny Elfman via Pee-Wee/Beetlejuice, and we see Dave being manipulated by his intrepid crew, setting up a comedic element of tension and danger. “It’s hard to fit in here, when you’re from out there.” “They’re going to make a man out of him.” Sure, those taglines make you gag, but the kiddie set would identify with the idea of trying to fit in, root for Dave as a character instead of a thing, and draw their parents in to see it.

    It would’ve been very easy to put lipstick on this pig and take it to the dance. Whoever cut this trailer (and worse, whoever approved it) dropped the ball big-time.


  30. slappy magoo says:

    “Sometimes you guys don’t have to say what all of you are thinking.”

    Right, the last place to be brutally honest is when you’re anonymous and on the internet.


  31. Farmer Iggy says:

    No, no, my point was that if everyone’s already thinking the same thing, there’s really no reason to pile on.


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