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“East Meets Watts” Review

Andrea Speed of reviews the latest Cinematic Titanic release.

9 Replies to ““East Meets Watts” Review”

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  1. big61al says:

    As usual, good press for CT. Can’t wait to get my copy. :wink:


  2. Tim_Servo says:

    It is OK not great, Love seeing them do there thing “Live”.
    The movie is just too awful,even for all our heroes,literally unwatchable, i turned it off after a few.
    “cant we see a couple of mad scientists in lab coats or something Joel?”


  3. Cronkite Moonshot says:

    I think this is a really good DVD. I love the way they did the 16:9 anamorphic format with the movie being in the middle and the live versions of the crew on the edges. The riffing is great, and I like all the little flubs and quirks being left in. There is one painfully obvious non-live overdub by Trace near the very beginning, but the rest was all live. Overall I like this release, and wouldn’t at all mind seeing more like this in the future.

    Anyway I don’t know what Tim_Servo (#2) is talking about because the movie is hilarious. And if you (Tim_Servo) really did turn it off after only a few minutes how do you feel qualified to say anything about it? To me admitting that you only watched a few minutes of it is just like telling me to simply ignore anything you have to say about it. You might as well be reviewing the entire thing based only from the preview, since that is the first few minutes of the show after the opening credits.


  4. mikek says:

    My DVD is on its way. The movie already has James Hong, a favorite actor of mine most known for the movie Big Trouble in Little China.

    Besides, even a bad kung-gu/Blaxploitation hybrid is better than another dreary, dubbed, foreign horror movie.


  5. Fantagor says:

    Great DVD. Probably the best CT to date. All of them should be live releases in wide screen. It kicks ass. For real!



  6. samual says:

    It sounds great.
    I’ll have to give it a try


  7. touches no one's life, then leaves says:

    “This is how people get laws named after them.”

    It’s good, but I find the audience reaction and the riffers on either side of the screen very distracting, especially the groans. When I’m watching something, I’LL decide if the jokes are groan-worthy, thankyouverymuch. Plus the riffers seem overly self-conscious; the gag where one would make an arguably racist joke and the others would chide him/her got old immediately. I imagine the audience’s general lack of reaction to typically MST3K-ish “obscure” jokes was sort of discouraging. So, in general, I hope they don’t do it this way again. I’d even pay good money for a re-release with it done in the typical format, I missed it THAT much. Then again, I’d also pay for MST3K Seasons Eight Through Ten with Trace’s voice instead of Bill’s…

    Still, it’s good that they expanded the film category scope a bit. I wish they’d done films like that on MST3K itself. But I could say that about a LOT of film types…

    As to the movie itself, the awkward bit that I found most noticeable is when they broke into the building to saw off the handcuffs. The one guy’s doing all the searching for a saw or whatever while the other guy keeps telling him to search. I mean, okay, it’s not as if he can wander off to search somewhere else himself, but still, not very constructive. Sort of begged for a Fawlty Towers “YES, dear, I’m DOING it, dear!” reference.


  8. dave says:

    Just based on the preview I’ll skip this one.The humor level(for me anyway)has been declining with each release anyway.


  9. fathermushroom says:

    It had its moments. But I think I need to come back to this one in a few days, and give it another shot. Some things needs to be digested a little bit before the effect kicks in.


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