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Now Available from Cinematic Titanic…

The latest Cinematic Titanic DVD offering, featuring a live riff of “East Meets Watts,” is on sale now for $14.99 (plus shipping and handling).

It’s also available for DOWNLOAD for $9.99.

36 Replies to “Now Available from Cinematic Titanic…”

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  1. arch hall 3 says:

    JUST PAID, CANT WAIT! :smile:


  2. oddstocks says:

    Hey they’ve got Watts tshirts too.


  3. Gary Bowden says:

    Order mine early this morning! Can’t wait either..I believe they only sell those shirts(East Meets Watts;etc.)at their shows.I bought THE ALIEN FACTOR shirt and the DANGER AT TIKI ISLAND shirt in Dallas.


  4. oddstocks says:

    Yeah, the shirts are up on the store, too. On the merch page.


  5. Gary Bowden says:

    Please excuse my last comment.For some reason I thought someone asked if they had East Meets Watts shirts.Sorry.It’s still early. :oops:


  6. Gummo says:

    Does anyone know if there’s any difference between the DVD and the download, i.e., do you get any extras or the unriffed movie on the DVD?



  7. Mr. B(ob) says:

    CT DVDs do not have anything on them that is not available in the download. They are identical at this time.

    The tour T-shirts are cool. We bought the Alien Factor and Tikki Island shirts at the shows in Philly last summer. The Watts shirt was there too though we didn’t buy that one. If you’re thinking of getting one they are good quality shirts with movie art on the front and the CT Tour 2009 logo on the back.


  8. edge10 says:

    In for a DVD. Hopefully the whole movie lives up to the online preview. :mrgreen:


  9. R. Hilton says:

    Hooray! I’ll add this to my X-mas program along with S.C. Conquers the Martians and Santa Claus.


  10. big61al says:

    Bought mine and you can’t have it! Seriously, can’t wait to watch it. Red letter day for us fans – Brand new CT DVD for sale and Rifftrax at the theater tonight! :mrgreen:


  11. Eric says:

    Just downloaded and watched it! :grin:

    Very funny! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Definitely one of my favorites….will have to watch it again…..


  12. Mr. B(ob) says:

    I ordered the DVD this morning and am going to the Rifftrax Live show tonight. Movie sign!


  13. Loran Alan Davis says:

    Off topic: I just watched the new Rifftrax DVD Planet of Dinosaurs, and the whole film is “jerky” – just like many of their DVD shorts. Has anyone else noticed this?


  14. Loran Alan Davis says:

    Refering to #13: (Off topic): I don’t believe this! I just put in for the first time Rifftrax’s Night of the Living Dead – and it’s also “jerky”! If anyone else has noticed this, please contact me at

    On topic: I purchased “East Meets Watts” today. If anyone from CT is reading this, you should know that I prefer the “live” DVD format. It’s great to hear the audience reaction.


  15. Watching it now – I definitely prefer the live format. The studio DVDs are enjoyable, but it’s so much more fun to hear the audience reaction.
    This is one of the best movies for riffing ever in MST3K or its offshoots. (“Brides of Blood” or whatever they’re calling it now was right up there with this one, though.)
    I think they’ve remixed the audio since the preview that was posted, or maybe the sound quality makes a difference, but the audience laughter is much less intrusive than in the preview.


  16. Graboidz says:

    Wow…I really want an Alien Factor T-shirt!! I don’t see that one on the CT Merch page???


  17. CaptainZap says:

    Just finished watching my buddies copy. simply put, I’m done with CT. If I wanted to watch a live comedy troupe on stage, I would go see them live, not on a DVD. It’s like watching any concert film. Yeah the music is great, but it’s nowhere the same experience like actually being there. It’s been almost a year since the last studio DVD, and we get this cheaply done production as the first out of the gate since then. I feel very let down by the Titans for this. Too bad too, because the riffing is much improved since the last DVD. :cry:


  18. sirhamhat says:

    To #17:
    Finally… Some criticism. I mean, I’m not just trying to be negative, but I’ve been a staunch opponent to CT doing the live DVDs. Especially releasing them as a LIVE version before a studio version. I gave them the benefit of the doubt… but, after seeing the YouTube clip, I was more disappointed because the riffing was hilarious and the audio (more specifically, the annoying and distracting audience laughter) was a train wreck. I’ve seen them live and it is a fun experience, but to view them at home, I want the studio DVDs or nothing.

    They launched from the gate with such promise, but this past year has been a disaster for Cinematic Titanic. I hope they go back to the studio DVDs, or I am–sadly–totally done with CT. Honestly, I highly doubt they will return to the studio DVDs, because this is surely a cheaper way to do live shows and make DVDs. And if everyone is so bloody thrilled with the LIVE DVD, then studio DVDs are deader than Kennedy. Very sad and disappointing. Oh well… At least there is Rifftrax.


  19. Gummo says:

    I will withhold commenting on the live vs. studio debate until I see the DVD, but if the audio from the movie comes through clearly, I have no problem with some audience reaction.


  20. Gummo says:

    Oh, and thank you, Mr. B, for the info.


  21. Teenage Cavegirl says:

    #18 – I think this year has been a disaster for your relationship with CT. Fortunately, CT seems to be chugging along happily despite that. :grin:

    Looking forward to East Meets Watts LIVE! :grin:


  22. Gary Bowden says:

    I’ve only seen the 5 minute clip and the audience’s laughter didn’t distract from hearing the riffs.I ordered mine this morning and I’m looking forward to it.I can adapt to this.If it’s done well and the sound is good,then what’s the problem?? The live Rifftrax dvd of Plan 9 isn’t bad,but what I don’t like is once in a while you get Mike,Bill and Kevin on the left side of the screen and not much of the movie,which is fine,since I know I’m not missing much of the movie anyway.But,do we really need to see them? I enjoyed it nonetheless,so I can live with it..


  23. Qrusher says:

    I thought this would be cheaper?? If it was cheaper to produce, why charge the same price? I would maybe take a flyer on it for $5, but not at the regular price of the studio dvds.


  24. I’m watching it and enjoying it right now. It’s well mixed, and I was happy to plunk down 10 bucks for it.


  25. Steve K says:

    Got it. Watched it. Loved it.

    Personally, I prefer the live format, as you get more real things in there. Mistakes, ad-libs, there are even a few shouts from the audience, all increase the charm for me, and make me feel as if I’m there.

    No, #17, it’s not quite the same as being there (trust me, I was there in Boston), but it’s closer that an aseptic studio piece, and I really like how they used the space from the widescreen aspect ratio.

    Because it’s not about creating a perfectly flawless, polished product. It’s about the movies. And how bad they are. And making fun of them. With friends!


  26. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    #23 – so by that rationale, if I was to buy a copy of Transformers 2 (I won’t), should I insist on paying more for it than a copy of say, My Dinner with Andre? The latter only had two actors, and couldn’t possibly have cost anywhere near as much to produce…


  27. TVEye says:

    Quick question: is the download file an .iso image ready to burn or is it some huge 3gigs .avi or something?


  28. Kali says:

    The download file is ready to burn. You need to install a program that will automatically download the file, then burn it onto disk.


  29. GersonK says:

    @27 – I’m pretty sure it can only be burned with EZ Takes’ software, but it’s pretty much point + shoot.


  30. Wendel says:

    About post 18.

    Sorry Sirhamhat, but I have to disagree with you. While I am not a big concert goer I like the rifftrax live show (have not seen CT live) and the DVD with audience response.
    Not always, granted, but the CT DVDs seem a bit sterial and to see the fans react, to see the miffs and flubs, makes it more of an event.

    It is like hearing you favorite song at a concert with the audience cheering and all. You are with a group who feels as you do.

    Keep up the DVDs of live shows CT.


  31. Nick says:

    I saw east meets watts live in seattle and it was great – but I think I’d much rather have a studio DVD – I actually wanted to keep the over all “meta-story”, the electron scaffolding, the underground bunker – etc. I feel it is going to be abandoned in favour of the live stuff.

    I actually dig continuity and some sort of canon.

    Regardless, ordered the new DVD anyways – will be able to vicariously re-live the live show.


  32. C. says:

    1. If CT ever came to my town, I’d go…
    2. The cost of a DVD is cheaper than a live show.

    One complaint about the live show… no host segments, which means the whole framing story about the time tube is forgotten. I want more studio DVDs only to bring the storyline into sharper relief.


  33. John Seavey says:

    Bought it, downloaded it, and got about twenty minutes in before my DVD player registered some discomfort with the disc. (It’s my DVD player, not the disc. Thing’s on its last legs. :) )

    I enjoyed what I’ve seen so far; just in case anyone from CT is reading, I think I would like “live” versions to be an occasional diversion from the studio discs, just like I think “re-riffed” films should be an occasional diversion from new ones, but I wasn’t disappointed with what I’ve seen. I think I really just want more than one disc a year. :)


  34. sirhamhat says:

    To all those saying that the studio DVDs seemed sterile and that the live audience adds so much… I personally don’t remember an audience or a laugh track on that show… what was it called? Oh yeah, Mystery Science Theater 3000. They have two more people in the theater than MST3k, and that is plenty to be in the “theater”.

    I found nothing sterile about the studio DVDs. To me, the audience cheapens the whole thing and it is distracting. It reminds me of a corny sitcom. I saw Danger on Tiki Island live, and it was fun, but you can’t recreate the live experience. And I, like everyone else, was laughing and totally geeking out over seeing the live event. I just don’t want to hear that on the DVD. Its just my opinion. Everyone seems to love the whole LIVE DVD thing, which is good for all of you, because I’m sure that is the direction that they are going… Its just not for me.


  35. MarkW says:

    #23 – While $5 would be nice, it seems odd to single out CT for charging $9.99 (or $14.99 for a physical DVD) when the Rifftrax is charging $14.99 for their recently released live DVD. A DVD of a movie they’ve already released multiple times, and a DVD of a live show that most of us already saw.

    $9.99 certainly seems like a reasonable price for a brand new riff that most of us have never seen.

    #34 – There’s also a lot of great sitcoms that use live audience laughter. You could just as easily say “It reminds me of Sienfeld, or It’s Garry Shandling’s Show, or The Big Bang Theory”. Comedy filmed before a live audience doesn’t equal “corny sitcom”. This isn’t like CT is slapping some cheesy canned laugh track like ABC did to season one of Sports Night.


  36. FordPrefect says:

    I’ve watched a five minute clip of the new DVD and kinda got flashbacks to the live show I went to in February. It’s different. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad presentation, but I don’t know if it’s the improvement that some fans seem to think it is. Of course, guys like me are eventually going to buy it whether it’s live or not. If this is what CT needs to do to keep the DVD series going, I’d definitely prefer this to the alternative of not offering any new DVDs on the website.

    I’m curious what the sales for this will be like, as I’m sure it will affect the next releases. If the sales increase or don’t change it will “prove” the live show enthusiasts right. If they somehow decrease because a lot of studio DVD fans are turned off by the idea, it might be more profitable for them to re-release this as a studio recording.

    Being a CT fan really makes you feel like a test subject for market research, just like Oozing Skull was a “pilot” released to us to get reactions instead of the uninterested TV executives. They released it and got our reactions to see what needed to be changed. Don’t like Joel’s position in the theater? We’ll change it….twice. Don’t like Frank’s sketch, wooden delivery, and lack of interaction? We’ll address those things too. Want a premise? We’ll provide a loose one. Unless we do live DVDs. This is not necessarily a criticism since it shows they’re making an effort to take what we say into account. Just an observation.

    I’m not against the live show format, but I think it might be nice if they offer episodes in both live and studio formats someday. That way they’ll be able to provide more products to customers and the ones who prefer one over the other can stick with the format they like best. I understand that probably isn’t economically feasible right now, more like something to consider for the future.


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