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RiffTrax and “Twilight”

In a piece pegged to the arrival of the new “Twilight” movie, Jeremiah Magan at the Cal State Fullerton Daily Titan discovers how RiffTrax takes the pain of “Twilight” away. Or lessens it, anyway.

14 Replies to “RiffTrax and “Twilight””

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  1. PrivateIron says:

    If there is anything I damn RiffTrax for, it is that I now own the Twilight movie. My wife has forbidden me from buying Titanic for the same purpose.


  2. monoceros4 says:

    I bought it, but I *still* haven’t been able to make myself cue it up. Rifftrax has gotten me through some pretty bad movies but I have a special hatred for movies about teenagers in general, so figured that Twilight would be doubly excruciating.


  3. Josh says:

    I purchased the track, but refused to buy the movie, so I went the rental route.

    It was filled with much hurting. Especially when we got to the end, and my fiancee turned to me and asked if we could watch it without the riffing. THEY’VE TAKEN HER!!!


  4. Stacey says:

    I wouldn’t even spend two cents to buy that turdburger of a movie. I endured it in the theater last year with a friend of mine. We are still friends even though she knows my feeling about The Twilight Saga. Thank you Rifftrax for preforming a much needed service.


  5. mikek says:

    I’d rather watch every womany movie mentioned during the end credits in that MST3K episode of Alien From L.A. than watch Twilight.


  6. Kenneth Morgan says:

    I may eventually watch it with Rifftrax assistance, but I’m still hoping for a version where Christopher Lee shows up and knocks around all the young punks.


  7. Cronkite Moonshot says:

    Twilight is a truly awful movie, but the Rifftrax for it is GREAT! I don’t understand all these people who have probably watched hundreds of the worst movies ever made on MST acting like it would be so hard to watch Twilight even with the Rifftrax. It is bad, but it doesn’t even compare to some of the unwatchable stuff MST unleashed upon us over the years. Yes, the undeserved idolatry it receives from so many dullards is extremely annoying, and so I can fully understand why anyone with any sense wouldn’t want to watch the movie on it’s own. Still anyone hesitant about watching it WITH the Rifftrax is quite simply a lightweight. Yes a namby-pamby, pantywaist, candy-ass, who should be ashamed to call themselves a fan of movie riffing.


  8. Nutcase says:

    @ Josh

    I know how you fel. My mom got into it and now there’s a poster of Edward with the words “World’s sexiest vampire” on the living room desk. Every day I go to the kitchen to get something to eat (or when it comes to my workdays, every day I come home) I see that poster and it makes my stomache churn.


  9. mikek says:

    Gravatar 7
    Cronkite Moonshot says:
    November 19th, 2009 at 8:13 pm

    I wouldn’t watch any of the movies on MST3K on their own. Why would I watch Twilight? It’s going to cost me $4.99 to rent the DVD and $3.99 for the RiffTrax. I made that mistake with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I won’t do it again.


  10. Cronkite Moonshot says:

    @mikek #9, What is your point? I don’t think you read my post correctly. I wouldn’t want to watch most of the MST movies on their own either, and I said that I can understand someone NOT wanting to watch Twilight on it’s own. What I don’t get is people (who by being on this website you’d assume have been MST fans for some amount of time) acting as if Twilight is just so bad that it’s not even worth watching the Rifftrax version. It’s awful, yes, but it’s an example of a modern movie that is perfect for riffing, and you’d think someone who hates the movie would be even more excited to hear Mike Kevin and Bill tear into it. It is actually one of the best Rifftrax they’ve done (that I’ve heard anyway). And the fact that I had already seen and hated the film made it all the more fun. In fact I’ve watched it a couple of times now, which surprises even me. When I was cajoled into seeing Twilight originally I would have never dreamed that I’d ever see it again after that one miserable time. But the Rifftrax version is just too damn fun. The same thing happened with The Happening. I despise that movie even more than Twilight, and yet I can’t get enough of the Rifftrax version.

    On the other hand, if you just don’t want to have to spend the money on both the Rifftrax and getting a hold of the movie just to see Twilight get riffed that is a valid point, but also a different matter that has nothing to do with what I was talking about.


  11. viidakko says:

    I never even considered watching this turd without “the guys”. It is really bad, rf guys make it tolerable. It might be fun to watch it with german drinking songs playing in background. Or foreground. Belch.


  12. PrivateIron says:

    Twilight is not just bad. It is corporate, odorless, plastic, soul-less bad. As bad as most MST3K movies were, you still got the feeling that some poor SOB thought making them was the chance of a lifetime.


  13. mikek says:

    mikek #9, What is your point? I don’t think you read my post correctly. I wouldn’t want to watch most of the MST movies on their own either, and I said that I can understand someone NOT wanting to watch Twilight on it’s own. What I don’t get is people (who by being on this website you’d assume have been MST fans for some amount of time) acting as if Twilight is just so bad that it’s not even worth watching the Rifftrax version. It’s awful, yes, but it’s an example of a modern movie that is perfect for riffing, and you’d think someone who hates the movie would be even more excited to hear Mike Kevin and Bill tear into it. It is actually one of the best Rifftrax they’ve done (that I’ve heard anyway). And the fact that I had already seen and hated the film made it all the more fun. In fact I’ve watched it a couple of times now, which surprises even me. When I was cajoled into seeing Twilight originally I would have never dreamed that I’d ever see it again after that one miserable time. But the Rifftrax version is just too damn fun. The same thing happened with The Happening. I despise that movie even more than Twilight, and yet I can’t get enough of the Rifftrax version.

    My point is that I’m just not interested in the RiffTrax for Twilight. I wish I hadn’t bothered with it for Transformers 2 either. The riffing doesn’t make that movie easier to watch.

    There are plenty of Rifftrax I don’t bother with because I couldn’t care less about the movie being riffed. So Twilight is bad and is perfect riffing fodder? Good. That doesn’t mean I want to watch it.


  14. Cornjob says:

    Regarding: The movie Twilight

    I just saw this (w/rifftrack). Godawfull. To begin with, they aren’t vampires (and that’s not Sinbad). Vampires are creatures of the night who can rarely even function during daylight hours. They don’t go for strolls outside at noon no matter how cloudy it is. Vampires burst into flame or crumble into dust in sunlight. They don’t sparkle (except as a by-product of combustion).

    If regarded as just emo porn for 12 year old girls whose nascent sexuality regards a sensitive, petulant, pretty-boy gay man who needs a mommy, as an ideal boyfriend; the film is fairly well made. But for those of us who don’t want a puppy in the shape of a boy band member, AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGG!

    Why would a 90 year old who was vamped at age 17 not pass himself off as a young looking college student? If I had to be in high school forever I’d be gulping down gallons of nitroglycerin before getting on a turbo charged pogo stick and jumping into the grand canyon.
    And he falls in love like a 13 year old with a vacant, twitchy, stammering, twit who’s barely pubescent, because he can’t read her mind? I think he can and there’s just nothing there to read.

    And she, despite being welcomed with unnatural acceptance by a bunch of nice, if shallow kids, get’s fixated on a distant, rude, homosexual who keeps hanging around her so he can tell her they shouldn’t be together.

    By the way, the first thing a classmate said to me my first day of High School was when a cheerleader told me “Get the F*** out of my chair you Motherf***ing A**hole” with enough hate in her voice to nearly set my hair on fire. Things went down hill from there.
    I laughed more at this rifftrack than any other for a while. Thank you rifftrax, and in a roundabout way, thank you Twilight, for being such perfectly riffable crap and having the most stupid looking super speed running ever.


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