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This Date in MSTory

1887: Bert Sternbach, production manager for the movies in episodes 103- THE MAD MONSTER and 208- LOST CONTINENT.

1901: Wanda Rotha, who played Gertrude in the movie in episode 1009- HAMLET.

1909: Dave Lewis, screenwriter for the movie in episode K16- CITY ON FIRE.

1921: William Bagdad, who played Marty in the movie in episode 1002- GIRL IN GOLD BOOTS.

1923: Foster Hood, who played Red Hawk in the movie in episode 1102- CRY WILDERNESS. ‘

1933: Barbara Feldon, who was mentioned in a host segment in episode 903- The PUMAMAN.*

1935: Arnold Margolin, the lyricist who wrote the “Love American Style” theme song, sung by Mike and the bots in a host segment in episode 606- THE CREEPING TERROR.*

1946: Dean Cundey, director of photography for the movie “Angels’ Brigade,” seen in episode 622- ANGELS’ REVENGE.*

1946: Liza Minelli, who was mentioned in host segments in episode 311- IT CONQUERED THE WORLD, episode 505- THE MAGIC VOYAGE OF SINBAD and 406- ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES.*

1947: Laura Waterbury, who played Linda in the movie in episode 1201- MAC AND ME.

1954: Chester M. Franklin (age 63), who produced the movie in episode 510- THE PAINTED HILLS.

1956: William Ruhl (age 54; ulcer), who played a cop in the movie in episode 702- THE BRUTE MAN.

1961: Robert MacArthur Crawford (age 75), who wrote the U.S. Air Force anthem, aka “Wild Blue Yonder,” a portion of which Tom Servo sang in a host segment in episode 906- THE SPACE CHILDREN.

1977: George Eldredge (age 78), who played Mike in the movie in episode 105- THE CORPSE VANISHES.

1988: DeWitt Bodeen (age 79), screenwriter for the movie in episode 524- 12 TO THE MOON.

1992: Barbara Morrison (age 84), who played Polly Prattles in the movie in episode 109- PROJECT MOON BASE.

1993: June Valli (age 64), who can be heard singing “The Evening Star” in the movie in episode 408- HERCULES UNCHAINED.

1994: Anatol Radzinowicz (age 82), production designer for the movie in episode 211- FIRST SPACESHIP ON VENUS.

2001: Roswell A. Hoffmann (age 95), who did the optical printing for the movie THIS ISLAND EARTH seen in MST3K: THE MOVIE.
2001: Morton Downey Jr. (age 68), mentioned in a host segment in episode K13- SST: DEATH FLIGHT.

2005: Glen Davis (age 55), a stunt player for the movie in episode 516- ALIEN FROM L.A.

2005: Jack Silk (age 82), who played a villager in the movie in episode 909- GORGO.

2012: Yevgeni Kumankov (age 92), art director for the movie in episode 505- MAGIC VOYAGE OF SINBAD and production designer for the movie in episode 617- THE SWORD AND THE DRAGON.

1989: episode K15- SUPERDOME first shown.

* = If this appears next to a birthday, this person is alive, according to the IMDB. If you can supply evidence that he or she has died, and when, please let us know.
** = If this appears next to a birthday, the IMDB indicates that the person has died, but the IMDB does not have a full death date (probably just a month and year or just the year he or she died). If you can give us the exact date (with some sort of proof we can check), please let us know.
** = If this appears next to a death date, the IMDB does not have this person’s full birthday. If you can provide it (with some sort of proof we can check), please let us know.
This Date in MSTory is written and compiled by Christopher Cornell, Brian Henry and Steve Finley with assistance by Tim Brown, Gordon Lawyer and many other Satellite News commenters.

This Date in MSTory is copyright 2025. © All rights reserved. Do not reproduce This Date in MSTory items in any form without express written permission from the authors.

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