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RIP Michael Preece

BRENTWOOD, Calif. — Michael Preece, the script supervisor turned director who called the shots on multiple episodes of series including “Hunter,” “Dallas” and “Walker, Texas Ranger,” died at his home here February 27. He was 88.

Preece directed 19 episodes of NBC’s “Hunter” from 1984-90 during the show’s first six seasons; 62 installments of CBS’ “Dallas” from 1981-91 (seasons four through 14), plus the 1997 reunion telefilm “War of the Ewings;” and 70 episodes of CBS’ “Walker, Texas Ranger” during its nine-season, 1993-2001 run.

MSTies will be familiar with his work as script supervisor for the movie in episode 512- MITCHELL.

The Hollywood Reporter has the story.

Thanks to Tim and Gordon for the heads up.

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