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  1. mst3kme

    Trivia from IMDb:

    When Roger Corman needed to travel to shoot a film on location, he would put together a second feature that could be shot at the same location. This film was shot on the same location as Naked Paradise (1957). American International put this on the shelf for a year and a half before using it as part of one of their pre-packaged double features with Night of the Blood Beast (1958).

    Roger Corman said the original title was simply “Shark Reef” but American-International expanded it to “She Gods of Shark Reef” even though no one knew just who or what the “She Gods” were.

    Lovers of “beefcake” will note that Bill Cord and Don Durant spend the entire movie completely bare-chested.

    In Dinocroc vs. Supergator (2010), which was produced by Roger Corman, a tour guide references this film while leading a group around an old hotel.

    A billboard poster for this movie appears in the background in the opening credits of Grease (1978).



    When Mahia is thrown from the boat in sacrifice by Queen Pau, Mahia’s hands are bound and her feet are free. Under the water she struggles and flounders around to swim. But she works for The Company as a pearl diver. She’s seen several times earlier swimming very well.

    Boom mic visible

    In the room when the woman is laying on the bed. The blond guy stands up quickly and the boom mic is slow to go up.


  2. jay

    Lots of “batch” jokes from Mary Jo and Bridget. I would expect no less from these two She Gods.


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