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Phil Donahue RIP

NEW YORK CITY — Phil Donahue, whose pioneering daytime talk show launched an indelible television genre, died at his home here after a long illness. He was 88.

Dubbed “the king of daytime talk,” Donahue was the first to incorporate audience participation in a talk show, typically during a full hour with a single guest. Dubbed “the king of daytime talk,” Donahue was the first to incorporate audience participation in a talk show, typically during a full hour with a single guest.

“Just one guest per show? No band?” he remembered being routinely asked in his 1979 memoir, “Donahue, My Own Story.”

MSTies may remember that his show was mentioned in a host segment in episode 211- FIRST SPACESHIP ON VENUS.

Vanity Fair has the story.

2 Replies to “Phil Donahue RIP”

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  1. mst3kme

    Phil Donahue pioneered talk shows.

    He dealt with topics that other shows refused to deal with or simply ignored.

    He also did celebrity interviews that didn’t fall under the trite category of “What was it like working with (insert name of actor/director).”

    Every talk show since, starting with Oprah’s talk show, exist because Donahue’s wit, intelligence, and compassion.

    My condolences to his family and friends.


  2. Dan in WI

    RIP to Phil Donahue and his best impressionist Phil Hartman


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