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  1. mst3kme

    From IMDb:



    When Sherlock Holmes is fishing in Scotland, first the river current is flowing from left to right. Later as he walks off screen right, downstream, he’s walking upstream and the current is flowing right to left. In the next shot the current is back to flowing left to right.

    Factual errors

    When the impostor posing as Matthew Ordway knocks a terrarium of black widow spiders onto the floor and Watson reaches for the gun among them, Holmes shouts “Stop it, Watson! Those insects are deadly!” Spiders are not insects, and Holmes, having just revealed Ordway to be an impostor on the basis of the man’s lack of knowledge about spiders, should know this.

    Holmes ‘corrects’ the fake Matthew Ordway by saying that Ordway should have said that ‘the virus [of the spiders] was valuable to toxicologists.’ He should have said venom, not virus.

    Adam Gilflower is summoned by Holmes to identify the dead spider because, says Holmes, “I believe you know more about spiders than any man in London.” Gilflower identifies the spider, but incorrectly observes that it is “the deadliest insect known to science.”

    Insurance companies won’t pay off on suicide, yet the Spider Woman deliberately makes these murders look like suicide to collect on the life insurance. In reality she wouldn’t collect a dime.

    The first time Sherlock Holmes refers to the deadly spider that caused all of the suicides and nearly killed him, he calls it an “insect”. Spider are “arachnids”, which have 8-legs and 2 body segments, unlike “insects” which are 6-legged and have 3 body segments. Holmes is unlikely to make such a mistake.

    During their investigation, Holmes and Watson discover a replica of a skeleton that resembles that of an adult human, only proportionally smaller. It is heavily implied that this represents the skeleton of the “pigmy” who committed the crimes. However, the actual “pigmy” is a dwarf with obvious growth defects which would affect his skeleton. This makes the replica of the skeleton pointless, as it does not represent the dwarf’s anatomy.

    A candy wrapper containing chemicals that created poison gas when tossed into a fire was later examined by Holmes but the wrapper was unburned.

    At approximately 00:01:56 it shows an ambulance turning into a street, it is an American ambulance.

    Revealing mistakes

    When Adrea Spedding tells Norman to send a car for Rajni Singh (Sherlock Holmes in disguise), he mouths “alright” but there is no audio.


    At the beginning of the film, Holmes appears to be fly-fishing in white water rapids.

    When Watson discovers the skeleton on the closet, it’s three-dimensional, but after he brings it out into the light it’s a two-dimensional flat.

    Character error

    When Dr. Watson plays the tuba (c.29 minutes) he is clearly miming and his fingering of the valves bears no relationship to the notes that are heard.


  2. jay

    Spider Woman, Spider Woman. Does whatever a chain smoking, girdle wearing spider can. Lookout! Here comes the Spider Woman. To steal their tent (see old Sherlock Holmes joke #532).


  3. jay


    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine they lay down for the night, and went to sleep.
    Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend. “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”
    Watson replied, “I see millions and millions of stars.”
    “What does that tell you?”
    Watson pondered for a minute. “Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, I supect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Why, what does it tell you?”
    Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke. “Watson, you imbecile. Some bastard has stolen our tent.”

    It could be #533. I have forgotten.


  4. Jason Davis

    Gale Sondergaard who was the spider woman. She won an Oscar in 1937 and she was the first to win one in her first ever film.


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