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A New Short from RiffTrax…

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2 Replies to “A New Short from RiffTrax…”

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  1. Marioman22 says:

    Might be cheesy, but it’s not that bad, which is basically a thing with many old shorts.
    Really funny commentary though.


  2. jay says:

    That is a tarpon the much maligned “little lady” has on her hook. They are tough fighters but completely inedible. Back in those days a common practice was to maneuver the hooked tarpon up to the boat and remove one of its scales which are round and as big as a silver dollar. The Tarpon Inn in Port Aransas, Texas has many of them autographed by the catcher and nailed up on the lobby wall including one caught by FDR. For what it’s worth if you do hook one I strongly recommend catch and release (unharmed). The tarpon, that is, not FDR.


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