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The Mads Are Back (With Special Guests Mary Jo, Bill & Kevin (& Felicia))

Join The Mads on Tuesday, July 9 at 8 PM Eastern for “A Night of Shorts 16” followed by a live Q&A with guests Mary Jo Pehl, Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy. Buy your tickets here.

Update – Felicia Day will also be joining the Q&A.

6 Replies to “The Mads Are Back (With Special Guests Mary Jo, Bill & Kevin (& Felicia))”

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  1. Chazzzbot says:

    It is coming up on 2 years since we have had any new MST (insert tears emoji). Hopefully, something is cooking for this upcoming Thanksgiving- or at least some news! (insert dancing Torgo emoji)


  2. Franklyn Hart says:

    And The Mads just announced a summer holiday after 49(?) monthly broadcasts. [sad emoji]

    At least Rifftrax soldiers on, and will perform live in Minneapolis this month!


  3. Dan in WI says:

    Franklyn Hart:
    And The Mads just announced a summer holiday after 49(?) monthly broadcasts.[sad emoji]

    At least Rifftrax soldiers on, and will perform live in Minneapolis this month!

    I truly hope this is a short-term thing. For whatever reason, they’ve become my favorite of the alumni projects right now. It probably has to do with the movie selection. These are they type I’ve always felt (your mileage may vary) made the best original MST episodes.


  4. Dan in WI says:

    It is coming up on 2 years since we have had any new MST (insert tears emoji). Hopefully, something is cooking for this upcoming Thanksgiving- or at least some news! (insert dancing Torgo emoji)

    I talked to Mike Norton (who did the art for season 13) at C2E2 earlier this year. He didn’t have a definite answer on a second attempt Season 14 fundraiser. His personal gut feeling (take this for what it is worth) was Joel is losing interest and my let MST die.
    With Felicia Day appearing on the most recent Mads Are Back event, I did find it curious the topic wasn’t touched on in any way whatsoever.


  5. Chazzzbot says:

    Dan in WI: I talked to Mike Norton (who did the art for season 13) at C2E2 earlier this year. He didn’t have a definite answer on a second attempt Season 14 fundraiser. His personal gut feeling (take this for what it is worth) was Joel is losing interest and my let MST die.
    With Felicia Day appearing on the most recent Mads Are Back event, I did find it curious the topic wasn’t touched on in any way whatsoever.

    Thank you for that info Dan, I am bummed. So bummed that I’ve stopped watching MST all together- which is the exact opposite of what I should be doing, but it makes me sad. I loved the reboots and loved both crews. I wish they could at least release the live shows and then at least reboot again with all the same cast/crew at least and guarantee 12-18 eps a year at least, or at least one of us diehard misties wins the billion dollar lotto . . . at least LOL


  6. Chazzzbot says:

    Oops, sorry, I don’t know how these quote things work. Somehow made it look like Dan in WI said all that. And the edit button did not pop up. But it did for this one. ? ? ?


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