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Now Available from RiffTrax…

A new riff of an MST3K classic from Bridget and Mary Jo. Download it here.

And this short was released earlier in the week. Get it here.

3 Replies to “Now Available from RiffTrax…”

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  1. jay says:


    As a child those marionettes would have encouraged an even worse opinion of dentistry than I already had and I had an ready-to-retire, pipe smoking, foul smelling dentist who stood over me while working and sweated on my face. Amalgam = heavy metal poison. No wonder my IQ is what it is!


  2. Blonde Russian Spy says:


    As a child those marionettes would have encouraged an even worse opinion of dentistry than I already had and I had an ready-to-retire, pipe smoking, foul smelling dentist who stood over me while working and sweated on my face.Amalgam = heavy metal poison.No wonder my IQ is what it is!

    I’m sorry to hear that. I was lucky to have a very good dentist when I was growing up, which is a big reason I’m not afraid of dentist’s visits. We didn’t have pediatric dentists back then, so he saw both my parents and me. I kept seeing him into adulthood, but sadly he was killed in a helicopter crash. It’s such a shame – he was getting older but he wasn’t that old, and he was definitely a good person.


  3. Cornjob says:

    I still think Vi in Tormented needed to read “He’s Just not that Into You” and get an afterlife.


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