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RIP Warren Hammack

Northampton, Mass. — Warren Hammack, producer, actor, writer and director, died at his home here on Feb. 13, one day shy of his 89th birthday.

An extensive look at his long career is here.

MSTies will remember that he played a mechanic in the movie “Five the Hard Way,” featured in episode 202- THE SIDEHACKERS, the attorney in the movie in episode 209- THE HELLCATS and Lt. Robertson in the movie in episode 418- ATTACK OF THE THE EYE CREATURES.

Thanks to Gordon for the heads up.

2 Replies to “RIP Warren Hammack”

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  1. Terry the Sensitive Knight says:

    “Lt. Robertson in the movie in episode 418- ATTACK OF THE THE EYE CREATURES.”
    He wasn’t one of the guys spying on necking teenagers was he?


  2. jjk50 says:

    Terry the Sensitive Knight:
    “Lt. Robertson in the movie in episode 418- ATTACK OF THE THE EYE CREATURES.”
    He wasn’t one of the guys spying on necking teenagers was he?

    No he wasn’t one of them. I just happened to watch that movie last night.


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