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6 Replies to “Now Available from RiffTrax…”

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  1. jay says:

    Was that one woman actually wearing the Manos cape?


  2. Sitting Duck says:

    The Psychotronic Video Guide lists it under the alternate title Halloween Night.


  3. eegah says:

    Anybody know why Kevin isn’t on this one?


  4. Ray Dunakin says:

    Watched this one last night. What a turd of a movie. The grandpa plays it so over the top that he’s more annoying than evil, and you can’t wait for him to get killed just to shut him up. I think the director must have seen “Zombie Nightmare” and “Final Sacrifice” and decided, “Hey, I should have a guy with a stupid voice in my movie too!”


  5. mst3kme says:

    From Kevin Murphy’s Twitter:

    “I’m fine. I’m good. I’m givin’ out Halloween candy. I’ve been on a personal side-trip that will keep me occupied for a while more. I’ll be back to riffing soon. So thank you for your love and concern. Wishing you all a Full-Size-Candy-Bar kinda Halloween.” -kwm

    Anybody know why Kevin isn’t on this one?


  6. Master Ninja 2 says:

    The Mask in 3-D….. anyone…… ?



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