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RIP Jerry Lee Lewis

— Desoto County, Miss.: Pioneering rock ‘n’ roll icon Jerry Lee Lewis died at his home here Oct. 28. He was 87. MSTies may recall that he was mentioned in host segments in episodes 610- THE VIOLENT YEARS and 311- IT CONQUERED THE WORLD.

CNN has the story.

Thanks to Tim for the heads up.

And in other passings, Jules Bass of Rankin-Bass, who was mentioned in a host segment in episode 321- SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTIANS, died Oct. 25. He was 87.

Thanks to Tim and Gordon for the heads up.

2 Replies to “RIP Jerry Lee Lewis”

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  1. jay says:

    He married seven times. Just like Arlene Judge. RIP


  2. Cornjob says:

    “Put her down Jerry Lee”


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