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RIP Angela Lansbury

LOS ANGELES–Dame Angela Lansbury, the actress who for seven decades brought a commanding presence to stage, screen and television, died Oct. 11 at her home here. She was 96.

MSTies may remember that she was mentioned in a host segment in episode 619- RED ZONE CUBA.

People Magazine has the story.

Thanks to Tim for the heads up.

6 Replies to “RIP Angela Lansbury”

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  1. jay says:

    “I am not going Dancing With the Stars at this point.” RIP


  2. mst3kme says:

    Angela Lansbury was a class act and the consummate character actress.

    She won five Tony Awards and an Honorary Oscar.

    Her show “Murder, She Wrote” ran for twelve seasons.


  3. Joel Lillo says:

    A suggestion for a good Angela Lansbury movie night. Check her out as an coquettish princess in Danny Kaye’s wonderful musical The Court Jester. Then see how effectively she could play a villainess in the original Manchurian Candidate. I think I might watch the movie that introduced her to me as a child: Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Requiescat in pace!


  4. Cornjob says:

    She was good in The Picture of Dorian Gray too.


  5. Terry the Sensitive Knight says:

    She’s having lunch with Carol Channing in Heaven, now.


  6. Prez Gar says:

    She was the definitive Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd,

    Joel Lillo:
    I think I might watch the movie that introduced her to me as a child: Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Requiescat in pace!

    Treguna Mekoides Tracorum Satis Dee.


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