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A New Short from RiffTrax…

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6 Replies to “A New Short from RiffTrax…”

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  1. jay says:

    You know, if they would just raise the highway speed limit from 50 mph to 70 or 75 nobody would ever feel the need to drive faster than that. Right?


  2. Marioman22 says:

    Something about this short seems kind of familiar.


  3. mst3kme says:

    I like that Rifftrax is redoing MST3K shorts.

    Often, these Rifftrax versions have scenes that had to be cut for time for MST3K.

    “Last Clear Chance” is the latest addition after “What to Do About Juvenile Delinquency” “Mr. B. Natural” and “A Case of Spring Fever.”


  4. Terry the Sensitive Knight says:

    Obligatory “Why don’t they look?”


  5. Definitely has one of the darkest riffs I’ve ever heard in the Rifferverse. It’s when they’re putting the blanket over the crash victim. Wow. Funny. But DARK.


  6. Mr. Sack says:

    This has to be the first RiffTrax short that disappoints me.

    When GaryinMotion released the Cinema Edition of this short, it was the first time I was aware of the large segment of Robert Bainbridge’s demise that had to be cut, as well as reminiscing of times when Grandpa was growing up before getting back to the silly near-death accidents. When I saw RiffTrax was covering this short, I was thrilled because now we could get that whole section riffed. Unfortunately, not only do they leave out the reminiscent section, but they cut out various sections, like the traffic signs portion and practically the entirety of the train lessons portion! In all, about 9-10 minutes was cut, which doesn’t make sense given there’s no network time limit to adhere to. If they couldn’t keep going with fresh riffs to fill out the entire runtime, then don’t the short.

    There’s still some funny riffing here, although given how absolutely classic and pitch perfect the original riffing was (“You know, son, 40% of all accidents…” “OH SHUT UP, WILL YA?!”), it’s a daunting task to reriff and the output with what’s left in is nowhere near as energetic as the original. Be aware of the missing sections.


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