He later attended the first ConventioCon ExpoFest-A-Rama in 1994, where he recounted tales of the production, including an explanation of his histrionic performance.
A complete novice when the film was made, he said he took his acting cues from his co-star, Jo Canterbury, whom he knew was from New York and had some acting experience. And so, as her performance became more and more teary and shrill, so did his.
Incidentally, during our web host difficulties, two small MSTory passings got passed over, Jered Barclay (age 91), who played (reportedly) a character named Ralph in the movie in episode 112- UNTAMED YOUTH (though I can’t find anyone who is addressed by that name in the movie) and Burt Metcalfe (age 87), who had an uncredited bit part as a guard in the movie in episode 906- THE SPACE CHILDREN.
RIP John Humphreys. And he didn’t steal no bikes neither.
RIP John “Mikey” Humphreys
You’ll be stealing bikes in Heaven, now…
It sounds like John got to enjoy both a bit of celebrity and a productive career that benefited others. RIP
This one hit me hard. I don’t even know if I can explain why, but it did.
Wow…….my thoughts EXACTLY !! Maybe it’s because we’re (well…..ME, anyway!) REALLY starting to feel the heat of the grim reaper’s approach for ALL of us…..given the fact that people who were once young around the same time we were, are now starting to die in increasing numbers.
The passing of Tony Dow was another celebrity death that REALLY seemed to bother me…..
I will say though that I find it REALLY cool that “Mikey” (I’m assuming) had a good enough sense of humor to actually agree to attend the first ConventioCon ExpoFest-A-Rama in 1994…….since, I’m pretty sure, he probably realized they weren’t inviting him to laud his thespian skills in that HORRIFICALLY bad, but INCREDIBLY fun, cheesy movie of his !!
This world is spinnin’ way too fast.
Aww, man, I’m sorry to hear this. I just watched Teenage Strangler (for about the 15 hundredth time) a couple weeks ago, and realized again how much I love this movie, and others like it, little homegrown indie films that have such spirit and drive and are not at all good but are so much fun to watch. I swear I can feel the vibe of all the actors, trying their best, thinking to themselves, “I’m in a film! This is so cool!” Above all, I love John Humphreys as Mikey – he was just perfect, a little geeky, a little vulnerable – and his appearance at CCEFarama was the icing on the cheesecake.
Also, SaveFerris, I agree entirely about Tony Dow; his death bothered me a lot, too, and I’m still not sure why.
So far THIS MORNING I’ve found out that Olivia Newton-John, Issey Miyake AND Mikey from Teen-Age Strangler ALL DIED!!?! SERIOUSLY?! ENOUGH, Universe! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!