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5 Replies to “Now Available from RiffTrax…”

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  1. mst3kme says:

    Dangerous Men is a 2005 American action thriller film written, directed, and produced by Jahangir Salehi Yeganehrad, under the pseudonym John S. Rad. The film took twenty-one years to make and release, production beginning in 1984 and edits being made throughout the intervening years.

    In a scathing review, Frank Scheck of The Hollywood Reporter noted, “In his handling his multiple assignments Rad shows no discernible talent for any of them. The pacing is bizarre (at one point there’s a long belly dancing interlude, for no apparent reason); the dialogue is laughably atrocious; the production values are non-existent; the acting is embarrassing; the fight scenes are ineptly staged, with loud sound effects failing to compensate for the fact that no blows are landed; and the synthesizer-heavy musical score sounds left over from a ’70s porn film.”

    But the review also stated the film “is sure to become an instant cult classic.”


  2. Marioman22 says:

    Okay the line in the trailer about Goofy joining a biker gang made me laugh really hard


  3. Terry the Sensitive Knight says:

    I have no idea what to infer from that artwork.

    That’s probably true of the movie itself…


  4. skrag2112 says:

    Red Letter Media did a review of this movie several years ago and it almost caused Rich Evans to implode the way it just up and ends.


  5. It’s the worst movie I’ve ever seen that has an actual MPAA certificate at the end. The story of the movie itself is amazing enough. The Rifftrax version is fabulous. “Always obey the guy with the biggest underpants” is perhaps the best riff in the history of the Rifferverse.


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