As most of you know by now, the MST Prop Auction has come to a close on EBAY. Our last item has been shipped.
It’s been a wonderful 15-month journey backwards into MST’s 10-year run. Our storage units were packed full of the weird and wild: big hairy ears, rocket ships, odd costumes, vend-a-gut organs, thermo-nuclear bomb manuals.
We at Best Brains are happy that MSTies all over the country (and some in Canada) were able to bring a prop home to their living room. Who else but a MSTie would lovingly custom-build a plexiglass case to house a bright orange demon dog, or display a giant mousetrap in the front hall? Along the way we’ve talked to so many bidders who have won–or lost–items from their favorite episodes.
Take care of these items, you lucky winners! Our shelves are empty, but who knows, we may find an odd piece or two sitting around. Check in with seller “bbinc1” once in a while.
Our thanks go out to all the MSTies who have participated in this auction.
Best Brains, Inc.
This has truly been an historic auction for fans of MST3K. If you’d like to see a list of all the items that have been sold, click HERE.