Piccoli’s vast filmography, which spanned more than 200 films from 1949 to as recently as 2015, included a number of Buñuel’s films, including “Belle de jour,” “The Milky Way” and “The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie.”,
MSTies will recall that he played Inspector Ginko in the movie in episode 1013- DIABOLIK.
Thanks to Paul for the heads up.
In DANGER DIABOLIK, I loved the telephone conversation with crime boss Valmont, where he asks Inspector Ginko to come work for him…”You’ll be better off, you’ll find yourself more warmly dressed…..and your women…LESS” RIP
I was watching Diabolik yesterday and remembering how much I loved the movie. And today, I hear of this. I can’t remember ever seeing Piccoli in anything else offhand, but he was very good here. RIP, Mr. Piccoli.
Or perhaps, we should say, as Diabolik would, “DAMN YOU, GINKO!!” :-)
Angel Of Death: “We’ve been expecting you, Inspector…”
Is there a reason I cannot upvote?
Piccoli was also in Alfred Hitchcock’s Topaz in 1969. While not a top rate Hitchcock movie when compared to his overall catalog of work, it does have some pretty good performances from John Forsythe, Roscoe Lee Browne, John Vernon, Karin Dor, and Piccoli. He’s also quite good in Danger: Diabolik too. Very good, working actor with a long filmography. RIP.
I also remember Piccoli from the movie Ten Days’ Wonder. It’s a French film made from an Ellery Queen detective book (anybody remember him?), but they replaced the Ellery Queen character with a professor played by Piccoli, so he was kind of the star. But the movie also featured Orson Welles and Anthony Perkins, so he kind of wasn’t.