Well, we’ve finally gotten around to episode 512- MITCHELL in the episode guide rotation, so let’s talk about it.
Were you a fan then? Where were you when you saw it? (My story is in my episode guide comments.) What did you think?
If you weren’t a fan then, what did you think when you finally saw it?
And I don’t just want to hear about the host change. What about the movie itself?
“Guys, wasnt John Saxon in this movie?”
I preferred Mitchell II: the search for Curly’s Gold.
Although the tragic end to Goosio was heartrending.
I thought it was a hugely funny episode. The host change really didn’t bother me. These are my statements about Mitchell.
I would say the succeeding S6-7 and Sci-Fi episodes started turning the tone of the show from the arrogant personal spleen-venting of “Do something!” to the relatable comic survival of “No, not more Neptune Men, make it stop!”, but then I wouldn’t, because me calling anybody arrogant after sadistically telling people how they should enjoy a puppet show of all things, would make me the little school-yard bully, and the irony of it all would be too great for me to bare.
This has been one of my faves since I first saw it around 1995/1996 (I think). I started watching the show in ’93 but I missed quite a few and then caught this one later when I rented it on VHS. I rented it at the same time as Pod People and Cave Dwellers and that was a fun weekend. There are so many riffs from this one that I have been using in everyday conversations for decades now. My favorite to use is “Mitchell’s legions of fans show up any time of the day or night” but I’ll substitute myself in for “Mitchell” – ha! The host segments are all hits and the movie itself is just so packed full of memorable riffs. I started watching when Joel was still the host but I liked Mike right away so the host change didn’t bother me.
My best memory of this one is when I was in graduate school in London, England (I live in Texas)in 2001 and I was getting pretty homesick so my Mom, who is great, put my Mitchell DVD on then put the phone (it was a collect call) down by the TV and I just listened to it. This was before smart phones and I didn’t have a laptop with me so I had no way to watch them. It was an expensive call but she knew how much it would mean to get my MSTie fix. We still laugh about how silly that was.
There was no John Saxon. Mistretta (or Gallano) was found alive, well and of normal size some eight thousand miles away…
Maybe EricJ is secretly Joe Don Baker. He complained about J&TB using his real name, instead of his character name….. which they really didn’t.
I was 15 when Mitchell aired for the first time and I only wish my memory was better about this. The problem was that at the time for some reason whatever cable company we had at the time did this weird split channel thing where half the day it would be Comedy Central and half the day it would be (I believe) VH1. The switchover happened shortly after I got home from school each day so that is how I really remember discovering the show because they would show the MST hour thing with “Jack Perkins” in the late afternoon. So I must have seen Mitchell AFTER it originally aired.
In all the times that I have seen Mitchell I always come back to the question of WHY they would make him just SO unappealing. JDB is a pretty decent actor actually so I almost feel a little bad for him while watching it. Also I always get really stuck on the fact that they cut out John Saxon’s death entirely. One minute he is kind of a big part of the storyline, the next we hear that he died, and that’s it. Not sure if The Brains edited this out (like what they did with Sidehackers) or the movie arrived to them in this state.
Regarding the transition, I honestly think Joel’s departure was a little clunky and abrupt. He was leaving his robots behind who had been his only companions while trapped in space for several years and it seems like “ok, well bye!” I guess I should probably really just relax! :-)
Man, get a load of the poster for this thing. A guy on the verge of tears, wearing a loud checked sportcoat and wielding a harpoon … exactly who was that supposed to appeal to?
That would make a while lot of sense
My watching was a little spotty at this point in the CC years, and I ended up seeing The Brain that Wouldn’t Die before Mitchel. I wasn’t aware of the impending host change, so it took me off guard. When I watched Mitchel I was keenly eager to find out what had happened, but I greatly enjoyed the episode too.
Now I really didn’t want to get back into this, but Mr. EricJ you are starting to worry me. A year or two ago when I started to take note of your presence here I initially regarded you as a resident contrarian and curmudgeon. Then I regarded you as something of a grouch, happily complaining in your can.
But your increasingly vitriolic and bizarrely persistent rants have got me placing you somewhere between schizophrenic uncle mumbling to himself at the family reunion, and dangerous loner locked in a survivalist bunker with deteriorating air quality.
I don’t often presume to speak for a group, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that we don’t understand what you have against Mike Nelson in the first place. Furthermore, even if he is the worst comedian to walk the face of this Earth, we can’t fathom how his transgressions amount to the crimes against humanity that you seem to think he is guilty of. Beyond that, your obsessive and encyclopedic familiarity with someone you loath is like an academic that exhaustively researches every word the Marquis De Sade ever wrote so they can be the absolute 100% world authority on how irredeemably awful his work is. When I come to regard something as irredeemably awful, like Rob Schneider and Human Centipede movies, I stop watching them. I think it makes me a happier person.
I am not speaking now out of concern for the quality of interactions on this website, but because you are seriously starting to scare us. Despite how often you seem to go out of your way to insult us, we don’t want anyone getting hurt, including you. Please try and do the Christian thing and forgive Mike Nelson, and those of us who think he is funny. Please talk to someone in your family, your church, or a social worker about how your mental space is being overrun by your dislike of a comedian.
Joe Don Baker is Mittens!
What can I say? This is clearly a ‘gold standard’ episode. This is the episode that created that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach whenever someone mentions cheap beer or baby oil. Of course, Manos is probably the worst movie ever made. And The Starfighters is a personal favorite, (because of the great refueling scenes). But Mitchell has to be in the top 5 of MST3k movies.
And then there is the basic issue that I go out of my way in trying NOT to talk about, because it’ll only push the schoolyard “Quit hating something I like!” games into overdrive:
Maybe it’s not just about Mike, just like our fear of the Trump-billies isn’t just about whether or not somebody will build a wall.
Other posters have pointed out that the cult love of Space Mutiny seems to be a little….puzzling, and has them absolutely baffled as to where this rock-concert-devil-sign love of the episode from most of the younger-generation fans come from. It sparks theories about whether or not it may be the episode itself, but about whether they see Mike, and RT–and not Joel, or any episode they bothered to go back and see from the beginning–as a messiah, as FILLING something in their lives. Like Joel in his retirement, it could just be that these were the first episodes they ever sat down and watched, in which case it’s just not knowing any better. But when you see a weekend thread become NOTHING BUT parroting one line vs. another, like one group of metalheads reciting Metallica lyrics to each other, it doesn’t help create the image that the fans are watching it for the show, and if not, what are they watching it for? And then when they become creative variations on personal attacks on one actor, like the actor himself was convinced they were, whether the riffing itself mentioned by name or not, I can’t honestly say he’s wrong.
For some of the newer fans who remain rational, it’s the Mutiny cult that worries them. For those of us longtimers, it’s the Mitchell cult. Yes, the character is supposed to be a 70’s post-Dirty Harry “rule-breaking” slob–think the beer cans by the bed were meant to be his “shtick” like Kojak’s lollipops–but the utter love for the fans to join in the riffs that point out that a fictional character is oily and repulsive can’t just come from a mediocre episode. Some find then riffing in this episode funny and can’t laugh at Monster-a-Go-Go, de gustibus…But how long can we talk about the riffs in the show without saying “Baby oil”? Try it for five minutes and see what happens.
As for the heartwarming subplot of the host changeover, yes, Joel went out with an Oz riff and a Dr. Lao reference. That’s called going out in style, and the style of the old show. Some might even say he took it with him, but I’d credit that more to when Trace and Frank left after S6-7.
If the idea that the way to get rid of Some Meanie who finds the later MST3K years after the ugly internal breakup smug, vicious, immature obnoxiously narcissistic, self-serving, and utterly clueless as to the primal appeal of the show, is to band together in a Red-Rover game, kick the stinky-kids off the playground and show how much cooler the real gang is by shouting them down….got news for ya. It ain’t working. In fact, it’s sort of adding to the problem, and may be approaching a point of no return.
If this show grants some cult of newer-generation fans some Peter Pan fantasy of still living your high school years of “Can I go into the movie and dump this character’s books in the hallway?”, and then accuse me of being “mean” to the show, I’d say the accusations of “hypocrite” are a bit misplaced.
You’re seriously insane.
You know, I just wanted to read what others have to say about an MST episode, since it’s a fun little show that I enjoy. Yet once again I find post after post after long post dripping with vitriol, expressing a certain poster’s opinions ad nauseam. I am NOT entitled to your opinion, EricJ. I am not interested in your hatred.
Could you please just stop?
I was twelve years old when this episode first aired. As a result, while I understood the main plot of the movie, some of the more “adult” elements escaped me. (I didn’t get that Linda Evans’ character was meant to be a bribe to Mitchell from the bad guys, for example. I did realize she was a shady sort, but that was it.) I knew going into it that it was going to be Joel’s final episode, so of course the host segments and the circumstances of Joel’s departure far outshone the movie itself, at least in terms of what I paid attention to.
My parents saw the ep. after I did, and my dad explained to me the origin of the POE, OEP..gag with Gypsy. A short time later, I actually saw Dr. Strangelove and now it’s one of my favorite movies.
Overall,this one probably isn’t on my top five, though it may make the top ten. The main appeal (to me, at least) is the historical significance.
I still count the gun falling out of Mitchell’s pants one of the funniest moments in the show.
Ericj. You are a jack-ass. Plain and simple.
To everyone else here. Please, PLEASE IGNORE ERICJ’s posts. He is a narcissist that loves the attention. Like a bad headache, he will go away if we ignore him long enough. We all know that the Mike, Bill, Mary Jo era was a great one.
I do agree with your narcissist/attention-seeking diagnosis, Satoris. And I would agree with your suggestion to ignore, except that he’s been here for at least four years, saying the same things endlessly, and has yet to stop. That is one seriously bad headache.
Normally I’m able to skip over his posts, but I’ve had a bad day, and they wore me down.
Red Jack –
There was an episode in the original Star Trek series in which a non-corporeal being would inhabit someone and cause all manner of heinous things to happen. It was intimated that this alien had been responsible for the infamous Jack The Ripper (Red Jack) murders on Earth. Captain Kirk and company figured out that the creature fed on strong emotions and the order was given to stop responding to the horror. The creature fled and all was well again. I am reciting this all from distant memory, but that the main sum and substance of the story. The End (I hope)
Ok i am bringing back this image since this sums you up perfectly(and the fact that you of all people accuse others of cult like behavior is cute) http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/3365252/Talking+stupid
Also I’ve noticed you keep talking about how you attend CT Q and As and keep posting quotes from Joel like this one from the episode guide discussion a couple days ago.
“I remember Joel, on the last Titanic Q&A, genuinely asking the audience “So, can someone explain, what is it with ‘Mitchell’, why do fans get into this whole big thing whenever it’s brought up?””
So do you have actual evidence that he said any of this(and i need something more then just “I WAS THERE”) because it’s clear you twist facts to suit your agenda. I remember Jim Mallon getting flack for troll posts that weren’t even his on the CT board years ago and i really don’t like seeing lies like that being passed off as the truth especially in a community like the MSt3k one so for your sake you better have some proof on that claim. Then again i guess i am a big meanie head for wanting you of all people to back up your claims. (or if anyone NOT named EricJ can back up the claim that’ll be fine too)
Eric J, what do you mean by newer-generation fans? Is it defined by age, like under age 30 or whatever the age cutoff may be, or is it by length of fandom, meaning fans who found the show and became fans after it went off the air, like through word-of-mouth or YouTube? I have no hidden motive in this question beyond a clear understanding of your term.
It would seem that my little allegory was ineffective. In plain language, please stop engaging this fellow and he will eventually go away like a festering sore that is allowed to scab over and heal. Let the WDT return to a place where MSTies can trade witticisms and word play in the true spirit of the show. Please.
That Ericj I don’t get him do you. Read like Mike’s older brother.
I am baffled by the enormous love for Space Mutiny, but I’m going to wait until that episode rolls around to discuss it.
Man, I’m glad they didn’t end Joel’s run on any of those. It’s also obvious in Season Five and Six they also weren’t running across as many usable Sci-Fi/Horror/Monster flicks, which I’m sure are usually the easiest to riff. It’s funny that they weren’t a bit more choosey for these “milestone” episodes but I’m guessing that’s how production on the show always was. Like with Diabolik the episode ended up funny but it definitely has a “this is the movie that was next” feel. Mitchell, though, is like a sweaty, beer-soaked bolt of lightning striking. I would have thought they would have held it for his last episode but it’s just a lucky break for Joel to end his run on a really memorable one.
If I remember correctly, I watched the whole episode that night. I didn’t always watch a whole episode. Sometimes I would watch part of one, partly because Star Trek: The Next Generation was on at the same time and the other part being I have a short attention span.
It was a very funny episode. One of the best, I would say. The movie is a little disjointed and really exemplifies the fact that there were literally 20,000 cop and detective shows on in the 70s. They got the big cars and the big chases. Boats and helicopters, too. The riffing is hilarious and I have to mention the ‘3M’ bit as really inspired. We have an old rusty ‘3M’ sign on a long stretch of road leading to the interstate. It’s been there for over 30 years and I have no idea why it’s there where there amongst the trees and the odd house.
I saw it again a few weeks ago, having bought the anniversary set, and it is still great. Now that I’ve seen Bullit, the car chase scene is even funnier.
@ # 70: For the record, the Trek episode you speak of is Wolf in the Fold. Not too surprisingly, it was written by Robert Bloch.
Wow EricJ, you quote most of my post as if you were going to respond to it or analyze it, but no. I have absolutely no idea where to even begin trying to respond to what you typed after quoting me. From someone else I would wonder if it was some kind of dadaist insult comic surrealism mash-up. I’ve tried to treat you with respect, and courtesy, and consideration.
I can tell you are in pain. You are now reminding me of the mentally ill repeat callers at the suicide hotline I volunteered at for about 13 years. They would call back weekly or even daily wanting to retell the same (possibly delusional) story over and over and over like a broken record. They didn’t talk to us, they talked at us. By in large there was no helping them (not by us anyway).
I’m starting to feel the same way about you. What torments you may have part of the objective world once, but now seems to exist only in your head. You are like the blind rattlesnake in that corny simile striking at anything it hears. I don’t hate you. I’m not even mad at you. I don’t want to bully or dog pile on you. I’m sorry you feel so persecuted. Despite your persistent antagonism I have considered you “one of us”. But if I can’t help you I feel I am going to have no choice but to ignore you until you are able to talk to us and not at us. I hope you can find peace and solace somewhere.
Oh, yeah, well, you’re like a deaf puff adder. :-) I seriously hope Mr. EricJ listens to you. He actually has some good movie knowledge and his posts can be informative when he isn’t acting like a schmuck.
Mitchell was a great episode for me, because J&TB did such a great job of riffing the movie, and it has so many good quotable riffs. The movie itself is okay, it is not by far the worst movie the crew has ever tackled, but I find JDB so darn unlikable, I guess he was supposed to be some “rebel cop mad at the system” but he come across like a arrogant fat slob. He breaks into Deany’s home, and proves that the burglar couldn’t have reached for a gun on the wall. The problem being that it was am illegal search and any decent defense attorney would’ve had the information thrown out. Later, Mitchell shoots the guy who was running off, and then grinning like an idiot seizes the guy’s gun. I guess the guy was some sort of thug, but he hadn’t made any threatening move towards Mitchell and was running away when Mitchell shot him. One could argue that these actions made Mitchell as bad as Deany.
I should probably take the blame for picking this topic. I guess I should have known better.
There is a lonnng ErikJ post sitting in moderation right now and frankly we don’t know what to do with it.
So I am going to say this again: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE refrain, as mean-mad as he makes ya, from personal arguments and back-and-forth. Just count to 10 and move on. PLEASE.
Done, Sampo. And my apologies for adding to the situation.
Like Johnny Drama says, the sentiments likely won’t get quite this fan-judgmental when we eventually get to trying to tackle the Space Mutiny Debate.
But fan judgments about the Mitchell Debate does tend to touch on some raw nerves about the Philosophy of Riffing–or, like Goshzilla observed, when the Brains are too close to their own writer-room frustrations about watching it repeatedly and when Enough Is Enough–that really shouldn’t baffle Joel that much.
(You asked for our “First-time experience” with the episode, and I remember giving them the full benefit of the doubt going in…)
And hopefully, let’s some persuade some of the younger, more diehard and/or less-experienced fans that “C’mon, guys, let’s all gang up and PROVE that we’re not a ‘crazed cult of adolescent Mike fans’ by reciting Final Sacrifice lines at him!” isn’t…really the most logical or effective solution to disproving the argument, now, is it? ?:-)
I’m really sorry if I added to the tense situation on this topic, Sampo. I don’t know, maybe I should just leave. I hate the fact that one or two jerks can ruin an otherwise fun place for me, and I don’t want to turn into a raving nutcase. So maybe it would be better for me and the site if I left. If I do not return, it is not because of anyone but me. I love MST but I don’t want it to consume me. Sampo, it is not your fault that things turned out like this. You run a great site. Thank you for that.
Yeah I too am sorry about my behavior on this matter. Sampo is this situation has stressed you you then my apologies.
I’m continually amused how for many on the thread are annoyed by the “snapping beast’ yet constantly chose to feed the beast…and then constantly whine about how the beast keeps snapping at them.
One thing that would really help is an ignore function. Every modern forum I know of has that feature. No idea why you guys done have one.
This person is destroying your community here you know that right?
#81 If you were thinking of doing something you might want to go ahead and do it.
I don’t understand, his rantings are examined and still allowed to be posted?
Not to wax philosophical, but I think the secret here might be summed up thusly:
“…the wisest and the the best is to fix our attention on the good and the beautiful.”
At least, every year I become more and more convinced of that. ;-)
Here, applying that grand principal might just mean engaging our “brain filters”… automatically skipping over posts by certain individuals… or if we don’t, just grit our teeth, count to ten, as Sampo advised, and move on.
(Cue: background music from Peter Graves speech in It Conquered the World)
I find MST3K not just a simple diversion, but something that is, in a real sense, life-giving for a lot of reasons: its creativity, it playfulness, its cultural breadth, and its downright silliness; it lifts me above the cares of life is a way that nothing else does.
I appreciate everyone here who shares that same joy, everyone who contributes their insights, their humor, their individuality to this community. So it is a real shame if we allow posts by certain individuals to run folks away, or to rob any of us of the fun, joy, and mutual respect that should characterize this community. But I believe we can preserve that if each of us deliberately works toward it.
In short: there IS hope, but it has to come from inside… from man himself.
Think about it, won’t we? Thank you. :yes:
You shouldn’t be taking blame for anything.
You chose, as per the timing of that week’s Episode Guide selection, a timely, relevant, entertaining, and thought-provoking discussion topic that sought one of the most vital elements of MST3K: the unique memories/perspectives of the fans.
This is not something blameworthy, this is something to be applauded. I am sure that I am among many who agree, and among many who would tell you to keep doing what you’re doing that makes this site a fun and valuable resource worth returning to (and not just for the thoughtful Weekend Discussions).
Perfect way to put it. That deserves a standing ovation.
I started watching in season 3. I was young, so my television intake was significantly impacted by my parents. Luckily my dad was a fan, so I had many opportunities to see the show. It wasn’t until the Sci-fi era that I had my own TV, VCR, and consistent way of seeing/taping the show.
That said, I have memories of finding out, somehow, that Joel was leaving the show. I remember being sad about that. Did Comedy Central announce it via promos or something? I assume that must’ve been the case. I do remember shows like Entertainment Weekly would sometimes run stories about MST3K’s status. I remember learning from them that the show was coming back post-Comedy Central cancellation.
The first time I saw Mitchell was a few years later when Rhino released it on VHS. I was in Los Angeles, CA with my family on vacation. We had family in the area and stayed with them. I remember being so excited to finally see Joel’s last episode. I can still remember the house, that TV Room, the time of day. It was sunny out. I should’ve been at the beach or at least swimming in their back yard. But it was all I wanted to do, and it was no skin off anyone’s nose. I sold my MST3K VHS tapes on eBay when they were all on DVD (except Amazing Colossal Man which I think I still own). I recently found the VHS tapes for Mitchell & Pod People at a thrift store and bought them up just for nostalgic reasons. Thanks for taking me back!
Before anyone decides to leave because they get bugged by a another poster they should remember the words of Joel Robinson: “People don’t mean to be annoying, it’s just that they’re all messed up inside”.
Words to live by. OOOOMMMMMMMMMM.
And Sampo, you should get a big applause for running a great site and putting up with all of us.
Can we temper our praise for the site with constructive criticism? At least 75% of the times I tried to access this site in the past two weeks, I’ve gotten a 404 error. Hasn’t happened the last couple of days, so maybe it’s already been dealt with, in which case, bravo. Or I’ve just been lucky. (2 out of 2 isn’t really statistically significant…)
But yes, this creaky old website could stand for some upgrades.
Hear, hear!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
My apologies to you Sampo, but not to EricJ. He’s still a Jack-ass.
“PUT ‘EM ON YER FEET… GIVE YER DAWGZ-A TREAT… what-ta com-f’terble shoooo!”
a slightly hazy memory by now, but i remember my first time seeing it was on the big screen, just shy of the tv premiere by a few days… yes, indiana university got to host the special film-print going around (that as lore has it, this was, i guess, mallon’s first attempt to try to prove the concept of making a mst movie – while i applaud the effort, i wondered in the long run, what, did he think maybe he could stretch the series out on the big screen instead of the small one? we would probably have a lot fewer epis of the show to treasure now.)
still, it definitely proved the concept if prematurely (far ahead of digital-projection age how it could play out, like the rifftrax shows are going, being theater-broadcast) – while at the time the IMU theater had a pretty poor sound system, it didn’t take away at all the enjoyment and near non-stop hilarity for the packed house. that’s the only time i’ve gotten to see mst like that (missed the movie first-run; waited for vhs), and it was awesome! all the lines we know by heart by now, i remember how everyone was losing it hearing them for the first time. nothing like non-stop laughs in a packed theater; it’s very cathartic. can make you feel “one with the human race” again. the fact that it was the bridge epi i think was not lost by anyone as it unfolded, and not only did the audience roar at the bots’ “PANIC! AHHHH!!” at the end… i just remember the equal (if not greater) howl of cruel delight at frank’s dumbfounded, silent “ohhhhhhh poopie!” expression as it popped up on the screen afterwards.
if there was only one thing missing, it’s a riff i added myself while reviewing the epi on tv that saturday (i think) with my friends near the end, when mitchell’s -FINALLY- actually kicking some ass near the end – “great movie, pee-wee! action-packed!” (my own paraphrasing of the prisoner’s line near the end of “big adventure”… movie-riffing seems highly dependent upon paraphrasing; i thrive on that.)
p.s. i love that trek “redjack redjack redjack!” epi; it has one of my favorite lines, as mccoy goes around administering sedative shots to the crew, sulu going “captain!” (psss-shot, and the goofy look on sulu as he quickly reacts to it) “… whoever he is, -hee surrre sooouunds glooooooomy.” (adding some riffs to that; kirk: “what was in that shot bones?” mccoy: “magic saline; i refined a few joints a horny fan sent me.”)
p.p.s. and anyone else who keeps on with JvM even after fifteen, nay twenty years on, if “just relax” isn’t enough, maybe this weekend you should try to go enjoy an orange soda, or a root-beer float, or popcorn or some other simple little pleasure like that… it can make you feel just a little bit more a part of the human race again (and i speak from experience. ;0) not a permanent cure, but it might help.
I’ve easily seen this episode 100 times
or it feels like it