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Vol. XXX Reviews

Vol. XXX is out, and the reviews continue.

New: Our pal Erich Asperschlager has one at

Our pal Bruce Westbrook has one.

Nick Lyons at has one too.

14 Replies to “Vol. XXX Reviews”

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  1. Goshzilla says:

    Bomp chicka wow wow


  2. Smoothie of Great Power says:

    Got my copy a month early by pre-ordering directly from Shout! Well worth the money spent and eagerly awaiting Vol. 31’s announcement.


  3. Luther Heggs aka Number 6 says:

    Reviews of MST3K box sets are very much meaningless, but I thought this was interesting:

    – Why DVDs are released on Tuesdays –


  4. Yipe Striper says:

    projected man is my fave of this vol…


  5. radioman970 says:

    It Lives By Night. LOVE that one. When my ‘stache gets too thick I ALWAYS think of that episode.

    Excellent collection. Now, bring on the sale for us huge fans who are also professional tightwads!


  6. Luther Heggs aka Number 6 says:

    “Well worth the money spent”

    “projected man is my fave of this vol…”

    “It Lives By Night. LOVE that one….Excellent collection.”

    I find the comments posted here often resonate with bullseye intensity, versus a critic’s web log.

    (I’m one of the few individuals holding out for the banishment of “blog,” and the return to “web log.” I also sometimes say “electronic mail.” I fear my own moniker is up for selective abbreviation contraction extinction next: “LHAN6” – Sounds like some failed airline that was absorbed by Braniff when Braniff was king.)


  7. Kali says:

    DVDTalk posted its review here:

    This should be the definitive comment on Outlaw of Bore, er, sorry, Gor:
    “It’s kind of like The Fugitive meets Game of Thrones and then suffered severe head trauma.” Right on, DVDTalk!

    Which, of course, is what you get when the producer heard of these things called “sword and sorcery” movies, but never actually saw one. :-)


  8. Droppo says:

    Black Scorpion is pretty much unwatchable. I’ll be really psyched when Season 1 eps stop clogging up these sets. Not a fan of Projected Man either.


    Outlaw is an all-time classic, 5 star episode.

    And I actually really like It Lives By Night. I generally love most MST3K 70’s films.

    Would love to see any of the following released next:
    Track of the Moonbeast
    High School Bigshot
    San Francisco International

    Also, I must yet again praise Shout for the tremendous job they’ve done so far. While this set is one of the weaker ones, they’ve released both Master Ninja I and II, the Fugitive Alien and Gamera series and many other classics. They are awesome.


  9. pondoscp says:

    I really like Black Scorpion. Somebody had to say it! But Crow doesn’t like the green sauce…


  10. Johnny's nonchalance says:


    The comment on that article talks about the pending release of Civ 5. So it goes.

    Say, how do we find out what happened to Kevin’s web site? The link on the side of the page has not worked for weeks.


  11. NaniteXXX says:

    Here is the Shout Factory panel from SDCC where they announce the titles in set XXXI. If you would rather read them you can click here.


  12. Luther Heggs aka No 6 says:

    @ 10

    “The comment on that article talks about the pending release of Civ 5. So it goes.”

    Civilization 5 is always pending, forever, over and over, an insect caught in amber. Time is a flat circle.

    So it goes.

    I like Black Scorpion, too. It sings to me – like an arachnid babysitter.


  13. JeremyR says:

    Mara Corday is one of the most beautiful women in the world. Shame she only made a few B-movies


  14. Tarlcabot says:

    How has nobody noticed yet: There’s closed captioning! Was quite surprised when I put this into the DVD player with the CC on.


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