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Update: RiffTrax to Live Tweet the Oscars

Just a little while ago Bill tweeted:

ANNOUNCEMENT: since NOBODY ELSE will be live tweeting the Oscars on Sunday, RiffTrax will step up and do it. More soon!

More info here.

Go here to make sure you’re following everybody.

P.S. I also plan to live tweet the Oscars, if I can stop laughing long enough.

18 Replies to “Update: RiffTrax to Live Tweet the Oscars”

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  1. Aaron says:

    Actually, somebody else IS live tweeting the Oscars – Paula Poundstone and NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me.

    Between the two of them, tomorrow will certainly be a night to remember!


  2. Ralph C says:

    Don’t people just tweet all the time, regardless of the event? I’ve never tweeted before. I’ve tooted, twiddled, tickled, twisted but never tweeted.

    What’s it like?


  3. Eric says:

    I don’t tweet or put up with NPR, but if I did care about such things I’m sure the night’s highlight would still be the Oscars special show put on by the experts of On Cinema At The Cinema.


  4. Steve K says:

    Only downside to this: you have to watch the Oscars…


  5. E - Just E says:

    You’re right #4, Can’t sit through the Oscars. It would be easier to watch a 24 hour unriffed Manos marathon. Will still enjoy the live tweeting.


  6. pondoscp says:

    Awesome! When’s the 24 hour unriffed Manos marathon? I want them to live tweet that event! That’s watching it 16 times in a row! Dr. F would be so proud! Just imagine the riffing by hour 15!


  7. Remmie Barrow says:

    Ouch, sounds kind of painful, if you ask me.


  8. PTomreeves says:

    I think by hour 15 of Un-riffed Manos there would just be crying. Not sure how they could tweet that though.


  9. ck says:

    24 hours od riffing Manos. As the doctor said
    at the end of Bridge on the River Kwai:

    Major Clipton: Madness! Madness!

    Then again it could be worse. For example, 24 hours of The Blood Waters of Doctor Z.


  10. AlbuquerqueTurkey says:

    Or worse, 24 hours of Oscars untweeted.


  11. Jbagels says:

    Pretty sure he was being sarcastic, guys.


  12. trickymutha says:

    Better than the Oscars:
    Riding with Death
    Danger: Diabolik
    The Creeping Terror
    Time Chasers
    Indestructible Man
    The Deadly Bees
    ….that’s how I spent my snow filled weekend.


  13. Goshzilla says:

    Better stop throwing that O-word around. Don’t wanna get sued by the AMPAS.

    Quick, one-question survey: What’s worse, a cold toilet seat or a warm toilet seat? (Both, of course, are preferable to sitting through a Hollywood award ceremony.)


  14. Kenneth Morgan says:

    I’m planning on watching “The Little Gold Statue Preview Special”, followed by the SCTV episode with “The People’s Golden Global Choice Awards”. I’ll check the tweets when I can.


  15. mthead says:

    Comment on last night’s tweet of the oscars. Didn’t really work for me (not a tweeter) but an interesting idea. Ended up monitoring the boys individual tweets and the rifftraxoscar tweet separately. I didn’t get a fair amount of the riffer’s jokes (they seemed to be inside jokes). The delay of the tweets sort of blows that one element of comedy that is so important… timing. Alot of jokes were like B-52 bombers that you could hear coming from miles away before they dropped their payload. There were some very funny comments though (Mike’s comment about the old lady showing her goods for nothing knocked me over).
    I want to mention Sampo’s riffing on the general channel. Your a funny guy.


  16. AlbuquerqueTurkey says:

    Speaking of Oscar… Oh I LOOOVE Trash!


  17. goalieboy82 says:

    when Maximilian Schell name came up, i said (as crow) to, be or not to be.


  18. goalieboy82 says:

    like this:
    brings back some old memories as a kid living on guam (my dad was a B-52 navigator). yes there is a guam and we own it, thanks to the supports drummed up for the spanish american war.


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