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Weekend Discussion Thread: That One Good Performance

So you’re watching an episode and most of the performances are terrible or at the very least flat and bland. But then one performer comes on the screen with actual screen presence, with actual ability, and suddenly the movie is briefly watchable.

You’ve probably had that experience. Tell us about it.

Here’s mine: It’s the rather brief appearance of veteran actor Les Tremayne as Norman “the crazy goat man” Tolliver in “The Slime People.” He arrives and the screen lights up, he departs and it’s just a foggy mess again.

And if you can think of a thread topic, be sure to send it in!

111 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: That One Good Performance”

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  1. Bombastic Biscuit Boy says:

    I agree with all the comments here, but my pick for the total WTF cameo in an MSTied movie would be Klaus Kinski as “President Boong” in The Million Eyes of Su-muru. He sounds like he completely made up his dialog – and that goofy wig! Easily the best best thing (next to the ladies) about that episode!


  2. Ray the Whimsical Lampshade says:

    I thought that the actor who played Troy in The Final Sacrifice was good. John Saxon and Martin Balsam were good as cillains in Mitchell. Michael Patacki gave a good performance as the loathsome J.C. In Sidehackers, and Sgt.Ward in It Lives By Night.


  3. Ralph says:

    The invisible creatures that Ator and Dong have to fight in Cave Dwellers… they were outstanding.


  4. Jason says:

    The lead trio in It Conquered the World, Peter Graves, Lee van Cleef and Beverly Garland, put out good performances. It was just the script and the crappy effects (and the rest of the cast) that bogged the movie down.


  5. littleaimishboy says:

    Ben Murphy. Because, hey. Ya know?


  6. Creeping-Death says:

    I thought of one I missed earlier. John Reynolds as Torgo. His was easily the most interesting character in a movie filled with stock characters.


  7. Johhny Rad says:

    I honestly thought George Milan did a good job as Merlin in Merlin’s Shop of Mystical Wonders. At least looking at him as if he were in a children’s film. If he were playing Merlin in an actual kid’s show/movie, I think kids would have liked him.


  8. syferdet says:

    Creeping-Death @ #106,
    I stumbled across this article years ago:

    They talk about why Torgo walks the way he does. I agree that Reynolds outshined that role.


  9. Crow T. Robert Denby says:

    I thought Alison Hayes was convincingly Swedish enough in the Crawling Hand that I didn’t recognize her in Gunslinger at first. Same for Michael Pataki.


  10. Big McLargehuge says:

    You may laugh at me for saying this, but I thought Matthew Bruch who played Nick in Time Chasers was actually pretty good, large chin notwithstanding. I think David Warner was good in Quest of the Delta Knights, about the only good thing in it, but I think he’s pretty good in just about everything. I also thought John Allen “Relson” Nelson turned in a decent performance in Deathstalker. Sure, his character was loathsome, but I thought the guy had acting chops. And he did have a role on one of my favorite TV shows, 24.


  11. Matt D says:

    I enjoyed the main lady/mom from the Giant Spider Invasion. You know, the horny lush who was, “hittin’ the booze again.”


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