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New VOD Title from RiffTrax…

Starring John Huston (who maybe needed to pay off a bookie bill or meet a balloon payment on a beach house) and Miguel Angel Fuentes, who played Vadinho the Aztec guy in “The Pumaman.”

Download it or see a sample here.

23 Replies to “New VOD Title from RiffTrax…”

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  1. Sweet. Always been fascinated by the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Can’t wait to see this one. Please, please, Rifftrax. Start releasing these on DVD. And do it now. :)


  2. Zombie says:

    Ya know, I used to live there … Bermuda that is. I didn’t vanish. It’s all a bunch of mumbo jumbo hookum pookum voodoo nonsense. Downloading now, btw, I love Rifftrax.


  3. Neptune Man says:

    So, John Huston is Pumaman senior? Makes sense.


  4. Dr. Carlo Lombardi says:

    Downloaded. On the flash drive ready for the DVD/media player. Picking out appetizers from the City BBQ take home menu. Friday night looks booked…

    And I love the part where Mike sings to the tune of the Puma Man synth music in the sampler. Snorted at that.


  5. losingmydignity says:

    I wonder if there are any more connections to Pumaman besides Onion Man. This is a Mexican-Italian co-production.

    John Huston loved Mexico, didn’t he? But this ain’t Night of the Iguana.


  6. Stefanie says:

    Vadinho?!? AWESOME!! He was the coolest character in Pumaman!


  7. Bigzilla says:

    Another awesome looking release! I buy everything you put out . . . Only it has to be on DVD because that’s the only format I have access to. I have a 25 gift certificate for rifftrax and all my relatives are conditioned to buy from you,I just need some new DVDs. Please – I want you to take my money!


  8. cityofvoltz says:

    I think rifftrax ‘could’ release some of these vods in like a 4 pack (mst3k style) on DVD, they’ve done so many- could do 10 pack. Really though if there was a dvd on demand option (similar to amazon) i’d do it every time. I’d even settle for official dvd case art with a digital download (similar to CT)


  9. Raptorial Talon says:

    Moment of obscurity: the Vadinho guy was also in a very small bit part in the “Deathstalker” episode.

    Oh, I’m so far behind on these VOD’s . . . I’ve only watched like four out of the last 12. Glad to see them keep coming, though.


  10. Of No Account says:

    So, does Vadinho try to force tacky belts on John Huston?


  11. ptomreeves says:

    This movie has the “Puma Man” Guy! I’m in. :)


  12. EricJ says:

    Starring John Huston (who maybe needed to pay off a bookie bill or meet a balloon payment on a beach house)

    Uh, actually, John Huston was acting like an Olivier-esque paycheck-whore in the late 70’s and early 80’s to raise indie money for all his snooty literary arthouse movies no studio would pay for, like “The Dead”, “Wise Blood” and “Under the Volcano”.
    Which is…tantamount to paying off a bookie bet. And even a dozen loan sharks named Mook could never have persuaded him to direct “Annie”.


  13. Matt says:

    Not one single Gandalf mention?! I am dissapoint
    Still, what a horrid movie. Great job guys as always.


  14. EricJ says:

    @13 – Not one single Gandalf mention?!

    I guess Kevin didn’t see that one… ;)


  15. Neptune Man says:

    12#: You’re not funny!


  16. Doug says:

    I was just showing The Pew-MAY-Man to a friend the other day, so it’s good to see Vadinho getting other work.


  17. Trilaan says:

    @13/14 I know it’s kinda bad of me; but every time he spoke that’s all I heard! Gandalf!

    Now for the riff. One of their best riffs ever! A seaQuest DSV reference? YES!

    And Jek Porkins, too! Woo! Why they latched onto Jek Porkins so thoroughly is something I have to ask them if I ever see them in person.


  18. I guess the characters in Italian horror movies are so vapor-thin so that the viewer will be completely unmoved to see them die such grisly deaths. They’re pre-ghosts. It makes for some laborious viewing, I think. A couple of characters in this movie are completely unidentified. They aren’t even designated “guy somewhere in movie” or “woman with hair”. The IMdB guy, confused by the “Stock-ticker” closing credits, just said “The hell with it! Who even cares about this movie?”

    Bleh. It *is* pretty fun on the unintentionally-funny level. John Houston’s appearances are really incredibly stilted. The dubbing is a larf. I like how they dubbed a little boy with an obvious adult. And I appreciate the theramin-noodling score nicked from Forbidden Planet. And the riffing meets the quota.

    “-And for her? Some rags to muffle her screams, I guess.”
    “I wish my old friend Huck was here!”
    “I guess we shouldn’t have stopped to raid all those crab pots…”
    “Release the Kraken!”


  19. littleaimishboy says:

    Just a pewMAYman-related comment, if I may:

    “Vadinho”, spelled like that but pronounced Vadinyo, is Portuguese. As in, what they speak in Brazil. As in, not Mexico, where the Aztecs lived, and not Peru, where Vadinho (but not the Aztecs) actually (?) came from.



  20. Raptorial Talon says:

    Maybe he was a Brazilian who moved the mask from central Mexico to some Inca shrine in the Andes for safekeeping . . .


  21. ptomreeves says:

    I’ve had the tune “Puma Man! He flies like a moron!” stuck in my head since I saw the preview for this movie. It’s on a lupe in my brain… and it’s still funny every time. :P


  22. Gummo says:

    CityofVoltz, there is an option to burn a DVD-compatible disk that will play just fine in any DVD player.

    That’s what we do with’em all.

    Of course, that just means we’re drowning in Rifftrax VODs — what a way to go!


  23. Cambot J. Nelson says:

    These VODs for me have become the best thing since that TV show (You know which one I mean).


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