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20th Anniversary Edition Review

This unsigned review looks like the first really extensive review of the “Mystery Science Theater 3000: 20th Anniversary Edition” DVD set.

35 Replies to “20th Anniversary Edition Review”

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  1. I’m not a medium, I’m a petite says says:

    I like this reviewer, let’s kill them last.

    but seriously, it was well written, thoughtful and open minded, they were paying attention, and it was positive. Who could ask for anything more ?

    But who knows, maybe if ShoFa had sent along tin and figurine, we could have gotten a rave…


  2. TheUnabeefer says:

    Yeah, Ultimate Disney is one of my daily bookmarks that I check after work every single day (hence the “daily” part).

    Their reviewers are always really good and in depth… clear on what they do and don’t like about releases, and why they feel the way they do about it. Usually something I don’t agree with in their review, I still meet with a “Well, that’s a fair point.”

    Anywho… yeah, just my two cents.


  3. MikeK says:

    It was a good review. However, it seems pointless when they get all nerdy with the technical aspects regarding MST3K DVDs. I find it depressing reading about stuff like that. It’s so irrelevant regarding a tv show like and I hope it doesn’t turn away people who aren’t MSTies but might be interested in this set.


  4. Cubby says:

    From the article:
    . Also seen are … official MST3K fan site administrators Brian Henry and Chris Cornell.

    Wait. What?

    You never told us!

    What’s the hoodoo, Skinner?


  5. BathTub says:

    Heh, well with the Tech info it’s funny to read because it’s all negative and in part, it adds to the show’s charm. I doubt it would turn someone away from the show. Overall a pretty fair sounding review I would say.


  6. crowschmo says:

    Billy from Laserblast a “cool” teenage loner? :roll:

    Let’s not get crazy, here.

    Sampo and Erhardt, I think it’s cool that you two are on there. :cool:

    One more week to wait!


  7. Clint says:

    Pretty even-handed review. though, I disagree with the notion that MST holds as little replay value as any other cable show. On the contrary; I believe it hold much more replay value than almost any other show in history.

    That’s just me.


  8. MikeK says:

    crowshmo: Billy from Laserblast a “cool” teenage loner? :roll:

    Let’s not get crazy, here.

    I think that’s partly true. Even Mike and ‘bots comment on that. It’s when Eddie Deezen and his pal are hassling the kid. They say something like, “Is this some parallel universe where the nerds pick on the cool kids?”


  9. “But based on its length and format, it doesn’t have as much replay value as most other TV shows you might enjoy as much.”

    Give me a break.

    MST3K episodes are probably the most rewatched shows in history. Not only do you never get all the references the first time around, but they remain consistently funny viewing after viewing after viewing.

    Calling this a decent rental but no good buy is unbelievable — this guy would probably say that “Star Wars” is a decent little film to see once, but won’t hold up on a second look.

    Overall I think this guy has no sense of humor .


  10. ck says:

    Hey! Where can you get the unexpergated
    Werewolf scenes? (Where Wolf? “Young Frankenstein”)
    :smile: And would it compare to
    a similar uncut end of “Touch of Satan?”


  11. Bill Corbett says:

    “Also seen are … official MST3K fan site administrators Brian Henry and Chris Cornell.”

    AND heard, we should assure people.


  12. happy says:

    Its finally one week away, I cant wait to get this Ive had this on pre-order for over 3 months already.
    The only thing funnier than MST is listening to Sarah Palin’s pro-america & other crappola that comes from her mouth


  13. I’m not a medium, I’m a petite says says:

    Shhhhhh ! Sampo said “No Politics”


  14. Teenage Cavegirl says:

    “The spirit has been upheld in Hodgson and colleagues’ similar, subsequent B-movie-riffing projects RiffTrax and The Film Crew.”

    Um… no. Joel has nothing to do with Rifftrax (TG). Where’s the CT mention???


  15. Sampo says:

    From the article:
    . Also seen are … official MST3K fan site administrators Brian Henry and Chris Cornell.

    Wait. What?

    You never told us!

    What’s the hoodoo, Skinner?

    All of the interviews you will see in the “history” documentary were done at Comic Con. While Brian and I were there, we also were invited to answer some questions., mostly about fan-related stuff. They didn’t use much of it.


  16. I'm not a medium, I'm a petite says:

    Re #14, correct TeCaGi, possible explanation : note that Rifftrax has an ad on that page but CT does not…. hmmmmmmmmm

    kidding of course, that add placement stuff is heavily automated. but then it wouldn’t hurt CT to advertise a bit more.


  17. Invader Pet says:

    “Variations of a theme song”? Never heard of that feature. Hopefully it’ll include the KTMA theme. Also I hope the documentary will have some segments from the first 3 KTMA episodes.

    Those screenshots of the actual episodes look amazing though. It’s like they “remastered” them or something.


  18. GregS says:

    to #12: Ugh, how original.

    Back to more important stuff – I CAN’T WAIT to get my copy of this!

    A decent review.


  19. Kitty Reed says:

    From the review:
    “But based on its length and format, it doesn’t have as much replay value as most other TV shows you might enjoy as much.”

    excuse my french..
    In my world, no other TV programs are as nuanced and multi-layered as MST3K. As for the cost being prohibitive (also stated in the review), well, maybe it is, but it hasn’t been for me…yet.

    Hey, #12, I didn’t mind your sensible politics, but rules are rules.


  20. ck says:

    There is one criticism I agree with. No
    subtitles. You can see how helpful that
    is in MST The Movie, where you get subtitles for both the movie and the riffing. That is
    by far the biggest flaw in the other dvds.


  21. Auntie Maim says:

    Is it just me, or is there a definite alignment between well-written, well-reasoned reviews and positive reviews? The few negative reviews I’ve seen have been from people who are either unfamiliar enough with the show to make remarkable factual errors, or generally ignorant enough to make remarkable grammar/spelling errors.

    In consideration of which, I propose the following scientifically-based hypothesis: To know MST3K is to love MST3K.

    Thank you. Won’t you?


  22. crowschmo says:

    I think subtitles would be a big mess on the screen. You have subtitles for the movie, and the riffing, some of which are spoken over each other – that would be a little chaotic, I think. (Even though it WOULD be nice to catch some things you can’t quite hear).


  23. ck says:

    Well, the way they worked it on The Movie,
    you can click and unclick both subtitles as needed. If on all the time it would be too
    cluttered, but done that way it’s very helpful. Really, there are some riffs that
    even repeatedly I can’t make out, either they’re too faint or the movie talk and the
    riffs overlap.


  24. Katana says:

    Auntie: I accept that hypothesis.

    My MST boxsets are the most abused DVDs I own. They gets lots of love, so the whole “little replay” comment is eyebrow-raising.

    One thing I’m a little annoyed with is the lack of scene selections. I mean, I can live without it, and most of the time I put in a disc to watch the whole thing, but it just seems so basic that I don’t see why it was overlooked. *shrug*

    Just one more week! Sososo excited! *o*


  25. BSBrian says:

    after 2 failed marriages and a decade of bachelorhood, I’ve recently taken vows with a wonderful woman. Wonderful, in spite of her lack of love for mst3k! No surprize to me, tho–she is one that gives a movie about 3 minutes to connect and if not, she’s gone! But, for 5 years she has happily accepted my mst3k addiction, snoozing away while i enjoy my sat and sun morning veiwings. Now I’m ready to push it to the next level, and put this collection on my xmas list!! Lets see how “tolerant and accepting” she really is!!


  26. Joseph Nebus says:

    Re: crowschmo

    Cheap Seats has also worked out closed captioning — which is not subtitling as DVDs see it but must go through similar constraints — pretty successfully. For the most part the captioning of the source material goes to the top of the screen, and the riffing below. Somehow it doesn’t overload the whole picture.


  27. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk says:

    We need more politics… “both” sides need a good bashing.


  28. Mike "ex-genius" Kelley says:

    #25: Boy, I hope I’m wrong for your sake, but marrying a non-MST3K is about like me being married to an OhINeedMyMama supporter — just a Very Bad Idea.

    But perhaps you can convert her (as I did with my own beloved, who is now more neo-con than I am).

    I just can’t imagine not sharing MST3K with the one you love.


  29. Yipe Striper says:

    Howard Johnson is right!

    i mean…. Katana and everyone else that says the “little replay value” comment is unfounded.

    I don’t know if you can wear a DVD out… but i’m going to try it. Bloodlust! from season one… is my first victim.


  30. The Professor says:

    Yarggh! I’m still peeved that they put such a medicore Joel episode on here, especially since it’s up against some pretty strong Mike-era episodes. We need more Season Three released, dagnabbit!

    Of course, i’m still buying this. :wink:


  31. Bob says:

    Not too sure about that review. First Spaceship On Venus dull? That one’s a favorite around my house. Fun movie and tons of great jokes all over it. We watch it all the time and I’m sure looking forward to the Shout Factory release.

    On another subject, might I suggest humbly that a good topic for Satellite News this week would be a loose poll of readers to see who’s going to the live CT show in Minneapolis and what state they are traveling from to see it?


  32. Steve Vil says:

    The argument that MST boxed-sets are too expensive continues to confound me. I’m confounded. Really.

    What you’re actually getting is 4 full-length movies that have been turned into a tv show. Go to any video store (go ahead. I’ll wait) and try buying 4 full-length movies for less than $50 (no fair going to Wal-Mart’s $5 bin). I don’t know how this reviewer can say it’s better to rent these once as opposed to owning them.

    There was mention of Sarah Palin in an above comment. Am I the only person who thinks she looks and sounds exactly like Karen from “Will And Grace”?


  33. “There was mention of Sarah Palin in an above comment. Am I the only person who thinks she looks and sounds exactly like Karen from “Will And Grace”?”

    :sad: Please do not ruin Megan Moolallilly for me.


  34. Kitty Reed says:

    #28, o yes, it can be done. I’ve been married for 30 years (good god) and maintained this soft addiction.

    My mst3k addiction came into full blossom in 2001. In fact, it was right after 9/11 and I was living in New York at the time. My son and I were so down, we went out to get a movie and got Beginning of the End. Enjoyed it so much, got another MST3k the next day, and did the same the next day and so forth. After that supply was exhausted, I began trolling ebay for old copies and downloading from Digitial Archives. Of course, I began replaying the episodes at different times of the day (humor receptors change throughout the day, Mr. Krasner says so, I think).

    Anyway, my husband has basically ignored the whole process. He does tolerate Hired! and Century 21 Calling, but that is his limit.
    Afterall, we aren’t attached at the hip. I never ever golf with him so its even.

    So good luck Brian@#25. Love conquers all and all that.


  35. Steve K says:

    This is the part that got to me:

    “Still, many of their references to movies, actors, musicians, and commercials, will fly over viewers’ heads, even those schooled in cinema and media. Young people, and even those who were young when these first aired, absolutely won’t get every passing comment. The obscurity does, however, heighten the humor for those who get the allusions.”

    Actually, that’s one of the main reasons I watch shows like MST3k and MPFC over and over again — I always find something funny that I didn’t catch or know about before.(MPFC in particular has helped me awe friends and coworkers with my “awesome brain” several times, most recently when watching Jeopardy — one of the questions referenced the final king of Albania, and I immediately answered “Zog”! — speaking of MPFC, am I the only one who was massively disappointed upon learning the first name and thus actual identity of McCain’s running mate? :wink: )


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