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UPDATED: Seen On My Travels…

Update! “Tommy” sends us this:


…and it reminded me of a few years ago, when, in order to keep track of the former Brains, I had web news alerts set up so that any time the names Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, Joel Hodgson, etc. showed up in the news, I would get a notice.
That was how I found out how many Kevin Murphys there are out there (and to a lesser extent, Mike Nelsons and even Bill Corbetts–I know there’s a moderately well-known musician by that name). I later got a chance to tell Kevin about it and he said, “Yes, it’s a fine Midwestern name and there are a lot of us.”

I’ve also met a couple of Chris Cornells (haven’t met the Soundgarten guy, but I’d like to…).

Anybody know any Kevin Murphys or other folks with cast member names?

33 Replies to “UPDATED: Seen On My Travels…”

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  1. MPSh says:

    My state representative here in Lowell MA is named Kevin Murphy, for what that’s worth.


  2. al says:

    Torgo for president! Honestly he could not screw it any worst than Dubya has.


  3. Ken says:

    Yep, and here’s his Web site… though he’s a Kevin J, not a Kevin W.

    And I’m in Worcester!


  4. ck says:

    If Torgo’s President, then The Master
    must be the real decider, the Vice President.


  5. underwoc says:

    How many Trace Beaulieu can there be?

    But isn’t this the whole reason Weinstein goes by J. Elvis now? (Incidentally, which episode of the Simpsons is it where the TV in Moe’s bar is tuned to MST3K?)


  6. L8ON says:



  7. Matt says:


    The Simpsons episode is one of the “Who Shot Mr. Burns?” episodes; I can’t remember if it was the first part or the second part.


  8. ForkLiftKiller says:

    Oddly enough, I work with a guy named Nummymuffincocoolbutter. :grin:


  9. underwoc says:

    Thanks, Matt. This has been bugging me for some time now…


  10. Invader Pet says:

    I did volunteer work at my local YMCA years ago, and there was a Mike Nelson there.

    I also met a “Sandy Frank” once.


  11. Bat Masterson says:

    “Mike Nelson” was also a filmmaker I went to college with. :lol:


  12. Leslie says:

    I do see a Dr. Forrester, but that’s not really the same…(if he ever introduces to me an assistant named Frank, I’ll be scared)

    Oh, I know a Bridget Jones! Kind of know her, anyway. She says everyone always makes a joke about the book/movie character, but of course I think of Mrs. Nelson.


  13. Leslie says:

    One more thing: underwoc- it was the *first* part of WSMB


  14. Big Stupid says:

    No cast member names, but I knew a Chris Cornell that I shared some classes with at Harrisburg, PA Community College about a dozen years ago. I’m assuming that’s not you, Sampo, but I’m honored nonetheless.


  15. Master Ninja says:

    I went to high school with a Mike Nelson. He was even a big white guy with a square head. Not funny though, actually quite a d-bag.


  16. magicvoice says:

    I went to school with Faruk Alatan.


  17. MSTAnon says:

    Mike Nelson is a meteorologist in Denver.


  18. Coderjoe says:

    Not a MST3k cast member, but I went to school with a guy named Mike Moore. No, not the filmmaker. I kinda feel sorry for my old school friend sometimes.


  19. crowschmo says:

    #16 – I was gonna say that! :mrgreen:

    That episode of the Simpsons, didn’t they call the show, “Pardon My Zinger”? Or was that just another show on the same channel?


  20. underwoc says:

    crowschmo (#19) – It’s a different show. The MST3K is just kind of a sight gag – you might miss it if you’re not looking. In fact, the first time I noticed it, it was because I was listening to the DVD commentary track and Josh (not J. Elvis) Weinstein pointed it out.


  21. Bobo "BuckDat" Briggs says:

    I had a girlfriend in school named Bridget Jones. Funny though was at the very same school, there was a girl names Anita Head and I had a few classes with a GUY named Lonnie Anderson.


  22. Ryan says:

    Know a guy named Mike Nelson at church.


  23. Mike says:

    There’s a Mike Nelson here in N.C. – he was the mayor of Carrboro for 10 years (the first openly gay mayor in N.C.). He’s currently a county commissioner. Every time his name gets mentioned on the news I think of MJN…


  24. BebopKate says:

    Aww, Mike, you took the Mike I was going to mention.

    For what (little) it’s worth, I’d give my friend from Carrboro weird looks whenever he’d talk about the mayor. I had to explain myself eventually; thankfully he understands MST3K.


  25. Fred P says:

    The University of Michigan had a tight end named Kevin Murphy a few years ago. I’d say go servo go when he’d catch the ball.


  26. hamilcar says:

    i work with a Kevin Murphy. i also work with an Ed (Eddie) Nelson… just like Mike’s faux-brother from Time Chasers.


  27. Smog Monster says:

    Mike Nelson has been training dogs since 515, Wild Wild World of Batwoman.


  28. Maroon Aristotle says:

    I go to the University of Chicago, and I have:

    a) an economics professor
    b) a TA
    c) a family friend

    all named Kevin Murphy. I guess it really is a midwestern thing…


  29. Pumaman says:

    I know a guy who knows a kevin murphy


  30. I'm not a medium, I'm a petite says:

    looking through the corporate directory i find 2 Mike Nelsons & 1 Kevin Murphy. I see 2 Beaulieus, but neither of them are Traces.


  31. I'm not a medium, I'm a petite says:

    question : How does Trace pronounce his last name? The town of Beaulieu in England is pronounced BYOO-Lee. The original French should be something like BO-Lyuh.

    Can someone asked him ?


  32. MPSh says:


    I’ve heard the name pronounced “Baloo”


  33. I'm not a medium, I'm a petite says:

    thx MPSh…. sort of like the movie Cat Ballou or the Phil Harris character from The Jungle Book movie. Sounds credible.


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