I was thinking this morning, what with vacation season coming close, what places in MSTied movies would make a good vacation spots. I was thinking of two, specifically. The first would be far side of the moon. An astronomy vacation would be much better without all that annoying atmosphere. The second would be a visit with Crenshaw to see the little creature?
What’s yours?
Thanks for asking. I’d like to visit Trollenberg Mountain from “The Crawling Eye.” I’ll keep an eye out for suspicious cloud formations…
What’s your pick?
I hear Jack Taylor has got a great place!
But I think I want something more adventurous, so my choice would be Gor (not to be confused with Al Gore….I’d be bored there!) Scantily-clad women, lots of buffalo shots, Jack Palance as a high priest, what’s not to love? As long as I don’t have to bring that dumbass Whatley along, it would be paradise.
I would go to Malta where I would be god among effeminate men.
I’d like to be doppled into a baboon named Daisy for my vacation.