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Kevin and Bill on Sklarbro Country

Kevin and Bill are guests on the Sklar Brothers’ podcast “Sklarbro Country.” The interview starts at about 29:30.

12 Replies to “Kevin and Bill on Sklarbro Country”

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  1. majorjoe23 says:

    The Sklar Brothers need to do a Rifftrax Presents. Also, I want Cheap Seats on DVD.


  2. Rob says:

    I agree with majorjoe23, they would do a great job on a Rifftrax. And Cheap Seats will probably never be fully released because of rights issues, but hopefully they can release a Best Of or something at some point.

    I do wonder how people who have never heard Sklarbro Country will react. It’s a very particular kind of show.


  3. steve vil says:

    Are you going to the Sklarbro fair?


  4. Jbagels says:

    These guys don’t let anyone speak for more than 5 seconds without interrupting. Also, isn’t “Mistie fans” redundant?


  5. Neptune Man says:

    #4: That means they are fans of the fans of Mst3k. I think…


  6. Pringle's Folley says:

    Maybe they’re fans of us msties?


  7. Edwin B says:

    I heard the show and it was great! On the Sklarbro County podcast released earlier in the week they mentioned that Mike Nelson was supposed to be on as well. Anybody know why he wasn’t?


  8. MPSh from Lowell says:

    Regarding this “MSTie fan” brouhaha(haha):

    Wow, talking about splitting hairs! I’ve always found it odd that despite the theme song of our beloved show specifically saying “repeat to yourself ‘it’s just a show; I should really just relax'”, a lot of us MSTie fans insist on laboring like Talmudic scholars over the tiniest minutiae. (Yes, I know the word minutia already implies tiny – I’m just emphasizing…)

    C’mon guys! Off your high horse(s)! You want an exegesis? I’ll give you one. MSTie is the brand name, and fans is the generic, as in:

    Looking for fans? Try MSTies(R)! Yes, that’s right, folks! MSTie(R) brand Fans! Accept no substitutes!

    Available at all fine purveyors of fans, cranks, aficionados and devotees.

    Thank you, won’t you?


  9. Jbagels says:

    Just saying, you never hear anyone say Trekkie fans or whatever. Nothing against these guys really, even though Cheap Seats sucked. It’s like saying “alcoholic addict”.


  10. Cameron Gouda says:

    My god, someone shut those twins up and LET. THE. GUESTS. SPEAK.


  11. Coooooorb says:



  12. Matt says:

    I think it is harsh to say Cheap Seats sucked. I think that their host segments were far better than MST3K. Some of the guest talent that they had was simply amazing.


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