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Weekend Discussion Thread: Favorite Joel Moments

Since we did favorite Mike moments last week, let’s give the original host equal time. Let’s hear your favorite Joel moments. Here are my top ten, in episode order:

• 107- ROBOT MONSTER–Joel narrates the love scene, borrowing liberally from Alice Cooper
• 202- THE SIDEHACKERS–Song: Only Love Pads the Film–Joel has long stretches of unfunny lyrics directly from the movie to sing, but still makes them funny.
• 204- CATALINA CAPER–Joel vapor-locks as he remembers the ’60s. Joel is not known for being a master of long monologues, but he nails this one.
• 213- GODZILLA VS. THE SEA MONSTER–Joel succumbs to space madness. Joel actually sort of acts! And does well!
• 301- CAVE DWELLERS–His face in the final segment, when he complains to the Mads about the movie, is priceless.
• 310- FUGITIVE ALIEN–Old Joel Robinson had a farm? Every once in a while, the bots find Joel completely immersed in some odd reverie and have no idea how to react. This is probably my favorite.
• 407- THE KILLER SHREWS–And here’s another one: Joel vapor-locks while trying to do Will Rogers.
• 416- FIRE MAIDENS OF OUTER SPACE–Joel is pretty much brilliant throughout the whole Dark Timmy story arc.
• 512- MITCHELL–Joel departs, and gives us the exact right balance of pathos and silly.
• 1001- SOULTAKER–A returned Joel offers some uplifting thoughts, and handles his return splendidly.

Least favorite moment:
• 210- KING DINOSAUR–The Joey the Lemur sketch. I like the fact that people blow their lines and they just keep going, but Joel blows SO many here. Start again!

78 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Favorite Joel Moments”

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  1. spidey says:

    Godzilla Vs the Sea Monster – “The Godzilla Rap”… best….


  2. Kenneth Morgan says:

    I’m not sure if anyone else has noted them, but the expressions on Joel’s face during the “Gamera Playset” and “Klack Foods” commercials are memorably funny.

    Add in Joel’s performance when he has to revive Tom during “Fugitive Alien 2” is another great one. His “CLEEEAR!” is a bookend of sorts to Mike’s later, “Don’t make me shoot you! CROOOOOOW!


  3. Wild bore says:

    I started watching the show during the Mike days, and didnt immediately take to a lot of the Joel Eps. (i know, kinda backwards huh) what won me over, was in 2 consecutive episodes where Joel and the bots are essentially going over the same thing. Monsters. Its from Bride of the Monster and Manos: The hands of fate. Just the expression on Joels face while theyre discussing what exaggerated body part would make them a monster in Manos, and just the discussion of monsters in Bride, is just brilliant!


  4. John H. says:

    I don’t think anyone’s said it yet, and I’m amazed, but the Gamera Art Project in Gamera vs. Gaos (I think) is awesome, both for the bots’ mischief and Joel’s gamely trying to continue. “Kids, do NOT cut pictures out of the encyclopedia, and musliage does NOT taste like sweet honey. From one who knows!”


  5. Ang says:

    Anytime Joel (or Mike too) sings, it just cracks me up. Idiot Control Now isn’t just good, it’s the best! :wink:

    I also laugh my hinder off during Gypsy’s song in I Accuse My Parents when they pan over to Joel with that moustache and wig, man that is always hilarious :lol:

    I think my fave of the invention exchanges was when Joel turned himself into a human pinball machine – “As you can see, my innards are all lit up”.

    I also love the snake noises he would make like in King Dinosaur.


  6. Graboidz says:

    So many great moments already mentioned. I would like to throw in when Joel and the bots would read viewer mail. No specific moment, but I loved how each of the Joel eps ended with he and the bots directly addressing the viewers.

    Another thing I would like to throw out, is so many fans talk about Joel’s facial expressions which can be hilarious! Joel and the rest of the CT gang should take note.


  7. jjb3k says:

    Some of mine:

    – 415 “The Beatniks”: That hilarious “Oh no!” face he gets in the opening segment right before Gypsy plows into him.
    – 417 “Crash of the Moons”: Jumping in to cut the “Gypsy Moons” song short when Crow starts to get dirty (“Never again, you guys…”).
    – 423 “Bride of the Monster”: His performance in “Hired! The Musical”. Probably his best musical moment on the show, and his sheepish reaction when commercial sign interrupts the final number is hilarious.
    – 501 “Warrior of the Lost World”: This isn’t actually from the episode, but the Comedy Central promo that advertised its 1993 premiere. Joel, Servo, and Crow do it in the form of a monster truck rally ad, while zipping around on the slot car track from the second host segment. Joel’s delivery of “Coco the Clown will be on hand!” is hysterical.
    – 503 “Swamp Diamonds”: During Servo’s date, every time the camera pans over to Joel, the sandwich he’s making gets bigger and bigger. It’s about two feet high by the end of the sketch.
    – 506 “Eegah”: Being turned into Arch Hall Jr. against his will. I especially like it when he returns to the theater and he’s still trying to pry the machine off his head.
    – 508 “Operation Double 007”: The whole “I know” sketch. Just sheer brilliance.
    – 510 “The Painted Hills”: One of his riffs during “Body Care and Grooming” – “You know, people were whiter back then…”

    And of course, the Poopie tape: “Pancakes — oh, I blew it, I’m sorry…”


  8. Kouban says:

    re #57:
    I really would enjoy it if they put some of the show’s ads on the DVDs.


  9. Zee says:

    What fun discussion topics, I hope we do this with all the characters/cast members

    204- Joel going nuts remembering the 60s. In retrospect, a very Mike-style sketch uncharacteristic for Joel, who does a great job anyway. I particularly liked the part about taking a bath in the front yard.

    207- All the scenes of Joel entranced with Gypsy. So tender.

    213- Joel getting cabin fever and building all the crappy models that the bots destroy for his own good

    307- Joel getting vapor-locked during the Hike Your Pants Up song

    409- “What would you do if you were indestructible?” I’m a big fan of the segments where Joel, Tom, and Crow would just discuss a topic, like why TV families are led by single dads or better deformities for a monster than big knees. I picked this one for the list because of Joel’s suggestion of wearing a wool sweater without a T-shirt underneath.

    413- Joel getting mad and refusing to play soap opera. So jarring as it’s so out of character! “WHO’S NEXT!?”

    426- Joel saying “bitch” (!) when taking on Timmy

    424- Joel trying (and failing) to be The Master

    506- Enduring the machine that turns him into Arch Hall, Jr. Joel was such a trooper.

    508- Joel acting like Adolfo Celi with the ‘bots as his leggy assistants


  10. hamilcar says:

    the only one i can think of that i didn’t see mentioned yet was from Secret Agent Super Dragon. in the segment when the guys play the theme song from the movie and Joel sort of gets a little ‘carried away’ at the end.


  11. jessiethegeek says:

    hmmmm othwer joel moments.i love it when ,i think he does this in manos,He goes:”The torgo townswomen guild presents the battle of pearl harbor

    and also
    “Ok you’re shapely”from hercules against the moon men

    oh and the always immortal rat pack chess set


  12. magicvoice says:

    I LOVE this thread with all my heart!



  13. MST3Kelly says:

    201- Rocketship X-M: how did Joel have the nerve to get into and move around [!] in the BGC 1-9? this skit is a testament to his dedication to the show; his goal is to always entertain us, even if he could have been injured by this thing! plays a good little drum riff, too while somehow keeping his balance inside this monster of a prop.

    206- Ring of Terror: enjoying the ‘Old School’ sketch is worth sitting through this rather ponderous episode, as is Joel’s spot-on imitation of the condescending autopsy doctor.

    207- Wild Rebels: Joel’s speech about the biker gangs of the Algonquin Round Table. picturing Alexander Woolcott on a chopper is priceless. one of the reasons why I love this show is that they mention subjects like the Algonquin Round Table. if they riff something I am not familiar with, I look it up. MST3K entertains and educates. [that sounded very ‘After School Special,’ but it’s true!]

    211- First Spaceship On Venus: Tom Servo’s sarcasm sequencer overloads. Joel’s voice is silky and soothing as he tries to reason with Tom; he knowingly turns his head wisely avoiding a face full of flash powder as Tom’s head spurts flame. and of course, Klack. I recall those Kraft commercials with their tinkly music and the velvety sounding announcer, suggesting that you need to fold Miracle Whip salad dressing into everything from jell-o to tuna noodle casserole. and make sure to use lots of pasteurized, processed ‘cheese food’ to add richness to your dishes. parfait glasses, filled with layers of goo; sticky masses garnished with a lit candle; the Klack sequence brought me right back to that era. I love Joel’s tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth in a parody of an over-the-top yummy face; he’s anticipating how delightful the velvety choad balls, cobra coils, and Polynesian cheeze devils are going to taste. I especially his expression as he prepares to carve the Mutant Hell Beast while the ‘Bots look on, capering in their kiddie costumes. mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.
    he’s only in the gorilla in the Hexfield skit briefly, but he’s so sweet as he comforts his hysterical ‘Bots. ‘Take it easy, take a breath-‘

    303- Pod People: Joel’s personification of a righteous lead singer guy in ‘Idiot Control Now,’ is awesome. I love how he commits totally to any song he performs, no matter how ridiculous the lyrics. he fiercely maintains his ‘coolness’ while spitting out lines like ‘we kick the nipple beer/steady as we go/we’re flyin’ over trout.’ and his contorted expression as he delivers the immortal line- ‘It Stinks!’

    311- It Conquered the World: the family dinner sketch killed me. just floored me. I endured so many family dinners almost as full of nasty sarcasm and insults during what was supposed to be a nice, ‘family’ time. I always laugh so hard that I rewind this skit at least twice. again, they nailed it. this is pretty dark stuff, and we can laugh at it, helping to wash away memories of such unpleasant meals.

    314- Mighty Jack: the ‘Bots torment Joel by placing him into the tube with the supposedly lethal colored lights, and when he won’t fall for that, try to feed him a poisoned sandwich. he’s always so game to endure the schemes of Tom and Crow- as in [309] Amazing Colossal Man, when he plays along until things get out of hand. Joel is like the best dad ever, a dad who lets you put play-doh all over his head to make him into an alien, or lets you pin an area rug to his back to pretend he’s a dinosaur. this best dad is tolerant, encouraging your imagination with funny voices and egging you on by playing his role. and if things begin to get ‘dark,’ he stops the game for your own good.

    404- Teenagers From Outer Space: Joel is so into his singing in the movie theater garbage jettisoning sketch-‘dah dah da dahhhh!’ the ‘Reel to Reel’ sketch is great too, but I love when Joel squirms in the theater as the blonde gal in the pool delivers her lines dripping with gooey entendre. ‘Ooooh! She makes everything sound so dirrr-ty!’

    406- Attack of the Giant Leeches: I didn’t have cable when the show was on, so this episode was part of a precious dozen or so that a friend graciously taped for me that I watched over and over. ‘Danger to Myself and Others’ became an earworm that I would sing in the empty, cavernous echoey bathroom of our art college when I stayed late to paint. ‘well, how dumb are you, Uncle Dad?/pretty dumb, that’s for sure/how dumb are you, Uncle Dad?/my pipe’s filled with MANURE!’ Joel’s bucktoothed ‘That’s all!’ expression at the explosive end of the song is great.

    407- Killer Shrews: the gift giving. poor Crow gets dress slacks. Joel tenderly comforts him, assuring him he got a great and useful present, as Crow fights back tears. after a swig of Killer Shrew, Joel’s theatrical leap backwards with eyes rolled back into his head is vaudeville funny. when he clings to life, reading the letter after being bitten, he talks in his patented breathless voice as the ‘Bot Shrews yammer.

    410- Hercules Against the Moon Men: Joel is a magical swami, seated between two boards covered with spikes and spork-looking pointy things spray painted silver. his disgusted, yet resigned takes as the ‘Bots continuously shout ‘BOOBY- trap illusion- Booby Trap Illusion- BOOBY!’ are so- Joel. I also love his momentarily panicked expression as the walls close on him, knocking his turban sideways.

    411- The Magic Sword: Joel is one of those annoying caricaturist guys who fires questions at you, not letting you finish your answer before the next one, and produces a hideous rendering that is supposed to capture your essence. ‘Live around here much? I’m kidding, of course,’ he gabs on, ignoring Gypsy’s ‘Bite me!’

    414- Tormented: the ‘Bots are at their naughty best as they hide in the air duct, and Joel tries to be firm as he attempts to talk them down. I love his flat tone, trying in vain to quell their mischief. he knows he’s defeated but tries to stand his ground. the ‘Aunt Catherine Wheel’ is another example of the classic dark humor served up by Joel, presented in a context that makes us smile as we wince. childhood is sometimes painful, and family gatherings can be powder kegs of passive-aggression. again they make their point, but gently. Joel becomes a happy, naughty child himself as he hurls the pop stars from the lighthouse.

    418- The the Eye Creatures: Joel plants a kiss on Tom Servos’ beak. ‘I’ve always wanted to do that!’ Joel loves his ‘Bots. it’s a sweet little moment in an episode filled with ickiness. I love how Tom smacks his lips, analyzing Joel’s kiss.

    419- The Rebel Set: the ‘Bots want a scary bedtime story like Helter Skelter read to them; Joel can’t take their pestering and truly terrifies them with unctuous platitudes from ‘Life’s Little Instruction Book.’ why is it that a lot of the time, the people who read these books are the kind of person that hit their kid’s head with a wooden spoon for a small infraction? all the mini-marshmallows in the world won’t sweeten their personalities, yet they have piles of such reading in their homes. he recites the book’s gooey suggestions in his classic Joel syrupy-sarcastic voice.

    422- The Day the Earth Froze: it’s time for a nice family portrait, and poor Joel has his hands full trying to make sure everyone stays in place and looks their best. this brings out the worst in Tom Servo and Crow, of course. how many times has this scenario played out at the mall, or you were the squirmy child ruining the Xmas photo with a tongue sticking out, or by charging out of the frame, leaving a blur in your place on the film? I love the end photo, when everyone groans.

    423- Bride of the Monster: the Chevrolet skit is pure genius. so well written, and everyone gives a great performance. I love watching Joel’s unbridled glee as they all sing at end of the skit. ‘See– the- USA! In your Chevrolet!’ how wonderful it must have been to be an integral part of something so fun as this show! but the bit I play over and over- and every time, practically fall over from laughing- is Joel and ‘Bots as Lugosi, reenacting the film’s incomprehensible ending. Joel nails Lugosi’s rubbery, twisted mouth/staring-eyed expressions which get weirder with each cut back to him. when they all pretend to fall at the end- Joel’s croaking moan of fear adding to the ‘Bots chorus of terror, while waving his hands weakly- I always double over. I have a feeling that even Mr. Lugosi would laugh, too!

    501- Warrior of the Lost World: they replace the cutesy-pie baby talk on the chalky Valentine’s hearts with more realistic phrases like ‘MY NEEDS’ and ‘YOU’LL DO.’ Tom Servo gives such an excellent dry read of these pragmatic sayings, and Joel’s matter-of-fact expression as he holds up the Bittersweet Hearts they’ve created is great. get used to real life, he seems to say gently, this time literally candy-coating the message. his take as the mumbly, stubbled, whiny adolescent Warrior in Mom Crow’s car as she runs errands is Joel at his effortless best. I almost didn’t recognize him under the makeup! ‘Duck down!’ he yells to Crow so he’s not seen with his mother; Crow won’t cause he’ll wrinkle his pants suit. Joel’s sulkiness after he flunks the test is every pimply teenager who can’t get his way. the sequence in this episode that puts me on the floor is Tom and Joel’s breathy exchange during the s/m nightclub scene. there is a table covered with glasses filled with colored liquid, and their ‘Every cough syrup’- [‘cough syrup’] ‘And mouthwash’ [‘mouthwash’] recitation is among the funniest bits of writing I’ve encountered in the show. when they discuss the coughed-up stuff- ‘They were green’ whispers Tom, and Joel knowingly intones ‘Green and brown’- that’s it. I’m on the floor.

    507- I Accuse My Parents: he’s great, of course, in the classic re-inactment of the nightclub scene, but I love when Joel nails gravelly-voiced Creepy Chef as the ‘Bots hold him at gunpoint: ‘How would you boys like a ham-boiger?’ the way he suggestively leans toward the ‘Bots makes the question somehow obscene.

    511- Gunslinger: Joel relishes the dark humor of turning Tom Servo’s head into the old Milton Bradley game, Kaboom. he pumps Tom’s head toward the inevitable explosion, throwing his head back in twisted joy as they chant ‘Pop him! Pop him! Pop, Pop, POP!’ the ‘how would you like your funeral to be’ skit is poignant and funny. I love when they are quiet and contemplative like this, sharing their inner thoughts, as in 506- Eegah!, when they discussed the concept of ‘Hell.’ Joel replies to the ‘Bots’ ideas as only he can with a gentle ‘Oh, I don’t know.’

    512- Mitchell: Joel has painstakingly built a model of Monticello out of toothpicks. he knows the ‘Bots will come and destroy his many hours of work. he stands there, almost expressionless, yet his face contains a tinge of disgust as they war-whoop and attack the model. he’s resigned; he knows he has to suffer the consequences of the personalities of his creations. his subtle facial expressions are awesome. I also like when he assures Gypsy that he will never abandon the ‘Bots. ‘One for all and all for one, that’s the Joel Robinson way.’ very sweet. and yet we know the inevitable is coming… sigh. I do miss Joel.

    I’m afraid I can’t remember the episode, but when Joel pines for the days of the Thing Maker, Creeple People, Incredible Edibles, and other toys that were yanked from the market when kids got burns from the heating components, complained to their mothers, and the toys disappeared. I too remember with fondness a time when things in general were not so over-regulated in a litigious-crazy society. I recall a toy in which you opened the package and found a big stout straw and a tube of- goo- with which you made your own balloons. you would squirt some of the goo onto the end of the straw- you had to do it fast, because it would start to harden immediately- blow slowly into the straw, and a psychedelic striped balloon would form. you would gently pull it off of the straw, and it would harden. you bounced your balloon around until you got bored and squished it. the goo was loaded, I now realize, with Benzene, which explains the interesting spinny feeling you would get while making and playing with your balloons. Joel, as in his vapor-locked 60s sketch, shows his sincerity in a wish for a more free, creative, imagination driven time. when you MADE toys, not just bought them.

    thank you, Joel. and- ‘Bite me- it’s FUN!’ what a great credo to live your life by!


  14. MST3Kelly says:

    oops! that’s ‘Reel to Real’ of course.


  15. MST3Kelly says:

    forgot this one: in Poopie! when Joel breaks up while impersonating a dairy farmer from 310- Fugitive Alien. ‘Help usss!’


  16. I'm not a medium, I'm a petite says:

    Re #63. Wow, I think we may have to consider awarding you the SOL Medal of Valor or something. Massive and wonderful post, even if I don’t agree 100% X 100%.

    Re your ep 419. The skies must be very dark in your corner of the world. But be strong, you will prevail.

    your last parag. The goo was called Super Elastic Bubble Plastic, at least in my neck of the toy store. Some modern versions still turn up from time to time.. I remember buying some for my daughter many years ago. I can not recall the Thing Maker monologue episode either ( just because some kids couldn’t keep quiet… ) but I’m working on it.


  17. I'm not a medium, I'm a petite says:

    The thingmaker monologue from via the umbilicus.

    SET UP : During Joel’s reign of Mystery Science Theater 3000 there was a long sketch about Plasti-Goop. This sketch showed Joel’s Plasti-Goop philosophy. What follows is a transcript of that sketch. Even though they seemed to know a lot about the toy (they had a Creeple People set with the box) there was no mold in the machine during the sketch even as Joel poured goop into a non existent mold. This makes it seem a bit odd when Crow T. Robot bends over to ‘smell the goop’. Strange but then Dr. Forester never had lenses in his glasses either and it never seemed to bother TV’s Frank. AND SO WE BEGIN

    Door Closes

    Joel is squeezing a goop bottle.

    Joel: See the trick is is not to get any on the edges.

    Tom: Hey Joel, what are Creeple People?

    Joel: Oh, Creeple Peeple are these really wacky creepy people that use pencils and stuff to make their bodies and then you bring them to school, its pretty neat. Oh, hi everybody I was just teaching the bots how to make Creepy Crawlers. I found my old set and this batch is just about ready to smell. Crow, check it out.

    Crow: ‘sniff’ ‘sniff’ ‘sniff’ Mmmmm that’s good goop!

    Tom: Here, I’ll be the judge of that, move over. ‘sniff’ ‘sniff’ ‘sniff’ ‘sniff’ Oh it kind of smell like hot plastisol with traces of calcium zinc the FDA approved stabilizer. No how’s this different than Incredible Edibles?

    Joel: Uh, well incredible Edibles were the ones that you could eat so I would probably say that they were both non-toxic.

    Tom/Crow: Non-toxic?

    Joel: Yeah, non-toxic was what they called things when they were toys and you could eat them and it won’t hurt you. There was Crayola Crayons, and Plasti-Goop and Play-Dough, and uh, just about all the breakfast cereals now that I think about it. But anyway the real thing that was dangerous about this toy was the aluminum plate that would heat up in excess of 300 degrees.

    Crow: But didn’t you little kinds back on Earth get burnt?

    Joel: Yeah I’ll say we got burnt. We got burnt all the time. It was just part of what went with the territory when you got to make your own cool plastic toys. We had a saying when I was growing up “Lean with the Creepy Crawler Maker… Burn with the Creepy Crawler Maker”

    Tom: Well what happened? I mean why can’t kids today play with the Thing-Maker or all the neat accessories here, like the Creepy Crawlers, or the Fun Flowers, or the Fright Factory, or the Picadoos (?), or the Fright Men, or the Mini-Dragons, or the EEKS!

    Joel: I’ll tell you why. Because some little kids wrecked it for everybody. They’d get burnt and go screaming up stairs to their mommies. The Mom’s would call the FDA. The FDA would call the manufacturer, and before you could say “It’s Mattel, It’s swell” the great goop factories of Taiwan were shut down forever.

    Tom: You know I was just reading something about that the other day. There were lots or really fun toys hauled off the market during the 60’s because kids were careless.

    Joel: I’ll say, the Susie Homemaker Oven, The Whamo Air Blaster…

    Tom: Lawn Darts

    Joel: …Lawn darts, and Creepy Crawlers, the Vertibird. The list goes on and on…

    Tom: Vacuform…

    Crow: Poor dumb kids. They never even knew.

    Joel: Well, I don’t know if we can really blame the kids, Crow. You see, I really think this society is basically still crawling out of the slime, or goop, as we should say. I think the real responsibility lies with the toy designer of tomorrow.

    Tom: How’s that Joel?

    Joel: Well, the toy designer of tomorrow responsibility is to design “Action packed, intensely interesting and affordable toys that are safe, soft and colorful”. Good night.

    Crow: (strange voice) and may God bless.


  18. I'm not a medium, I'm a petite says:

    Thingmaker : ep 313 : Earth vs The Spider.

    Wow there was a LOT of good stuff in this episode…


  19. From Mr B Natural:
    Mr B Natural: Now you listen to him, Buzz!
    Joel (in falsetto): Or I’ll kill you!

    And the whole opening bit in Attack of the Giant Leeches where the holo-clowns are scaring Joel and the ‘bots.
    “Don’t you do it, Joel Robinson!”
    “I’m gonna do it!”

    Plus, pretty much everything else everyone here has mentioned.


  20. Auntie Maim says:

    All of the above. I roam around every day with phrases like “Oh, I don’t know” and “They’re on a collision course with wackiness!” rolling around in my brain.

    The line above my little box here pretty much sums up what Joel means to me: :mrgreen: :shock: :???: :cool: :grin: :razz: :roll: :wink: :lol:


  21. munchnguzzle says:

    The best Joel moment was the moment in which he thought of the concept for this, our favorite TV show. This could only have happened in the mixed-up mind of one Joel Hodgeson. He’ll always be a genius in my book.

    (that and the “Oh, I’m a fifty foot man” sketch was pretty good)


  22. Cliff Weismeyer says:

    My favorite Joel moment:

    “DOOO SOMETHING!!! Gawd.”- from Manos.

    Funny because it is so out of character, it brings me to tears every time.

    I’ll also put in a vote for Reel to Real and the touching “slobbering mouth of hell” sketch as well.


  23. MST3Kelly says:

    I’m not a medium, I’m a petite:

    thank you for the kind words. a complement from you is no small thing!


  24. crowschmo says:

    #60 – “I killed that fat barkeep!”


  25. Anglagard1 says:

    One more. Porkarina anyone? That skit sums Joel up in a nutshell for me.


  26. Dyne says:

    A bit late, but I’ll hop on the bandwagon.

    Host Segments:
    Cave Dwellers – Re-enacting the credits.
    Attack of the Giant Leeches – Disconnecting the holo-clowns.
    Tormented – Joel beats the bots at their own game during the “Joel Robinson killed us!” sketch.
    The Indestructible Man – Doing the Lon Chaney “eye thing.”
    Magic Voyage of Sinbad – The city council sketch.

    Film segment lines:
    Mr. B Natural – “Oscar Wylde only wishes he was this gay.”
    The Unearthly – Anytime he “speaks” for Tor Johnson.
    Manos: The Hands of Fate – “DO SOMETHING!”
    I Accuse My Parents – “Later, in prison.”
    I Accuse My Parents – “Well is says here that your feet don’t exist.”


  27. George Zucco III says:

    Sampo doesn’t like Joey the Lemur? Come on! I kinda love how they blow their lines – if you remember the Carol Burnett show with Tim Conway and Harvey Korman you know what I mean – script isn’t everything…


  28. shinragod says:

    When Joel was asked what the film HELLCATS teaches us about life; he gave…what is to me…the most definitive answer to ‘The Meaning of Life.’

    “I think they try to teach us is that we’re born, and then we die and there’s lots of padding in between.”

    He also gave a deep meaning on religion in GODZILLA VS. THE SEA MONSTER.

    “Just be careful when you scoff at a higher power…from one who knows.”

    This was also the episode where Crow claims he caught Joel burning insence and kneeling before a picture of Leonard Nemoy singing snatches from ‘The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.’


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