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Mike Interview

Dan Brooks of did an interview with Mike.

5 Replies to “Mike Interview”

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  1. Sharktopus says:

    I am proud to admit that I have no idea what that Rebecca Black stuff is about. I wear my ignorance like a badge of honor.

    Good day, sir.


  2. Torgo the White says:

    You have not LIVED until you’ve heard it! Her song is called “Friday.” Check it out and be forever angry.


  3. Laura says:


    I personally only heard of it BECAUSE of Mike. I didn’t see the video (didn’t want to then and still don’t want to), but you’re not missing out on ANYTHING. Just some stupid girl with too much time on her hands that decided to make a crappy video.


  4. Zee says:

    nice little interview, glad there were a lot of “new” questions. The twitter/rebecca black stuff was a stretch, though


  5. Sharktopus says:

    I SAID GOOD DAY. La la-la-la la blissfully not listening.


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