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RiffTrax Short “Paper and I” Released…

A fan favorite from a live show.

“Oh, no, somebody invented the internet!”

Download it here and see a sample.

7 Replies to “RiffTrax Short “Paper and I” Released…”

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  1. Dr. Carlo Lombardi says:

    This short is obviously where Tom Hanks got the idea for Wilson in Castaway…

    A+ short!


  2. Thomas K. Dye says:

    It’s about time. This one was hilariously freaky.


  3. Dave says:

    The forests of the South? I’m hearing the strains of a banjo being played!


  4. touches no one's life, then leaves says:

    IMHO the picture on the cover looks *even* *creepier* than anything in the short itself. That seems an odd approach to take.

    When exactly did the era of random supernatural entities extolling the virtues of specific objects and/or concepts end, anyway?

    “It’s an endless nightmare, Willy!”


  5. I watched the sample clip and was frankly disappointed compared to the live action version. Much like the studio version of Three Magic Words, it just feels empty without Weird Al/Paul F. Tompkins there to provide that extra bit of energy and their unique way of delivering their lines.


  6. Moose Baby says:

    “Noooooooooooooooo springs!”


  7. viczoid says:

    #6 Exactly! Sounds just like Coily


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