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Tickets Now on Sale for the Next RiffTrax Live

Link updated. Go here.

29 Replies to “Tickets Now on Sale for the Next RiffTrax Live”

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  1. Mr. B(ob) says:

    We actually bought Jack The Giant Killer, a fun little 1963 fantasy film on VHS years ago, now we’ll be buying tickets to see someone make fun of it. We haven’t watched the movie in several years. This should be interesting.


  2. big61al says:

    I think I just purchased my ticket but the website “Fandango” has not sent my confirmation email yet. So I may seeing it or not. :-|


  3. kismetgirl88 says:

    I click on my area and said I had wait till the 7/15


  4. Mr. B(ob) says:

    Last show or two we just bought tickets at the theater on the night of the show. Rifftrax Live has never exactly been a sell-out at any of the theaters at which we’ve watched it.


  5. Laura says:


    Me too. WTF is up with that? How come other areas can get tickets and we can’t????


  6. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    I think the link is wrong, which is why it’s failing for you guys. Try this link here:


  7. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    @Mr. B(ob): That’s really bad advice. Just because it doesn’t sell out at your particular theater, doesn’t mean someone who lives in S.F. or NYC will have the same luck. Those shows usually *do* sell out, and we would not advise people wanting to attend those shows – or any of them, really – to wait until the last minute.


  8. Laura says:

    Thank you Erik for the link!! That one works!!!!


  9. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    Cool, thanks for letting me know, Laura! I’ll ask the mst3kinfo guys to change it.


  10. snowdog says:

    Done! 8-)


  11. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    They have changed the links, so it should work for you guys. If you still have a theater that won’t let you buy tickets, please try contacting them directly. We’ve contacted some Fathom folks about this too – hopefully the issue will be resolved soon.

    Keep in mind, this is the premiere of a brand new riff! None of that “double dipping” of live shows past. It’s your only chance to see it, so get your tickets soon! :)


  12. Laura says:

    Yay!!!! Got mine!!! I’ll be attending in Burlington, NJ!!! Can’t wait!!!!! Jeff Dunham AND Rifftrax in the same month!!


  13. hungry and a little confused says:

    Green Hills 16 in Nashville. Is that were the guys will actually be live? I thought I read they’d be at Nashville in person but Green Hills 16 theater doesn’t ring a bell. Anyone know?


  14. hungry and a little confused says:

    Ok nevermind, I should have googled it. Blecourt theater. Hope that’s right cause i just dropped $60+ for tickets there


  15. CaveDweller says:

    Yes, the show is being done live at the Belcourt in Nashville. I’ve already got my tickets as well. It’ll be my first time going to one of these shows live and in person! It’s going to be a really fun night!


  16. Cronkite Moonshot says:

    @hungry and a little confused… The name Green Hills 16 sounds like a multiplex to me, so my guess would be that that is the movie theater in Nashville where the live satellite feed will be showing. The place where all the people in Nashville who aren’t as lucky as you lucky jerks who get to go see them live live can still go see them fake live like the rest of us chumps.

    Anyway, I’m really looking forward to this and I REALLY hope it’s not the only live show they do this year. I’ve been to all the live shows so far, and my theater has never sold out (always crowded, but never 100% full), so I plan on waiting until they go on sale next week at the box office to avoid the extra charges from ordering online.


  17. Cambot J. Nelson says:

    Hey Erik, since you haunt the Rifftrax related posts here to keep us all up to date and everything, can you make a loud protest at your place of work to see that the current Rifftrax theme music is finally changed. I’ve purchased every Rifftrack with that opening guitar driven mess and, even worse, that shrill closing bit after every “Rifftrax, we don’t make movies…” at the end of the shorts and commentaries. It’s so awful and it gets worse with every time it’s used. It’s been long enough. Stand up for what is good and beautiful, or at least semi-decent like the original tune you guys had. You deserve better, as do we all.


  18. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    @Cambot J. Nelson I’ll bring it up at one of our meetings. Don’t think any of us have thought about it in a while… not sure anyone else really feels the same way, but it’s worth discussing :)


  19. Gummo says:

    Actually, Erik, I have to concur: we have our mpegs of all the shorts on various DVDs we’ve put together ourselves and my wife literally lunges for the remote at the end of each short so she can skip that blaring guitar fanfare at the end.

    Certainly, it’s no dealbreaker but a new theme would be nice.


  20. Gummo says:

    We also number each short as we buy it so they appear on the disks in order; it might interest someone to know there’s over 130 Rifftrax shorts so far!


  21. MarcusVermilion says:

    Going to see this at the AMC theater in Clifton NJ. Note to those going: Traffic may be BAD do to the construction on the nearby Passaic River bridge. Give some extra time to get there!


  22. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    Thanks for the feedback, Gummo. I’ll talk to our audio engineer about not blowing peoples’ ear drums out.

    And to the rest of you, thanks for your support! :) The show is going to be awesome, can’t wait for everyone to see JTGK!


  23. hellokittee says:

    While I LOVE the live Cinematic Titanic shows (gone to two so far at the Castro in SF, going again in Santa Rosa in November), I do love these live broadcasts that the Rifftrax guys do since it allows me to be really lazy and just go to the local theater in the ‘burbs instead of having to go into the city (where I work anyway, so yeah, EXTRA lazy). Its also way easier for me to drag my husband out to the broadcasts too, so I hope they will do these more frequently (attn Erik :) ).


  24. Dr. Carlo Lombardi says:

    I usually don’t have any issues with any RT stuff as I own it all, but I do want to put in my vote for the audio engineer to lower the volume on the Rifftrax ID and theme. It’s set too loud.

    That said… can’t wait for the show!


  25. jedicrippler says:

    Looks like I need to contact the AMC Showplace 8 here in Carbondale, IL. They don’t have it listed yet here & they’ve shown the Plan 9, X-Mas & House on Haunted Hill RTs. Don’t know why they’d skip this one as the others have had great turnouts.


  26. Captn Ross Hagen says:



  27. Cronkite Moonshot says:

    @Gummo, I know I can’t believe how many shorts they have done, and that I’ve bought them all! There are also actually several others they’ve done live as well and haven’t released online yet. I have all of them on my PS3’s hard drive so I can watch any of them whenever I feels like it (I put the ipod versions on to keep the overall size down a bit but it’s still a whole bunch of GB’s). Or rather I did have them all on there until my PS3 died on me last week (YLOD for those who know what that means) but once I get it replaced I will once again have the entire library of Rifftrax Shorts at my fingertips.

    And I also have to put my vote in for lowering the volume on the music. I don’t really care either way about changing it to something new, but it does tend to blast out REALLY loud so just lowering the volume a bit would be awesome.


  28. Steelhawk says:

    I just ordered my tickets online. First time going to one of these shows and I can’t wait!


  29. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    @Steelhawk: Awesome! I’m sure you’ll have a good time!


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