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Updated: Cinematic Titanic Sale/Scratch & Dent Sale

UPDATE: At the bottom right of this page, they’ve added a “scratch and dent sale” section, saying: “Scratch & Dents are DVDs with covers that didn’t make the cut during our quality control check, but as far as we know, the discs inside are just fine. This is a great way to try the show on the cheap, and perhaps obtain a title that is otherwise out of stock!”

Cinematic Titanic is having a “surprise” sale: DVDs are $5 off, T-shirts are $3 off, posters are $2 off.
Check it out here.

43 Replies to “Updated: Cinematic Titanic Sale/Scratch & Dent Sale”

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  1. Chuck says:

    Got the shirts when I saw them. I wish they’d release something new.


  2. Ben Murphy says:

    Does anyone know why they aren’t releasing any new DVDs? Will they ever?


  3. Dan S says:

    I just this last week bought the Tiki Island DVD, so of course it goes on sale the day after I recieved it in the mail. And I believe somewhere in one of the CT talk backs someone mentions that Joel said they were working on more DVDs for this year. Or am I making that up?


  4. Speedy says:

    It’s now officially been more than a year since the last DVD release.


  5. Dan in WI says:

    There seems to be a theme developing here. I’m not quite sure but I think people want something new. Interesting…


  6. quint says:

    Is it possible that they are holding off producing CDs for their remaining movies because of their extensive touring schedule? I mean, maybe they fear that new CDs put out would cut into the theater ticket sales?


  7. Spector says:

    I’m starting to wonder if they’re not going in a different direction with CT. It appears they’re doing a lot more touring and live shows, which I daresay is probably a bigger money-maker for them than DVDs and other items. I hope they do get back to issuing some new DVDs, as I loved all their releases thus far and have been eagerly awaiting more.


  8. Droppo says:

    Totally agree….new DVD’s are all I want from CT right now.

    And my mega-dream (a decidedly uncool term), a Rifftrax/CT crossover.

    My ideal lineup:


    That’s Hall of Fame, Mt. Rushmore, right there. I’d pay an irresponsibly high amount of money for that.

    If the movie they riffed on was Master Ninja III….I might have a coronary. It would be like John Lennon and George Harrison being resurrected and joining Paul and Ringo for a reunion concert.


  9. Gary Bowden says:

    I think the reason why there hasn’t been a new dvd yet is because the money to make them comes out of their own pockets,right? I mean,it is an artist driven,independant business,right? Joel said that they’re thinking of releasing a new one in Sept…


  10. rockiemtnriff says:

    They have never been to Denver,so yes, bring on the new dvds.


  11. Shark says:

    If they bring back studio DVDs, I’ll become a customer again.


  12. Professor Gunther says:

    I’m surprised they haven’t been to Denver yet; after all, one can receive a Banner Gram–in Denver!

    I wish they would come to Nashville (or better yet, Clarksville), but there it is.


  13. Gary Bowden says:

    I wonder if we bought the dvd’s for friends and for libraries if that would mean a new dvd sooner? More money they get,the more they keep making them,right? As far as the studio dvd’s,forget it! The live dvd’s are funnier.


  14. JimmyBruce says:

    I haven’t seen any of these and would be willing to buy one to check out. So, that being said, which one? I heard Alien Factor was really good.


  15. Nick says:

    I want more studio DVDs – i am interested in the overall “plot” of the underground bunker, the electron scaffolding… I NEED CLOSURE!


  16. RupanIII says:

    From what I’ve seen in previews I’m not as crazy about the live stuff (lacks a certain intimacy imo), so I’ll probably just get those digitally. I really wanted all the studio releases on DVD, but unfortunately I held off on the last one, Blood of the Vampires, and it now appears to be OOP. I understand the financial issues, but I’d really like it if they’d release more studio DVDs.


  17. Cheapskate Crow says:

    @14: My favorites are The Alien Factor, East Meets Watts and The Wasp Woman. The others I am kind of lukewarm about but I haven’t seen them all yet either.


  18. Ralph C. says:

    Perhaps the lack of new DVDs has something to do with EZ Takes. Perhaps they are, for some reason, unhappy with them and, perhaps, there’s a contract of some kind with EZ Takes and they have to wait until it runs out before they release more DVDs.

    More speculation: I don’t think the creation & distribution of the DVDs or downloads is all that heavy a financial burden, though I won’t say it’s a drop in the bucket, either. If they keep releasing the live recordings that would make the overhead less because they won’t need to rent studio space to create the episodes. Since they’re doing the live shows, anyway, they have them recorded, manipulate the video in a way that you can see their faces while the movie’s on the screen, adjust the crowd noise so the movie can be heard, do whatever punch-up they have to do to the audio and PRESTO! a new episode ready to be sold. I like how it is right now that I can watch all the episodes I own through my Roku player.

    My opinion: I like the live episodes. I like to hear the crowd enjoying the show, the feel of being there. I enjoy the studio episodes, too. However the CT gang does it, I hope new episodes will be released soon.

    CT is the one for me!!!


  19. Gary Bowden says:

    As far as the dvd’s go I prefer Alien Factor,East Meets Watts,Blood of the Vampires,Danger on Tiki Island and The Oozing Skull..Could care less about the so-called “plot” of the studio dvd’s because it all boils down to riffing on bad movies.Besides,the host segments were fair to mediocre at best.


  20. Dan S says:

    As much as I enjoyed the bots and mads back in the day, I’m not crazy about the bunker plotline and don’t miss it. I really like the feel of the live DVDs.


  21. Manny Sanguillen says:

    Do not rely on someone elses ideas of the best episodes. We all know that comedic tastes vary greatly when rating mst3k episodes, with there always being greatly divided opinions on what the best (and worst) episodes are.

    We should all know by now that one man’s poison is another man’s meat…(turkey meat, that is).


  22. Manny Sanguillen says:

    And I never cared much for the Bunker plotline either. All in the Family was SO much better than Archie Bunker’s Place, it’s not even funny! What a ridiculous show that was.


  23. CK2 says:

    I too would like to see some new, non-live DVDs. I just don’t care for the live atmosphere on either CT or RT, but hey, to each their own.


  24. Kenneth Morgan says:

    I’ll add another comment asking for new DVDs. I realize it’s tough to get them ready, given all the touring, but it’s about the only way I’ll be sure to catch the movies I haven’t seen live.

    As for the available discs, I prefer the live shows. The audience really gets the Titans jazzed up and they throw in some great ad libs.


  25. Craig S says:

    On their facebook today they actually posted, “Stay tuned…” to a person’s wall post about wanting a new DVD. Maybe something will be announced before too long.


  26. Manny Sanguillen says:

    Hey I bought all three of the live dvds, the only dvd episodes that I didn’t have yet…and I couldn’t even afford them with this sale, but I bought them anyway since I live on the edge of danger.

    I’ve never gone to a live show, not that they’d ever come to Pittsburgh, and I probably wouldn’t go anyway because I like my entertainment in my own house, whenever I want it.

    They’ve made all their money off me from dvd’s alone, and I’m sure they would like to keep my money coming in. I hope so anyway. If they make’m, I’ll buy’m.


  27. The Toblerone Effect says:

    I lucked out with the timing of this sale….after weeks of catching up on bills and rent, I finally was able to treat myself with this week’s paycheck, so I just bought the Tiki Island release yesterday. I was thinking that the price had gone down since my last purchase from the CT website. And let me add to the others here in that I am more than ready for more DVD releases from the Titans!


  28. jere7my says:

    A sale is often a way of clearing out stock to make room for new inventory. That’s not the only reason they might be having a sale, of course, but it’s a possibility.


  29. Stressfactor says:

    Since up to this point my only CT experience has been the clips on YouTube I did take advantage of this to pick up two — I decided I’d try one studio release and one live.

    I chose “Legacy of Blood” and “East Meets Watts”.

    Hopefully I’ll be done with my “Kolchak: The Night Stalker” box set by the time they arrive.


  30. Manny Sanguillen says:

    Wow does it have that night stalker where he went in the junkyard or something and had to kill a zombie, and he got him while he was sleeping and poured salt into his mouth and stitched it up? That scene stayed in my head forevermore.
    My sister and I loved the original Night Stalker movie. We were really surprised when years later they made a series from it. I seem to recall there were a couple more kolchak movies before the series was created.

    My favorite CT’s so far are Wasp Woman and Legacy of Blood. They’re all good though.


  31. Stressfactor says:

    @Manny Sanguillen

    Yeah, that episode is inventively named “The Zombie”.

    There were two made-for-TV movies — “The Night Stalker” and “The Night Strangler” and it was on the strength of these that the TV series got made.

    The box set is a kind of good thing/bad thing (only there are no RAM chips involved). On the good side they digitally remastered and cleaned up the original episodes from the 1970’s so they look really good. I first saw the series on repeats on the Sci-Fi channel in the mid 1990’s and they were working off the old tapes then and they really showed their age.

    The bad things are that the two TV movies are not included in box set — you have to buy them each separately — and there aren’t any extras in the box set either. There aren’t any “making of” documentaries nor any interviews even though, at the time the set was put together Darren McGavin was still alive. Heck, they could have even pulled old footage from other interviews he did about the show if they had wanted to and included it in the set but noooooooo.

    Oh well.

    It was one of the things when I watched the old MST3k KTMA era “Hangar 18” I was just dying for one of the guys to do a Kolchak riff since it was Darren McGavin and aliens but they never did.


  32. I promised myself I’d finally buy the live DVDs (which don’t interest me as much as proper studio work) once they had a sale, so I did. Took the opportunity to grab the autographed “photo”, as well, since they don’t seem to be coming near me anytime soon. (I’ve already got Joel & Trace on those little card thingies, but now I’ll have something to frame and put on the wall.)

    As for the OOP stuff, I think that’s just because their current stock is out due to the sale. They all seemed to be available when the sale began…


  33. rockiemtnriff says:

    Wow, they didn’t make it to Clarksville either? Maybe you could fax them your request, or better yet, carrier pidgon.


  34. hungry and a little confused says:

    This is great news for me. Just got three “OOP” title for four bucks each. THis will give me all except Blood of the Vampires. I’ve been meaning to download that one and others then burn them to discs but dvds are so much easier. Hope the discs aren’t “scratch and dent”….


  35. hungry and a little confused says:

    TO # 32: I’ve been checking on them a long time and Oozing Skull, Doomsday Machine, Santa Vs the Martians, and Blood of the Vampires have been unavailable on DVD for some time, much longer than when this sale began


  36. hungry and a little confused says:

    ANy yes i too demand more DVDs. I saw Rattlers live when they came to St Louis. Apparently they have that one and from what i remember two or three others they’ve done live not on DVD. Even if it’s recorded live(i do prefer studio releases) at least it’s something.


  37. radioman970 says:

    Wish they’d give a scratch count. I bought one of each and will be counting myself when they get here.


  38. Stressfactor says:

    It occurred to me earlier today that it might be nice to see them offer a “double feature” DVD as well. I know the cost would be slightly higher but I think it would be fun to see them put two features together… like putting two of their live performances in one set or two OOP studio releases.

    Or heck, just as a compare/contrast they could do a double feature with, say a studio recording of “Blood of the Vampires” paired with a live recording of the same movie.


  39. Speedy says:

    Email says 2 new DVDs: One in November, the other to be announced. The best part is they are coming back to MN to film them. Now I just got to figure out the parking situation down there.


  40. radioman970 says:

    Nice box came today. No dents. Got scratches… a couple of mine didn’t want to stay seated, jumped around in the case didn’t the trip. But they tested out on my puter so I’ll just keep. 5 out of 7 look brand new. I didn’t see any dents, no scratchies… ?? I’m guessing the problems are under that tiny sicker that says ‘scratch and dent”. Gotta pull those off and see.


  41. ptomreeves says:

    I hope CT brings the some of the out of print titles back. I’m sort of a newcomer. I’ve been more of a rifftrax watcher and finally picked up my first CT DVD (East meets Watts) at the last sale. Needless to say I’m hooked now and will be ordering more. Unfortunately I can’t see the earlier films if they are no longer available. Here’s hoping they are not out of stock for long.


  42. radioman970 says:

    ^ I’ve been watching MST3K all the way through and plan to start up CT for the first time ever right after. Kind of glad I held off for $3.99 each, even the couple a scratched ones are worth that. Glad there were no dented ones. Abywhoo, I hope the remaining ones get a little scratched (with apparent dents) so I can grab those too. East meets watts looks like a hoot. mary is particularly funny in that sneak preview clip. I always knew she was the underrated one. A real funny lady!


  43. momo411 says:

    After reading through the comments, it looks like there is a fair amount of interest in the OOP DVDs. I’ve just started getting into CT and would love to get some of the OOP DVDs.


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