Preliminary details for the next MST3K DVD set–“Mystery Science Theater 3000 XIV”–was released to retailers today and our friends at tvshowsondvd.com have posted the info. Episodes reported to be in the set are:
- 103- Mad Monster
- 413- Manhunt in Space
- 1001- Soultaker
- 1008- Final Justice
There’s no word yet on what bonus material will be included, if any. The tentative release date is February 3, 2009. As always, we’ll post more information about this set as soon as we receive it.
I’d love to see your ‘A’ quality “Mad Monster”. Even my season 3’s from Sky aren’t ‘A’ quality.
Skyroniter is okay, but only his season 7 material is really spectacular. Everything else I’ve gotten from him has these massive vertical black bars on the sides of the screen and the video clarity is still just VHS.
“Also, that fake foot thing? No, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense (’cept in the context of kickboxing), but to someone with a largely absurdist sense of humor like mine, it was, and is, awesome.”
I agree, the most absurd stuff on the show is always the funniest to me as well. There’s just something about the foot prop and especially Servo’s “legs” that is just beyond odd though. It’s grown on me as one of those memorable what the hell moments but the first times seeing it I thought there was something I was missing. I like to point it out to friends now as one of those borderline disturbing moments on the show.
I’m most excited about the season 10 episodes. I’ve seen all 4 episodes and for me the shows writing gets better as it goes along. Your lieing to yourself if you think season 1 stuff is the funniest just because Joel is in it. There is 1 joke every 10 minutes but to each there own. I’m sure I love episodes people hate. Where is Jack Frost?
Man, who cares what the covers look like? Who cares if all of the episodes included are to your personal liking? The box cover could literally be a ball of snot and the set could contain the four worst episodes and I’d still buy it. What else is out there that’s as good as MST? Man, you people sure can find new and interesting ways to whine about what’s supposed to be your favorite TV show ever.
Gee Manny thanks for spreading the *hate* ..why do we need comments like that on here..must be a disgruntled right wing sore loser Republican LOL :D
Someone mentioned checking Amazon to see if its posted, and well it hasnt yet, but Im checking daily, it should be posted soon..
( happy: shhhh, if Sampo hear’s us talking politics on the board we won’t get any ram chips ! )
hey THAT’S an idea for a box-set go-with… a little bag of yummy ram chips !
We could use less fans like you, Manny. I can tell you that most people here, like me, already have had most of these episodes in one form or another before they were offically released. But we all still buy the DVDs. Skyroniters dvds are indeed quite good looking but i assure you that even he buys these DVDs. Support the show and the people releasing it, please.
Wow, deja vu! This set looks exactly like a Rhino set. Sometimes it freaks me out, it’s like they tap into my brain or something to make sure they always release:
one so so to poor ep
two good to very good eps
one excellent to classic ep
By combining Droppo’s theorem and mine (my grading scale in other words) we can now predict any combination of what the next sets will contain.
Soultaker- A- An excellent ep. Glad about this for selfish reasons. Only have a video taped copy of this.
Final Justice B+ Solid, very good ep. Also have only on video. So ditto.
Manhunt in Space B Good ep. I have a soft spot for Rocky and Winky.
Mad Monster – Haven’t seen but I don’t rate season one or KTMA. I think it’s unfair to them, eps that are fun enough on their own but do not live up to the rest of the shows standards. I have very mixed feelings about Season Ones being released. I hate to think someone would pick up one of these boxed sets, watch a season one first and give up on the show as not being as funny as they had heard. For fans, it’s cool, but I could really care less if they release them.
overall, I’m a little disappointed in Shout Factory. In fact, I’m not taking their calls anymore…
Actually, I think I read somewhere that Shout Factory was set up by former Rhino people. If true, then maybe MST is still in the same hands now as it was then ( whether for good or ill I won’t try to say ).
No matter whats on the set..i gobble them up, ive got them all all the volumes,single DVD and the VHS tape of Amazing Colossal Man..
2009 is looking good so far..im getting Volume 14, Friday the 13th 2-3 & My Bloody Valentine :)
Has anyone seen these titles on Amazon.com for “Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season One”? There are entries for Season Two, Three, etc. through ten. No info, just a place to click and sign up for notification from Amazon when the item becomes available. Anyone know what these are???
I like that they included Mad Monster – it’s 1 of just 3 MST3K werewolf movies ever done. The other 2 being Werewolf and I Was A Teenage Werewolf. So that’s a plus.
And what is up with everybody acting so shocked that a Season 1 episode was done now??? Wasn’t Women of the Prehistoric Planet just shown? That’s a first seasoner, as well.
I think someone is selling copies of all of Season 1…
So far the only official releases are
Women of the Prehistoric Planet
The Crawling Hand
Mad Monster
I see that they have the season listing on Amazon. From the post this last January:
“Under the terms of the multi-year agreement, Shout! Factory will be the exclusive worldwide home entertainment and digital media distributor for Mystery Science Theater 3000 branded properties which include a vast library of original episodes that have never-been-available on DVD or for digital download.”
I wonder if maybe that means that Amazon will do what they have for the Nickelodeon cartoons, offer episodes for download or appear on DVD-Rs?
Has anyone seen these titles on Amazon.com for “Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season One”? There are entries for Season Two, Three, etc. through ten. No info, just a place to click and sign up for notification from Amazon when the item becomes available. Anyone know what these are???
Probably just placeholders in case such a thing ever happens or to guage interest in such an item. It’s kind of like the listing for the Star Wars Holiday Special. It ain’t coming, but they list it anyway.
The biggest hurdle I’d like Shout Factory to overcome would be getting Sandy Frank to get his head out of his rectum and let them release those eps.
The Gamera movies, Time of the Apes, the Fugitive Alien films.
Come on Sandy, it’s been 15 years or so. You can forgive and forget!
I think it’s been pointed out before that Sandy Frank no longer controls those films. Although he would probably have to sign off on any use of the “Sandy Frank versions”, his OK alone would not clear them. When you get to complicated rights issues like Gamera (or Godzilla for that matter) you exponentially increase the difficulty in clearing the episode for release.
Judging from all the comments, Id say DVD releases from Shout are the most important things on fans minds :)
Even though there is plenty of ‘living’ to do until Feb., its only 3 months away until the release…
To me Mad Monster is a sign that we will see more Season 1 along the course of the releases depending on whats easy to get rights to Slime People,Robot Monster,Robot vs the Aztec Mummy,Crawling Eye should be easier targets (? maybe ?)
Hey, I aint speading any hate. I love all you guys.
I just don’t see any reason to buy things twice if I’m satisfied with the first one. I don’t have 20-20 vision, but I can’t find thing one wrong with any of Sky’s dvds. The ‘black bars’ thing I’ve never noticed either. I am one of the worlds last hold outs for getting HDTV because I find regular tv to be good enough. Maybe that is one reason I’m not so picky about getting an ‘A+’ version of it.
My Sky’s DVD of ‘Mad Monster’ looks okay to me. Plus I have a vhs of it that is pretty close to A quality (probably B+) that I got a long time ago in a trade. I was pretty adamant at one time about getting a good version of it because I’ve always liked that episode.
Being a laurel & Hardy fan, I love that it has the woman who played Hardy’s wife in ‘Sons of The Desert’ (Mae Busch), and who was in lots of other shorts of theirs. I always liked her. Mad Monster was one of her last movies before she died.
And as far as the toys in the box, I just dont have any use for them. If you collect stuff like that, no biggie. I don’t think you are bad people or anything, It just doesnt matter to me whether they put in the box a servo figurine, a picture of a tadpole, a dead stuffed rat, or nothing. It wouldn’t matter one way or another, because I like mst3k for the Humor. (I wouldn’t mind having the dead stuffed rat though).
Some things people say annoy me though, like calling those green-tinted versions of the silhouettes “ugly”. Whats ugly about it?
I love the color green. How could that be a legitimate reason for keeping someone from watching the show? I’m sorry, I just find that ridiculous.
Also, as far as politics goes, I dont have any faith in any politicians ability to make the world a better place, be they democrat or republican. They are all corrupt. They are like professional wrestlers, in that that while on stage they are against one another (democrat vs. republican), but behind the scenes they sup & drink together and laugh about how foolish the common people are in buying their whole schpeil.
Having said that, I now promise to not mention politics any further ever again.
I hate how all these things just devolve into a Joel vs. Mike thing.
I still think you need to pick up the offical dvds, Manny, even doubly so now that you say you like Mad Monster. Shout releases these sets for people like you, me and the other MSTies who visit this site. MST3K, while a fairly well-known show, certainly isn’t a big seller with people who aren’t already fans of it. We need to show Rhino and Shout how much we appreciate them for keeping the alive by buying those sets.
Also, if you enjoy Mad Monster so much and spent so much time looking for a good copy, why wouldn’t you get the best copy available? I know the official release will be better than your bootleg. Shout is putting that episode on there for the people (once again, like you and me) who actually enjoy the first season and I, personally, feel that’s the season that needs to be preserved more than any other.
The lecture ends here. I probably deserve a “Go to bed, old man” for that. :oops:
I too am happy for any new set of MST3K. I don’t believe some have to worry. In about 10 years, after all the episodes that can be released are released, I’m sure we’ll see all the best-of sets. That should make some of you *fans* very happy. I’ll stick with I’m happy with every set :grin:
I would rather wait and buy the releases on dvd rather than depend on someone selling dvd-r copies, and taking the chance of getting shoddy results. After all, as we’ve seen there’s a certain drama in anticipating Shout’s next release, and whether or not they start cracking through the barriers of rights’ issues. For me, it’s helped renew an interest in the show, which I had lost touch with for awhile.
Hey I’m a buyer of every set from Rhino and will be of all of Shouts and “Happy”, I’m also A Republican. Don’t knock me because I work, pay taxes and never take handouts from the government. I love Mst3k just like you, just because we may some philosophical differences we have at least on thing in common A love for the finest show in TV history. Don’t try and label people you don’t know. :roll:
“Go to bed, old man.”
I got news for you, I bought every rhino vhs release, and every Rhino dvd release except for the Godzilla one because that got priced right out of my affordability range. I did however join netflix for a 2 week trial for the only reason of renting it.
I’ve also bought all of the film crews, all of the Mike Nelson solo commentaries, and all of the Cinematic Titanics.
Plus I was a member of the Info Club and bought the silhouette post-it notes, the Crow “You know you want me baby t-shirt, and the diabolik Raw tape.
So I got a right to not buy any future releases if I choose not to, if you ask me.
I have also bought all the Rifftrax shorts, and if they would ever get off their asses and release that fred Willard one on dvd and the 3-riffers Plan 9 from outer space, I would buy those too. (I dont mess with div-X, or chicken feed).
hey manny, who cares about how much you have or how much money you spent on notepads and DVD’s. I’m happy w/fifty dollars in my pocket and watching youtube.
Hey Slab, who cares how much money you are happy to have in your pocket or what you like to watch. Art garfunkel has frizzy hair and a red car just drove by.
I also have a lot of MST shirts..I hardly wear them to keep them in good shape :)
I have keep current with DAP downloads, but I wouldn’t hesitate to buy any episode commercially. I have no problem downloading ep’s that aren’t available for sale but as soon as they do come for sale I think I owe it to MST to buy them, plus theirs a chance that the rights will get messed up and they will go away, like we’ve seen a couple of Rhino disks do. Get em’ while their hot. I do think the MST3K.com price’s can be a bit high compared to other retailers which seems backwards to me.
Ransom #182. Amen sibling. Buying the official DVD release is a price we can pay for the free DAPs. It’s a good deal for the Brains becasue it maintains interest in their product, and even a good deal for the underlying rights holders, MST has been the second life for a lot of films.
Are there a lot of DAPsters here ? There doesn’t seem to be, relative to the participants in DAP, but maybe they are just lurking… let us know if you’re out there.
I’ve got all retail MST3K DVD releases.
The rest of my all DVD collection is primarily DAP-DVD based with a few Skyroniter and some from Cheepnis. I’ve had to replace some Skyroniter episodes with Cheepnis episodes due to Sky’s encodings having missing portions of the frame (most of his encodes have vertical bars covering up much of the sides of the episode, some are larger than others). And some (not all) of Cheepnis’s eps are clearly DVDs made from a DAP’s XVID encodes. DAP-DVD is usually the best I’ve seen for getting a complete video source even if some of the eps are slightly lower in quality than you might see in a Skyroniter encode.
Happy: –
I hear ya. My Crow shirt has never been worn. I hung it up on the wall instead. :smile:
manhunt in space was hard for me to watch… i’ll have to watch it again.
never seen mad monster.
the others are classics, IMHO…
I buy Skyroniters VHS tapes and wait for real DVDs to come out from Shout Factory…
My Tom Servo Im huge shirt is still dark red since I hardly wear it :)
That’s extremely optimistic of you, but I’d say you’ve got an awfully long wait coming. 75% of what hasn’t been released will NEVER come out on DVD because of the rights issues.
I dont mind waiting for releases, and I know some arent coming for a long time if at all. All my MST3K titles not released from Rhino or Shout are tapes & would be a time consuming/costly project to convert over 100 shows especially now with our economy tanked. I bought some of Skys tapes to upgrade some of my washed up tapes,his video quality is great. Otherwise I have my own tapes that are still good after all these years…and with each DVD release, they go bye bye :)
So I dont mind waiting every few months for releases ..
ok shout factory offically kicks ass! They are wasting zero time in getting these box sets out. finally I will get clean non VHS versions of soultaker and final justice “elane bennis dissaproves”, “you think you can take me?… go ahead on” “mikes tripping” “summerfest, it’s short for summer festering” “leak taker!” ok ive got to stop.
back to the point i was going to make, rhyno youd wait and wait then they put out a box set and your missing the first 8 secounds of killer shrews. where as shout factory puts out this great box set, spiffy tin, little bust of crow, actual bonus features not just the non msted version with the movie trailer. then not even a month later we get news of another 4 movie box set! I guess what im trying to say is shout factory I love you.
now if only someone would pick up Cinimatic Titanic *cough, cough* AMC im looking in your direction.
If Travis (liklihood for ShoutFactory releases) reads this :
I have another contact for you if you want to know more about the Gamera movies,Mighty Jack, Time of the Apes, his name is August Ragone (you might know him already) and also has a great wealth of knowledge – he might be able to help you research the rights to the Japanese movies. He has written a few books on the topic. Im sure hed be happy to help you see who owns what. Hes all over the web :)
Just lending a helping hand
Looks like Shout Factory has released what the bonus content will be on the discs:
1 Mad Monster
BONUS – The Toolmasters: The Men Who Built MST3K
BONUS – Original Mad Monster Trailer
2 Manhunt in Space
BONUS – MST3K Photo Gallery
BONUS – Original Manhunt In Space Trailer
3 Soultaker
BONUS – A Brand-New Interview With Soultaker Star Joe Estevez
BONUS – Original Soultaker Trailer
4. Final Justice
BONUS – Cheap Seats Without Ron Parker
BONUS – Original Final Justice Trailer
The new MST3K can be ordered here (this is where Igot the above info as well):
I’d really love to see “Pumaman” released on DVD, that’s gotta be my favorite MST3K of all time.
When, oh when, will they release “Daddy-O”, “Girls Town” and “Deathstalker”? Sigh. I miss those eps.
:sad: Tis a sad time for this MST fan Shout releases are poor quality, Final Justice skips randomly to start when playing,no chapters,laughable packaging and graphics Rhino products head and shoulders above in overall quality.Why did they stop?
Love the Mystery Science Theater. Will definitely get one. Can’t wait to watch it on a boring Saturday night – bring back memories.